<br />g~--~~if~l'7~~
<br />This\tortgag~is en¢cred into tmtween R^eei=J_.Essink and Nan^'; rssi.nk, husband
<br />~~nd wiie, as tenants in_cetmaon and not as joint tenants (herein "'¢fortgagnl')and
<br />- FI9>: vnru'rs u~- ----
<br />--- _(he:ein "Mortgagee").
<br />Mortgagor is indebtedto Mortgages i^ the principal sum of $ ?~L, ~~f; - tail __ , e~:denced by Mortgagor's noEe
<br />dated _-_ 4+~ 29/22 __ (herein ":Vote") pravidin fee a menu of rind
<br />g p Y p pnf and intermit, with the balance of the
<br />indeb4edness, if not scorner paid, due rind payable ou_ aTr; ~?g,_~g3__~~th ir,tetes t due every six months .
<br />To senlee the payrpenE of the Note, with interest as prosided therein, t:te payment of al! other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced By Mortgagee to proteeC the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, 3lorigagor does harnby mortr;mge and convey to ivlortgagee the follasving'deseribed
<br />property lacated in Aa13 Counh~; Nebraska:
<br />The .Fast Hal# of the Northeast Qearter ai- the P:orthwest Quarter %E'-~N°'-~,1v`G~)-
<br />of Sec[ion Thirty-Five i35), ir. Township eleven (ii) worth, Range Nine (9}
<br />Ldest of the 5th P.M. in Hai3 Count}, tieb.aska, e~:cepting that Bart conveyed
<br />to tt:e State of Nebraska and recor3ed in Book 71 at Page 242, of the Deed
<br />Records of Halt County. Neozaska
<br />7'tlpether with all Mrildings, improvements, fixtures. strecli, allays, paeaagerrayc, eabements, rights. Privileges and
<br />heated thereon ur in anywise pertaining thereto; acrd the rents, issues and profits, reversions sod remainders
<br />theno[; inelrti~g, but tort litrtited to, healirtg and eudinR equipment and soh persntial property that is attached to the
<br />ispvN©sOt ao r to canetlpt4 a fixWre; all p( which, indudmR repiacemertgt tndadditions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to ba • pact of the re+af estate reerred by the lten of this Mortgage and al! of the foregoing being referred to herein as the
<br />..~Ky..
<br />Abrtg~t+r lLrther cooeennnts sad specs, wtlh liiortga~er, u fellows:
<br />L ~ To pay tbt indebtedtlesa utd the +atenest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. 771ya: Mon*tgoe is the owner of the Property, has the right and authont to mortpge the Property, and
<br />wartrrlee that the lire erected Hereby u a tint sad prior hen on the Property'. except ax may athervrise he set forth herein.
<br />Gi 771! Peogerty n to a i110rlga~ wherein __- _ .., _.._ _. _.
<br />is the lgott/gae, recorded at Boot _ _ , 1'aRe .__.. , _ _ of she Mortgage Records of __---____---_.._.~County,
<br />I'labrnata. ttrhith Maet/re n ^ Ilea prlar to the lisp created hemby.
<br />Ll tJthae prior Natl. or eaettrnbeaners __._,-- _ --
<br />3- ~~~. !testa. 7b Ph' ~'~ dw<all rases, special assessments and afi other charges against the Property
<br />and. uPa wt5itett demrld by Mortp~re, to add to the paymenu !equired under the NrNe secured hereby, such rmaunt as
<br />Dray be nlflteieat to etlahle the Maigagee to pay such taxes, asaesatoenta or other cilar;es as Chey beWme due.
<br />f. Lnannae. To keep the ieeproveelenta nor or hereafter looted on the reef estate described herein insured
<br />aigairrt dnese~e by tree aed atseh other hasarda s Mortggee may require. in amounts and with companies aceeputble to the
<br />7foetMee+ and with Tors payable to tl/e )4ert;aRee_ in csse of Icrss under such policicc Che Mortgagee is auihonud to
<br />atijtlat, teotMet agd'ooerOnoetYe. ul its dacrttion, ail claims lheeeundrr at ire sole option, authonrxA to rather app}y the
<br />paeaeait to the teatotn-tiea of. the Feopetty or upon the indebtednzss secured hereby, but paymenw hereunder shalt can-
<br />(iiiYa tmt31 tha same aeCIQld t+aebp arc paid in full.
<br />b. ,~_, Esaow Fos lass sad Inweanti. Notwithstanding anything crontained in paragraphs 3 and A hereof to the
<br />~u~• H~tg~or stlall try ~ the Nortp¢e at the time of paying the morzthiy instalments of principrl and interest,
<br />oerttaliM of the. yeaet;+ ranee. acaaasetrptt, h+uard insurance premiums, and ground rents iif any) which may attain a
<br />pttarity tsar thta afortpt/r, aN as realoaably estimated [coin tame Ea time by the Mortgagee: 'The amounts sq paid xhalt be
<br />hat/ by the 3Eortgn/ae -iUtati interest and applied to the payment of the items in respect to which such amounw were
<br />~~• `~ arse ~~ to talt'e hereunder are pieelggd- as addiuonat secwritp tut the "sndetltedneM secured by this
<br />1lortga/r.MartgorthaUDey to ylortpree the aatoaat of any deGciv_ncy bet+veen the actual taxes. assewttmnts, insurance
<br />p~rsas#t-d ground 2aznCt cad tke @apaaita bareunder slthin 1G days aRer demand is :nadc- span Mortgagor requesting
<br />~p+7ytgratthe-eof.
<br />$' tia~f ~tewasECaod ~- T-o P~mPtfT repair, ~t~ nr rntwifd ar+y builr3iaas or impr:,remetrt~ row or
<br />srs Li9R-In~prtCy; to. ~ take 94nperty ir, ~ryjd rood*t;ixr xrd repaex, *>--ith3c!t waste, mod f v €rc,a+ mreharuT s cr
<br />oitr«r t3ttia nrli rayteasiy rrlEMll~tOat;d to t114 #len ltrPm.f; nix to TtukP, 3£-ffei 9r pertne~ atiy r:uiaanre to 'x ot, trot rn d!mtn.
<br />ia~ ~ iq¢p~r Fht atdge°. a{ S.he Pt4prtty b`~ any act ox uutiasitxi cr, act: and tee c->mplY with ,+N t~quvx°atz ,~t Is>. v,~try
<br />r,xpt!et Kt tree Ytu}ktty.
<br />