_ ~
<br />82- ~~~i~5s
<br />'^he acceptance of a deed or conveyance or the entering:
<br />i_ao of a '3ease-Naar the.. act rat occupancy of a condaminia
<br />suite shall constitute an agreement that these By-haws, t:he
<br />Rules a::•~ RegLslatians; ~::a the provisions of the Master
<br />Deed; .as they may be ainendea from'time to time, are acoepted,
<br />:ratified, and wi11 be complied with.
<br />r'1RT3C.E II. SUTTE (JWI3ERS.:
<br />Secti3n :.. ~nnzaal A.ssacatan ^4eetnas.
<br />Upon December 31, 1982, or as sour. as the Developer,
<br />Mid=Continent Enterprises, Inc., shall relinquish control of
<br />the:Boa=d of Administrators, whichever sha11 first occur,
<br />''the first annual meeting of the association shall be held.
<br />At such Heating;: the original .Board of Administrators
<br />shall; resin as mersbers o£ the-I3aard of ~ldminstrat~rs'and
<br />as officers, and. all the members :including t,*ie I3eveloper
<br />shall elect a new Boas of Administrators, thereafter,:the:
<br />annual. meetings of the:-+ssUCiativn shall,. be held an the 31st
<br />day cif March of each succeeding year.; unless such date si:all
<br />occur: an a Saturs3ay, Sunday.,. ,ar holiday, in which event the-
<br />meeting sha;2l be held an the suc4eeding..busin~ss day. At
<br />suc3~ meetings the Eaard of ?dministratcirs sha13 he elected
<br />by t~allQt pf the members in accordance wit~~ the rer~uirements
<br />of Section's at ?rticle =II of these By-'maws. :'sa lung 'as
<br />the B=~evelaper shall own -:e or mart of tho suit~.s, th,r
<br />Developer ~tzall ba entitled to elect at least one member at
<br />> the ~3caard rif ,"kdmnistrators who shall serve for a term cif:
<br />one year.. The ~3ssociation e~ay transact ;such rJther. Business
<br />at such meetings as r:za} ~ra~erly come uefore it.
<br />5ecti*an 2. gecal +~emtxers ` t•lcetir.
<br />5~3>~C.Al. fitE'~''C.li: fJ$. ''~~ :; ~•:e d"AS*.a ~~C'.:. ,.:C'_un Ti_Silbf'r~w li'si3..~ :?F;•.
<br />tea? i~d 'a~• r.i.e reszc:c:~t or `.'iCt _.,:~3en4 `r =~4' a mals~rity
<br />'si ths: ?'.oard ... Ac:rninisrr3tc~; s' ~:nci :us1~ ~,~ s::a.[1~:,~ open
<br />z'er_c:ipt of •./.itten ce•;::est :a~cra ~~~rmbers c~~cin, i Majority
<br />`!.~t the. :~:t:l '.~.~sic "~~iue _,_ _:~~ ~,r,'-•m.:ii ~.:~i:: ; the v-slues
<br />seZ ~crwh _., t`:e ~:aste~r ~~.eus.. .;~t__~r. ~ .. -sp~ciai ;naetxnq
<br />_.
<br />' -St:dl.~ .,~uLi .. n~: dine a:r.. jam: ~iCe~ _ `.1_P; : tit>ny 'xnd thrr-
<br />~ar}~,~se therec,! . °da 2~usi^us_ , ,.cc~~t ..r..at ,f_aL•ed in i:he`
<br />Hate'. ~: E', She7A3 :?4"~. tranSaC`.'. a'U 3L t::l'. iLJ C_'~~: -1 ~: 1`.Ie: f'. <<1. Ck~.
<br />Scotian 3._ ~'~atae of Me+e~ir~s.
<br />~Seeti:~cs of *he r"tesor_iat~cr =•~e~mbcrs :~h,~31 be ':u: t t_
<br />tt1t. registered =.~, `roe 172 the _'arpc,.'at:bt: rzr a~t auca •~tnc~~r
<br />suitable p_Wce ~on~en~rt to tt:e :1Fmners ~.s may kie rles<<;natc;d
<br />by ':he Board ~~f A;YZt_ia:istrator:;.
<br />See~ioa ~. "'oti~e ,f ?~teetir~s.
<br />sha_ :!e ..~_ cuty of the secretary to mai3 a written
<br />::gtice c;i each a:inual or sQeczal riveting of the r`+ssoei~itic,n
<br />at least ten ;'~'~it~ut not more than tha.rty ~ 3D; c~a'S k~rior
<br />to su~Z :reetir~, s*_a~inq the ~surpc,se therea~' as w~,iZ as the
<br />itnE ~sr_d riace where it xs` o beheld;'tq c.2~h ~>wr.er r,.t
<br />rc~o}a, at Their suite address ar ~.t soon ~'.:7thE _-cress< as
<br />~~4h owner hail have desi.grt::tPd b": "it>tice i.•-; ~ i;.__. '>:C• ':nom-
<br />Se~~ retar~~. 'T'nv ... _i i.ircy cif ~ .got zc~: cf :neet,i. <<x ,.. ' t,ra :?~ar.:-xer
<br />prc•ri~'c' ~'l- tris Section s2ai~ be considered __~,ee 4
<br />..: ~ a
<br />