<br />~~'-t~ i:~ ~ 79 ~l
<br />3. The martgagar coveaanb and agrees that if be-shalt fail to pay said indebtedneae os any part':tkiereof when
<br />dtte, or shalt fait to perform,auiy covenant or agreementof this instrument or the promissory note secured hcsebv, the
<br />eaKire indeb¢ednem hereby aecttzed shall immediatrlr become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />.option of the mortgagee or assigns. regardkaa sf maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry
<br />sell said property without appraiee,ment (Yhe mortgagor baring waived and aasigrt~d to the mort6ager all righu of
<br />appratsetneat }
<br />4 t) at judicial: sate pursuant to the provisions of 21; Li,S.G. 2001(aj ; or
<br />(tt) at the option of the taortgagre, either by auction orby solicitation of xaled:bids,' for the highest and
<br />beat bid eamplyin6 rritb the tercetsafsale and mannerof payment speeSfied in the: published aatice of sale, first
<br />attving fanP'MEEIU':noticeafthetime, terms, aixd place of each sale, by advertisement not leas than once
<br />doting. each sE said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />u sitttrted, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor fend said mottaaaee, oe any Everson on
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, twy bid with. the unpaid indebtedness evidenced;by said sate). Said axle shall be
<br />.held at or on the property to be sold Drat the-Federal, county, or city courthouse for the catmty in which the
<br />praperty ar kieated~ The mortgagee a hereby authariud to execute for and on behalf of-themort6:gar and to
<br />deliser to.the purchaser at such ask a sul6cient conveyan« of aid property, which conveyaatx shall coataitt
<br />redtaL ar is the h:ppeniwg sf the ddault spun which the a:ecntion of the powror of wk herein granted
<br />dtpaads; and the said mortgagor hereby cotutitutes and appoints the mortgagee. or say agent or'attorner of the
<br />mortgagee, the agent aced attorney is fact of said mortgagor to make auclt recitsL and to e:eente said
<br />eaa~eyaaiee and bererby eorewaeL and:: agrees that:the recitat- so made shall be effcettul to barall egait)r or
<br />right of..redemptaon,: hoeteatead, dower;:and all:.otherexemptiomof the mortgagor, aitof which are hereby
<br />expreiriywaired aed-.conveyed..tsthe mortgagee; or
<br />{utj take aaysther appropriate action purrnant'to state or Federal statute either. in-elate or Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the diapwition of the. propem•.
<br />In the event of a sale as herrinabove provided, the. mQrtaSagor ar env person in possession ender ihemortgagor shall
<br />then become and-be resents 6oldiott aver and shalt forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at such saleor be
<br />wmmarily dispas«essed, in acrordanre with thy, provisions of law applicable to tenants hotdinR over. The power
<br />and aKeatcv hereby: Bunted m coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or othenvise,and are>zranted
<br />u curttalativs to the remedies for cnikction"of'said indebtedness-provided' by law.
<br />0. The prwsae~w[ aytaaJnwf sairt'Pntrperty is aceordaner with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pal' the aoaia and aapt!ssea of said satie, the capensn incurred by the mortgagee. for the purposewf protectins or maim
<br />wining said property. anderasonable snornevt`fers;secondly, to par she ndebtednesR secured hereby and thirdly..
<br />1o pay an.} wrpioa;ar excess to the person orperssas Icpily entitled thereto.
<br />S. IA the esxwt.sa~ property is sold at a judicial loreelowre sale ar parsnant to the power of sak hereinabove
<br />grated, sad the. proceeds are not wiaeat to psy the total andcbtcdner secured by thLt instrument and evidenced by
<br />aasd prwwiasary wore, the nwrtgagee will be entitled to s deficiency judgment for theamount of the dejtciettcr tuithout
<br />re~ii to apprwisawarws.
<br />6. ' In the event the mortgagor fails to payanv Federal, state, cr local tax assessment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />thargr, fee, or other expense chanted a{tairut the pmpertv, the martaatCCc is hereby atttltorixed at his option trt pay
<br />the same. Any sums w paid by the mirtgagee shall be added t~ and become a part. of the prittcip:l amount of the
<br />indebtedness evidenced bs: said note„ subject to the same terms and cnnditiona, If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />diarharge: the indcbtednesi evidenced by said promissory note, and shalt pay surh sums and shall discharge all taxes
<br />and titan snd the costa, fees,, and exprnsea of making, enfarcinR, and executing this mortgage, then this. mortgage.
<br />shill be tancekd att+d anrrendered:;
<br />7, 1'tte eovenanUr herein contained shall bind and the benefits and'adranta~[es shall inure to the respective sus
<br />toawss ant assppr of the. parties hereto. phmevcr turd, the singular numb*r shall inchide the plural, the plural the .,
<br />aiegtdae'. awl tbeaae d say fieadershail iwdnde' all gewders.
<br />$. ifo waiver of any toreaant berets or of ibe abligation sewtea hereby shall at any time theraa[ter be held
<br />to ba a (rriv~ of the term hereo{ or of the note seeuned hereby:
<br />9. In eowpl+aisee with ~eexion tfll~t fd) of the Rnleaand Regniations of the Smell Bneineaa Admiaistratiou [l3
<br />G.F.R. 101.1 i d ~ (, thin insttumettx is to becnwlraed and enforced in aecordauee with ap~liubk Federal law.
<br />F9. A judicial ~tocree, seder. os jndgntcnt :balding any provision ar portion of this instrument invalid or un-
<br />enforceablc shall not in aaywayimpair or preclude the enfommenz of the rcrnaining provisions or portions of
<br />3his itwetrumeait.
<br />