<br />7.. Cendernnation. In theQVCa4 rLe Property, or any part thereof, shall- be taken by eminent domain,the lkfortgagee
<br />is empowered EQ collect and receiee alt compensation which rray be paid for8gy_ptogerky t8ltenarfor damages to property
<br />not taken, and DAorigagze shalt apply such compensation, at its options eatt;erto areduekion of the: indebtedness secured-
<br />hereby or to repur and restore the property so damaged. ...
<br />B. Pee[otaeantt by ?t9ottgagee. Mortgagee may, but shall bare no obligation, to do anynct whit}: the Mortgagor
<br />has agreed but-faits to do, and Mortgagee may also do any act it deems necessary ko proteck the lien hereof. ltiortgagor
<br />to repay, upon dewn3, any sums so ezpended by the Mortgagee for the above pucliOSes~ snd:an}' sums ~a expended
<br />by the Mortgagee shall be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and becceme subject to the lien hereof. Mozgagee
<br />sltsH not incur nay personal [lability IreciusE oC an^, thing it may da ar omit to do hereunder.
<br />9_ Default; A~prmeat of Rents 'ISra-~ is of the easencg hernaf, and upon Mortgagor's defaulk ih an}~ cc;venant
<br />ora~eemeiri of this Mortgage, indudin; covenants to pay. when due theaums secured bythis Mortgage, the:Alartgagee shall
<br />be entitled, at its sole option and without notice, to dedarn alt sutras sectued by this Mortgage #o be immediately due and
<br />payable and may commerce faredosure of tills !Mortgage oy jodicial proceedings; and, gmvided further, that upon such
<br />dr[a:dt the Mortgagee, or a receirer appointed by a court, may at its'. option shd without regard to the adequacy of the
<br />aecadty, enter upon and take poebessioa of the Properir and collect the rents; issues sad profits therefrom and apply them
<br />ant to k~ cost o[ calleetion and operation o[ the Property and khen upon theindebtedness-secured by this lilortgagee;
<br />said reace.issueti sad probe being asaigtted to the Aiortgegee ss tiuther security far the petvtneni of the indebtedness
<br />sneered hereby.
<br />LA. 'f4ffiea o[ hopereg If'aH or a[tr part oC the Pretty is,sold or transferred without: the ezpress written con-
<br />sent of the . '.MOrtgagae ma} yr its sale option; declare all sums.secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />aM pgabie.
<br />11. Pttt~e Adraaces, Upw~ request fl[ Martga~r. Mortgagee may IDake addittonat and future sdrattces to
<br />Iilort~ai>cor. dude adranRS, with intemt thereon, shall be secured by this Mtartpgc when: eeidenced:by protoibaotynotee
<br />sLtiaa that said notes arc second Eereby. At:no taaeeshaU the: prindpat:amount of the indebtedness secure.•i bylbis
<br />ILortp~e, not including sumc advanced to protect the seettrity of"mis Mortytge, esceed the original Note_
<br />1Z. A{'railaeoenleoe~or~
<br />(t) Any foseCraraetrx in exereiaint my tight or remady shah not be' a waiver thereof.
<br />(b} AL tesediex provided herein art distinct sad cumutatix to spy other right afforded by Tarr ur equity,
<br />and auy be ezerdsed coantrnnlly, independently ursuccestiveiy.
<br />(c) 't'he co~enaoCc sad agreeatenis contwtted herein Shill bled, and ilie ,rights inure to, the respective
<br />srcceaeors and acei~ of the !Mart;ag~oi and the Mprtpgce.
<br />(d) All eoveoanK sad agnemcnta of the MortpRor nee jaipt sad severi-.
<br />(e) '13e fr~aditrrt o/ the paeagrapha of tons are far capveniettceoay and. ehatl:not be aced to inter
<br />peat or define the proviaiatra hieetaL
<br />13. 6tilw. Upon piytrtcat of ril soots secured by the Ulortgc~.. Mort;agee sAait dixhax~r this Morlrage and
<br />s411 ezeerte sad deileer a sithlactoey eelear therefnr.
<br />tN M[TNB&S W1iBli80F, i his eaecutxds~ tbe...y~3„ day of •.Atarl , 19t}~._ .
<br />.__ n8~ I ~ v' ~~ II Hwwrer
<br />N racy .. sink) sona.e~
<br />~ttle d taMneta. Hall County a:
<br />On tries 29th day of April 19 R=, before toe, tJ;o unden~ed, :Notary Public
<br />dctlroone+aciotsedaadquaaAedforsaidmunty,persooi{lycanae Roger J. Essink Sad :lnrcr Essiak
<br />- , to me known to be the
<br />Nesticd person(a) whore name(s1 are subreribed to aloe fortgoiaa irutruaeeat and ackaowied~ed.the ezecution therm:
<br />to ~ ti;eir .duntaq act and deed.
<br />'iAtletaac mT tried aid teotaeiai seal at (:rand F ~ 1 an~i h~ to slid t~ottnty, she
<br />diatr afonaaid .
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