<br />BY-TAWS OF
<br />r1ND
<br />Section 1. L'escription.
<br />These are.. the By-Laws of Eren~woo@ i3~-The-T:,ake Condo-
<br />~tini::rt Owners Assccsatian, inc. , a Nebraska Non-Profit
<br />Corporation, with its regist~xed offices at P.O. Box,i~65,
<br />??rt3 .v~,bb Road, Gran3 Island, ~ebras;ca, 68801. These. are
<br />also ~:e g,,~T.,awa' of IIrent~rood By-The-Lake Condominiuzr. Property
<br />iiegi*re IZ, a Nebraska :'ondraminium Property l~ey.~,e.
<br />Sectaon 2. Seal:.,
<br />T;e cor~ora~e seal,. shad bear the icame cif the cor~ro-
<br />ration and *he words "Grand Zs2and, Nebraska, Crarp~arate.
<br />Seal."
<br />Section 3. 'rembers#tap.
<br />""he cor~orat3on ha.s Y?een ~ryanized tra f~rovsde a' means
<br />caf ;aanare^e*;t fo.w ~rentwoc~d By-she-L~ke Condominia Property.:
<br />T~~RIi^e 3xentwood Thixd Subdivision ire Grand island, Hali
<br />Cc~t~nty, Nebraska. M+a~ber-ship in the Association is .auto-
<br />mati:.ai_}~ yr anted and restricted to record. owners of ,suites
<br />in said Condoms .tea. 'I`hc vo*es can behalf cif` <~ suite shal'i :~e
<br />i:7 ~ers~;n L•;• t::e recrard «wner :_iaereof, ~r day proxy,,. t}ut f a
<br />suite _~ craned try ^aore *_~:~-; c:u~ person or tay a r~orgoration
<br />os »th~.r er,* t;*, such •.•,~te sham :~e east, or presacy e~:aCUted,
<br />?ay tie person named ir. ~ certifi.cata sinned by all t the
<br />ewhers of the suite and fi:c~s ~+ith 4he Seeretary «f tY~«~
<br />.~ssociatian. ~ it oe t~~ su.tes y be taken: irs 'she ndme of an
<br />inrYividaai or in the names uf' wx~ oz :Wore- persons, ,s:; wcnants
<br />in 4onmran or as ~c~rt tcr.ants rar r~s tenant, by she entirety,
<br />or in G:ie :~a.^.se of a arg~c;xatiors or partnership, «r in t1°.e
<br />.ame or a _`icUCiarv.
<br />Section d. :evolved Property.
<br />'i"he p-roperty descxibed i.n .,rticle Ii ~3f the :aster ~.~ed
<br />:'s ?,ocated .. '.i~3li County, :;ebrls a, has been subns»ttcd t~~
<br />t:~c- :~ro•.~isions ,1f Sections ?6-9~1i through;76-E2?r, r2eissue,
<br />Reuisec? Statutes of ,.,tihraska, ;c-:cx~wn as the "Condominium
<br />~ropery .',c~" ;•,, *_ho Taste: Need zecorded simultaneousi
<br />^erewi*_:, .,. tze Of Fawn of _:;c ReS,i4ter of ,~eecis of iiall.~•
<br />Ccu:aty, , =_br3s~:a, ~.... ar.y an:X .~11 future crndomznia ~ropertyr
<br />re~3_:aes aeteaf_e3 cr:yatee} b;' MF.ster teed frem_wiwh~:xFrent~ro~od
<br />':'herd Su:sci, _sicr~ s'~al s~erei :a .__ - ~ r~wferre~? ._~ ,~s °c'sxe
<br />Sect~.on ~. _~rll(;c3t2~T2.
<br />+11 present ad future ~:ar:~ -s ::a c:-a~~..wi 1 1;e~: ...
<br />.-.. ~l i^..d:ItS Gr r .C~C'P,tl cs Si.2t 1.L ~ Y _ i:. ', .1
<br />..t'~er ~~, sons r„tt~~ ,;,3~f use _ :~ ,_ _ __. ~ . _ ~ __. _ _. ,... ~_e,
<br />--r4 ..3raeer _re s~r~~le~t u., ,._~F .a-.~,~ ..::r ~,,
<br />.., -~Yd ~rar1
<br />