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<br />1. Tlb° sanrtgager aa+mmts and ageees a. follows: ~~ ~"{~ (~ ~ ~ ~ o <br />$e will P~P~y Pay the iadebtedasaa erideaesd by said peomiawry note at the times sad in the' <br />maeaar theeeita;prorided <br />b` ff° "~ P'aT ~ taaea, asaeadneata, tester ntea, sad other geeemmeatal or mtiniripal charSen, hnes, or <br />tleeeeEor the aatd p*a+tataa bas tsar bees made hereiabefore, sad will promptly deliver-the o~eial receipts <br />c. He will,pav such expeaaea and fees as may be :incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee. for the collection. of'aay or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for forecloaan by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any. atber <br />Litigation of proceeding atTeetirtr €aid premisea..lttorners` fees reasonablw incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. €or better security of tlic itidebtednesa hereby assured, upon the regneet of the mortgagee;: its aua <br />e!useora or aasigru, he ahaU atecote and deliver a auppleateatal mortgage ocmortgages covering any additiana, <br />imptrn'ementti or betterments made to the property hereinabove deaeribsd :nd all Property acgnirsrl by <br />it alter the data hereof (all in farm satiafactarq to mort{taltcel. Furthermore, ahouid mortgagor fail:ta cure <br />say def~uh in tfu parme~tt of a prior. or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this ittatrtimeat, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to run such default, but mortgagee :snot obligated to do so; <br />and aach advances shall become part of the indebtednesa aecumd by <hi~s instrument, aunject to the same <br />tests sad eattdiNona. <br />e:.The rights created by this conveyance shalt remain in full force and effect during any poatpooemeat <br />or extenaioa of the time. of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promisaarw note or any part thereof <br />aecared hereby: . <br />/. He will rontinuoush• maiotaia bused insurance of such type or rupee and in such amonnta as the <br />mortgagtx tnay from time to lime require on the mpmvrmenta maw ar hereafter on acid property, and <br />'-t~ Wy t~P~7 yshcta doe arry premittms therefor. All irwrraaoe shall be caeried is eompatties a,ooeptable <br />to aart{a~e sad the pot~iea +ad renes.aL thereof shall be held by martgasee sad"hare attached thereto <br />~ Payer t3arss is fa-or of sad 3n forat acenptabk to the mortpaee. In scent of Loo, mortasaor will sire <br />ita~latr settee is writiajs to mort~asae, sad our mane proof of loss if sot made prompyy b7 <br />>aoetppe, arr~ soeb iararanee oowp~y ~oerned is herefty aatborised sad directed to imdce payment farsaeh; <br />~ tlcresxly tO irtatead of w mortsesor and martga~ee jaiatly, sad the iowraaee,prooeeds, ar say <br />P+K tbwsal~ aaT ba apldied by at iu aptioa e~;her W the redtxtiaa of tha iadcbtedaer hereby <br />s«sred or to tha taa~tioa nr ^tP~ of the prapetty damaged ar deatroyexl. In evert of forccfontre of this <br />(arrigp. of otiar trwafer of title to said prnpcrtr in a:tia~vishmeat of eha indebtedness ascared hereby,: all <br />rt~t, title, sad isrereat of the taortRagor is sad to oar iaanrauee policies thee is force a6all par to the <br />Pnr m' mortgagee or. at the option of the mortra7tee, may Ire surrend^rcd for a refund. <br />+-il! ~ He ~~ ~~ all bniMiap and other improvemrnn on raid property in t#ood repair attd eoaditian; <br />permit, commit, err sndrr no wade, itaPairmrnt, deteriorxtian of said property or any part thereof; <br />"' is the event of failure of the mortgagor to ketp the. buildiage oa'said premises and thwie, erected on'eaid <br />prmaises, or imprcrremsrt4i thereon, is good repair, the mortgagee may make, such teparw as in its discretion it <br />..mar desert ticaYSary for,the proper preservation thereof; sad the full amount afeach said every etich payment <br />•Itall be i>aracdiately due sad papable and shall tx secured by the item of ehia morlRage. <br />Jr. lle well not roltatttarilr ereue or permit W be rteatcd against the prKSpcrtq evbject to this mortgage <br />oar lies ar fume inferior or superior to rite lien a{ this mort~e without the written consent of the mort- <br />ltaltee: eud furtlur. he rrit) keep and;rnaiatain the soma free fmm the claim of alt persona supplying labor or <br />mstcriaL far eooatrnction of say<aad all butldiaga or improverticnu note being erecud or e~, lee erected. or, <br />said premises <br />i• Ae'-s-ilt not rr:it or assipy am pan of the rent of aaid.mortfta{ted property ordemolislx, or remove, <br />or artbatantiallr alter sax bnildintr without the written consent of the mart¢aRee. <br />j. All awards of daaiatnea to comteeticm wnh any aondetnaation for public use of err injury to any of the <br />PkOP~! anbjece to this Taort#taL[c are lserebr assigtud and shalt be paid to mortgagee, who msq apply t#te <br />saaae to psnaeat of the irstallmeats last dvc under said Hots, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, in the <br />narsar ai the mart{etfcar. to eacsate and deliver valid acquittances thereof and. to appeal from soy such award. <br />Tw Tb+e moe't~aysee shalt 6arc the right to inspect the mortgaged prerraises at any reasonable time. <br />~`- I;Aefsak at.aay of Rbr rorrnaata or eonditiotis of this instrument or of the note or loss a~rerment assured <br />hereby sfull terrsaaate the. tnartttaaor"a rit#hx to possession. use, sad rnjoymcnL of the property, at t:ie option of the <br />iaeert~er err ltu aari~s { it bring agreed that the mort{sgur shall have auth right ua#il default }. Upon any such <br />~b• ~+' ~rtlcsttte shaft become t3ae owner of all <rf dhe rrnta and proftta ac-cruinq afire default as necuriv <br />.far the btt'd~r ~urwd bcrebr, wish the ritFlit to reel;r :upnn xaid grapertv (or the purpa.~ ni r~rrll1•rtyn$ nur•Ls <br />roars ~I Prol-t,• Tt+iR enaRrvtnettt sk-atl operate a. sa mailterarat sd say-renta'us on said property to tha# «xtent. <br />