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(i);manth prior to its due date ihe atutual mortgage insuranceprzmum in order to provide such holdzr <br />wittz funds to pay such premiurrt to the Seeretary• of Housing and Urban Deve}apmznt pursuant to the <br />Natlcyna! flouring Act, as amended., and applieab}e Regulations thereunder; ar <br />ill! If and >n lung as sa§d Warr: of even date. and this nsttvmem arz held by the Secretary of Hausirtg and <br />Urban Uexc3opcrtent, a :norrthly charge lie tdeu nj a martggge insurmice premium) which shall be in an <br />~rnc~uitt cyrta}: to ane-twelfth ((i121 of one•hslf (7?^) per czntmn of the averageoutsiandinghalancz <br />c}ue >r ~he note computed w~thi~ut taking into at cawtt detinquzncies ar prepaymettts; <br />(b) A sum zyual . ~ the L,ound rents, i€ an*: , Wert due, plus the premiums that will next became due and pavaliIz an <br />as}icier of lire and ~lthrr hazard. lnsurarice crnering file mortgrlged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the rr:artcagc::i property ;add asesrztrtated by tdre hfortgageeJ lessall sums alreadv paid ttrzretar dit~ded. by th'e~ <br />number o; :ronths to elapse before anz month prier ur tfie date tthen such ground-rents; premiums. texas and, <br />assessments well bzcome delinquent, auch sums to be he}d by Mitrt~gee in Trust repay said ground tents, pre- <br />miums, razes and s}reesial assessments: and: <br />fcj .Ul payments rriznuaned in the two preczding a-ubsections of this paragraph and all payments to he madevnder <br />the note secur_d hereby shall be added uagzther, and the aggregate amount thereat shall be paid byxhe Mortgagor <br />each month to a sing4z paymzni to be apptizd by the 4iartgagee tothz. fallowing items tt7ihe order setfrsrth: <br />(t)' pternivnt chazges;under the comraet of insurants wrth rite Se_retary,at Nciitslrg apd groan 1)eve}opmeht, <br />nr rnantt~} iftarge (in lieu r;r marrgage insurance prerndurn,t. as the case niay bz; <br />(ft) gruunci rents, taxis. assessments; .ere and ixtier Jraisid insuranr;e przrniums; <br />flit) interest on the note secured hzrebv; and.. <br />{IY~ amurt~atsonaYthe principal oFsaid r;at+. <br />Any. dcilaencg in the amount csf an+~ such aggregate trranihly payment s}tall unless rtadz goad bye the Mart- <br />gagor nn;?r to 2te due date of thz next su~#t patirmznt, tlrastitute an eve.ntzrt default wader thistnartgage: 7fre <br />~!i(trt_va¢CC may amieet a "latz urge" net to rxcencl iix~r tens {.#y} i<tr each daltar (Sl Faf each payment inrjre <br />Theft i;tteen (15'1 d::ps-A arrears tv Craver the extra zxtxnsz involved in handling dzlingttent payments. <br />.". "That if t#r+! fetal of Use paym<rtia made i>y lire ti#nrtna~ar under. ~ t o€ para~raphl preceding hall t+xceed <br />the annanat of patm~Ls+ aatnallvmacie#tti~ the lkart#~agee fbr~round rent„ tatt.narrd ae~t5. menisr>r in.<urancc pre- <br />rninm~. ~ the +•s_:wmat~ !x•, .ue#t exErCS.r-, tf the ltxtn i4 c~urrc•ttt, .rr the apticm ui the b#drtgagar, i:hall he credited #rv <br />rhr• bk+rtGaer•r- on gal>~Ac#ut+nt parkment, tat,e made iry~ fhet#ertkapnr: or relnnded to tlre~lartgaKar. if, however, thus <br />^ronth7y payment.4 made hs the .SkYrtgtgc~runcder ~, ,,f (taragrapit ' prcecdtns, +hn14 net (x sufficient to lxrp ground <br />n>nt. taxe, :utd ,~ >~.~=~at~ urireutanroprtmrum-_ .+- ihz: rmtir .wax Gs•, when thu ,ame -halt betrome duG and pati- <br />aitic•. then the 1#urtgattor -ha}i :rat to nc~• it+•nr.a~c•+• :am amount nee c•--an to tnal.e up life defir~r~nr.}', nn or helirre <br />the lour Htren payment of .rrrh ~+mund n•nt-. taro=. a~_e.--tgr~nt- a,r in-urtnra prt>mtmn.~ aha!! hc. due. i€'at any <br />ttene tM` tlonr;aKnr Thal! Lender rn the ilbr!~a~t•o. ~n acrnidnnr•• ~lnh r!te pmvia:lnnr of tht• nntc -.•E•urtsd ht-mht. <br />fuf# pavment of [he cmim indchaKlrte-> reytte~-c-nr+•d ihtmbt. ~+~e• v1+~n~a~ ..,hall, to t+rmpuhnr th+• .unouniof .~noh <br />zndehtcc#nrs~, .rc~iu tit the ,r,,c+wnt of ;ire Vun~gar rir p,,t^itnt. mad under t^,rc brut"i rtarta of ~ ~-t of par:agraplt ? <br />ltC+rQfii WlriCh life 1(Urt~EaLC+• ha- nlot Ift•t~cf m+• .,iJllsJt.•d rn p;rt ;r, ih+- ~e•+rl•l :tr>~ nl !#nU #-Than l~i'l'eialxnenl <br />,tnd :uta ha}:urtr rrmuinrn¢ rn rho Lind- ,+rrun+vl.+u•d and<~r ihe t,r+~~i~i++n~ „i ~ ofparattraph »' hcxcKri. 1€tht*rc <br />-hail Ire a dtrfault unrMr ;env ~+i the pmtiv++n- ..f ihe- m+,n~,lil~ n•-uliitru rn .~ public ~ab!af tltepremt~ea trov`en•cl <br />herebc, ur i(thtr tibns!a.+•+• ataptin^ t!lr Irnlp+~rt+. ~+tbr•rwi~+.:~tu•~ dri:wli. ih+• VoMgsty(et-~irailappiy, ;ttlht'time of <br />the r•nmmrmcrreenr of =u+~h :+trrcrr~dinc~, in ~e+ fair ir+r.r ,h+~ uro}le~ne :- ^t3trrr, Imo acytiirod, the bit~Itlnre then rrmai.n- <br />my m the lund~~ .c~rumuluu•d undi•r of par.+,r..r,ih ~ ,+n•c.•+i+,ir~..r, r c•rrdtt .iue:n-+ the rcmountofprincipxithen <br />n•mainink unpaid rmdrr .ard newt-, era; -hail Ilmprrle _rd}u-i --~n~ pstmt~ttth rrlur~tt *hal) hate lmEanmadrr ender t.:/ <br />u€ parr¢r.~h '. <br />"f7clt 'he Afurtk:rgot :•_ril , nw pnx,nci ~r!!1.. r:nc ., r,,rarnr, water ratzs..~ttd other. cvvcrnnizrnal armunicipal <br />.harts,. tines. ,.c n . ft~r wt r n r r ra r ~ ..,<,t ~c n c.auc r+rrznihef++ta: .Ind mdziaadtihzrzofthz Mcirt}ta};ze Wray... <br />pac rhr .ame:.lnd that th,r ~f+,rr~rtlr nl nr..mpllr ..ell err the . rf,.ial cc: ciptziharrfnr io the y(tartgttgee; <br />. ;hr M.>rtgar'ur will pat .li) t:nc+ whrrb Ana, ~>-: icveu r,tx,n the kiottgaKCr ~ ~nterrvt in caidretdzstalz atnd irrlprove- <br />mcr+ta, oral uhtch rn:.v hr letird u~+n rtn~ mung:rgc •.,r. rite ucht ,cc urea i:eieht ~ hr:r .•rll: ! l t`IC`CJA[znt that 5tteh rs narprohibii- <br />by tsw~ snJ +rnlr t+. the rsteat ;hat .uch ~n~rif nu! make rhr, ~.,:~n u.unoir~~. beet rtcauJ:n~ any.iricome t3rX..~Stsffzitrl'ed¢raL. <br />~mpaserlon,Ntrrtgagre..m~u+3?ilcthe++aioalrc~r~~i.h.,worry.,r~hp,amrntxiththc.•.t+,rtryagxe..l_;pahviolatir,r€rjlthisirndzr•. <br />[ait7nF;. or 't ihe Mcrrt{~ir};t•r n ; f+?ht'Ll11Ctif M`..:nt I:?w Itow lV fiereaf ter c if b[Irlp tram , :tr my fhewhaie Ur an} ~gCUon of Che'iSforc- <br />~au; taxr~~, cv upon the rcnurnng+~t am ~~our, dec;re pn,hri,rnng the Dn', meet M the you; ter nrttr srr+} roch taxc~, nr iI ~'trLh Isw <br />ur Uec,'rcc provides lhni ;:n: zmounr s.: paid ns Err. +.1.~n ~aK++r -.hurl he ~;rdrter; .>n rhr rr nriK.,gt. debt, tbeAfoEC~:aKCeshnl3 )rave <br />the xrElr •o life vmrtt~ d.:. :r..tcn nuhcc u+ h ~ .,,~ncr 1 h .: n },eft + ~e~ -caumag#hC payment ~~' tic martgaue <br />aieM. N such n~etrce be raven :he s:ud leht chap t+e:,+nrc Ju + „ah+c~ uav al.lettrnlc:r rhr r+,pu =riun a! said n4hety davs~. <br />b [hel .hcruhi he Csil ~ poi auc am ..r kt+:~ any cn o. -, r edr+.~ ~ 'hr, V.+:, then the.Moft 't~,c e, ants air-.. <br />han_ r +y pay k pcrtura: ahe nme.:+nti all rr. prsrcirturas ,u t...s- +na}} w>addzd tc+ rhr pn na.tpati snm uwizxg tin the above note, <br />.hhi} t+r soured htrc2t.:.nd sht1! :±e:xr :nteu•.ua trte =are ~cf to; th m the ,~idnate. +;l[il pa+d <br />T'ry[}xh>..:ebr~r.>is_ns eau.izr~:rnd~et~."rc;intr,z:aoriz,:rgcc.i:•t?t~~,LcdL.wardtht.~aymenttffthCnoteend,+li.. <br />,urns .ecurcti3 horrhp Er, ~„~e rf ~ :ieiauit in [ht pert+~: man ~ , . ;Er:. .ri thz 4er and renditions trf this. !~JortgioKe ter the ~:~td" <br />eerie. all the rent., revcnuc• .nd sncame u~ he Ce i u f ,';, t' e sttRe~~U rer;rt rv dunng such ti,[fiz rs Ehe mnrt.gageindebt~- <br />nes~ ~hx31 remain unpanl: aad iht titurtgargee ;furl ha;e pr ue ~ apt n an~. ,,t m +~iagentx rt ma; delirz .ar thz puFL'+l>+, of <br />rrpamng -w'. {=rsmi.e~ ;,od of renting the smc and cuf+.ecnnf!'ne r'r .t+. rc ten?+cs arU Tar came;-audit may pa4 oJl ofsard rn-.' <br />come :ut capznxs ni rcpairtng card premocrs anJ neCeaatr :ntr7n;i-silrP,o area e<per,ec., incurred in rtntir,R ,,,id a~sn3$in}r. the-. <br />~rn_ arxfi at ca}iecart}, rentals thartfrrar, the ru,~,,ncc rcrnaming. i; my. I~~ : c trpnl,Eeu l++w ard~the +.lx'harge cif sard'e[tattgage <br />itiuehtc+iEte s. <br />;:. Thai tlz will trop the iR+pancmcnty no r ales- aer -t. ~ iii n mo Kreed prc.tyerty, insurzd s~.naay Ii'e-. <br />reuuirrti irr.m tare to time ~y the Linrr~teee .t,...ns. I::; +~~.rr nu ,thee n eJl..., s,t,+lzrc., und..ctsn[ingzncrzs-ist..,uch <br />--Errsot;nt~ ar+si (:or .wets pert +,fa _rs nt:+: he teyucred ~~: the '.Sa+rtyi+gee .ir N; i1'. ;;~ r ;. ;~r,. t~,h . aen +3 uE. erne j+reCniramti ~rt lrmch:. <br />duaer.,ncc .uarrunn far per rnent .+f rxhsw ~, ^e+:e r ~ih7, kcre~nt>/„;r,;r. I ~:.,.arr c ~:~'! '-n: C;rrrred ire •.,~ttpanir~ . <br />^rnrid h~ thc~ tit+.trt~ezr : of 7;rr.:krir.~ +srG rene^-~tsh fire euf shall '.e'd ~c tee'-•".or:},a~, ur;d h-.+~e ;:rta..bcd. Lyiretr~ L, <br />tuli`H hIC C29titS1 n 'a e'J: ..rx :~AGi 1r3 tc+rm :lJ,iC{>ta 1:; Ike rklc '<t':ft 3 t .1T C'.--Cell ..JAS '.tree 4:1h<~r alai '1=~' ;tt Rl c°,t.~i[ rl+:l l(Y ~~~:,` <br />:z+abt fti the ~!mt¢;v~ee, .ch ~ mad :na1,>: ;rte+rf cat ~.. r ,i h~ [ - ujc ~rfra.~r,. lv n~: 4t~s t_2t:y,ur "rid ear}. urcurar. •:r . riper: ~. ,_~~... <br />ccrnr 'rtereht au 'tkrtica and itre~rt i az;ch n m:nt _ u~.^. re -. t{ rlg~.~xer it ~ f r r 1:.; i>, , <br />-. ;:rnt:lce.Narr~,~ee rcoath~.;rr>.# Ehe ~nyur.tn_.., rrc e.cJn ,..: m trxr~ nc~.c r~lati ~ the yi. i«ay:v, a. I c c.ur,~~ <br />'u the-•';1~[um.rf;he:Rdrlrter-roe.v;h_r<ts~,.a.~.cuc~,r~,thr c...lne?l.:r-ep~ai :,!°. ,~.i;:r,l.,.c... +. •,.i~:-. <br />.fete •.f 'ir+ m+,n~etrtc +n sth~. ranklrr . ~rl•r .~. ,t;c r-.,-; - <br />~ lr, tv ~. r ~ t.rrt+ h r- nl rhr .i T a i c l i verb-.. <br />;-;~h.,+.N tR ,r nC ~fL+Cfe~i „f :tlC 'nirrry,.,,;e~C.n atr~, =`1h J~ty i„i l ~l G~ hti1: FI .+ ... '_.h I ~ ~in. ~ „ ~_._'i:l , F i.,',!"~ C^, <br />h:,t a. dxrern.~: .n +~f,;air . ~+_t,.rs~ i +ia=: ; 5 _,. . I t~, ,. _< ~~r r• ~~... ~ ....1- i ..., , <br />- s thee`. +Z<.:Hasr ,`r r~~ , -.ran t.,tt: ~ i' +,!i2 ~. <br />++S a+,rdlrC*_ 16°krr'f +trti- :!1!lt l t ..~M1•~ b. ,:.f~~ a ~ ..tom ,S~ ~. ,!~ _ e . =t1<` <br />-Prx~,~ yiai+aa3-.h!e..'tsc~:. t~~: .~ lr _ ,c. . i_ t~ .~~ a !?~:•, U• ._.._,..< _ ,. , _ _, <br />-.51. -ntf sd .~ . _ v .. „ <br />,. ,,, ,,... >t :. <br />