<br />`; This form is ased'irr connec-
<br />**~y A y^ tion. with mortgages insured
<br />s~/~i~yr~~j iF~~~~r~G~1~'~ under-the one- to four-family
<br />~L °~ ~~ ti S (~- s7 provisions of the National
<br />Hnusing _~ct.
<br />r
<br />i
<br />'~HF~3f0}tTE;:~GE.msiirandetccutadthis ~Cth uayof April ~,~_
<br />Ey 8~ ,c~pendhatw~een 8avid ft_ Plants and Sally L. Piants,husbandand wide
<br />of the County ~+f E1a12 -~nd ``late ni ls'ei?raska, party c>fihefirzt pair, hereinafFer catie3....
<br />the N6trsgafia:. and Superior ,dortgage ~ inc.:'
<br />Nebraska
<br />acnrporrienorPani._e:landesisiin~un3etthelawsof - -
<br />irarty<of rhe~ sec+~nd ps*t. `re:r.nafter called the itniigagee: ~ -
<br />~TiNEtiSF'~H Thai*.hrs2idllrrt>agar-furarnllnaonsidEratipn.~frfie Jrrot ~~~'seV2n thoas~nd ..i'e
<br />lnm~td and :7o/LUOths- th,iL.rs ry ~+?. SGO.OC polo he~ rh: °.Sort-
<br />gzgce. the ;ecaipt a~ which ie heteDa acknowledged, hasGrantasd unri ~,!,Id ~;td by these presents does Cir:mL~ Rat-
<br />Cain. Sell, Comet- and lin$rrn unto ~hc .'•'Nori~aget. itc~ ',5t,-ctxssnrs and as_;igns. iorev~r. rite ?t?IiowinN-described
<br />seal rstatc. situated in th _ uni~ of 8a 11. ;and `~Ude
<br />ni \cbrnska. !n lvu:
<br />Lot Six (6), Potash Subdivision, Tia31 CounLys Nebraska_
<br />ofthrtiexitiPrmcitral?Mendian,canrnram>ven.alf acrr.ac~onimgtoCiuvcnr-
<br />ment Wr~'es:
<br />S'C! f},EVE A!:k~ Tt) i1ULll t1tt prc~raosc~ nt?oce dr>crtExi~, won a1; the :Ppuexenanccs7hcrenritn?rcl.~nppnk; irnd tnuludin~
<br />a{l iecatrng, plamMrrytarw !i~ting hxtures undr•syatpmcnt rx,w ~n herraitr, .dtachc~ t:> ~:r u~~c-d in cvnncruon kith said rc;xl ~•siaic
<br />anlo the ~1<utgaQer, ;rnd ht +ts .nc CCSa~r> and ;tslt~ns. f<ue~er. t"he ~l err t:a gar rcT?resrnts :r. ,;nd ~. ~.-,ve neat. with. the !.lortt;:t.
<br />Rec. that tht MarttK has gswti net 1rr seal .,nd urmcy wad ;+remo.e~_ that then :aro free Intm, ene~trnhrrnee: aad that the
<br />lhtrt~or~xrH w~amm~t and drternd the wnrr ~~r}:3:n.t thr?aa-4ul dram, o! ai; pets~rns wt;cmurrvcr: ;mrt the ~atd ?,1rtr7i:ay{or herr
<br />by relinryuvahe. aG nRhts i+f t>c:mestead. arW ail marrrak rrphts, crthtr nr fnw nr an ryuety. ^ra] :all ether continuant interests of the
<br />~lcxegaacK tq and to the utw=e-sftxzrhen premrsca, the rmentnu~ i+ernµ ro ~i~nvcs :rrrehv an ;~I»ulure title. in (er. tirmple. mciud-
<br />t:~ alirighic of homrxtcal, stW a+ther nsrnts and tnicrrst. a, a(ure.atd.
<br />PR{)~IDEDALtiE'aY'S.sndthese;~rrK~ntsarccactafeu,5nddean~erc~trponnc~t:~tl.,~tii+ty;conditiunn,~n~.vrt
<br />i'ht Murtgagoragrecs to may, to the llartppytce. <+r ,~r;frr. thr pdnci~zl ',um of Fort, sEwen thousand i iv~~
<br />hirndrad artd :to/i00th9 -- i?uilar~~5 47,SOU.00 1.
<br />wash tnteresi iren+ date at the rate vt Fifteen atb3 One-half 15.50
<br />xx ~entum !~ "~ j Her annum tfn `..
<br />the unpeid fmlauee xrnuk t~xul. S7x said prrnctirs; aced mxerr,; shalt be payataic at the office „I uspes for Mortgage , Inc.
<br />in t3.rarxd is! acd, FtE ..,rat such other ptace as the hoiden of
<br />thr nr:tc mey dcsi~tern unung, m rnonthiy inatsilments of Six htindrE>d nineteen and 65i~I00ths-----,----
<br />- ------ Jkrpa: s t% 619.65 , urmntencink. ?n cha trst day I
<br />3ur1e :~ 82 ~ nd on tkc air-t day t~(r~rct -r ~ n[i~ tfxrcetter un[ii [hc principal ~ nd in-~
<br />iCrbi uE fully ,31d, t.ecrt~S. Ehat the2 pa~,mem ~f ;rnncrpal .:nW+ in r st :( rwt :>oner vera. hell be due anu
<br />payahk cm the ttr4x day »f ~ Mai'' :;,I suorJin~ to rate terms of n ccstnin promia-
<br />.oxr ncac of ercn lair ;rttewi4h eaecuted t`y the .alai 4t o: ce,_ger.
<br />The h4rutga~u,n order m~otc Iniiy au protect the,eruritr :d iMs ldnricugc. ayrxr--
<br />.. ~t'h~f, 4ee wild guy tkre irniettcine~.:._. heruntxforc pro~ade.1_ Przoitcge is rrer~rd m pa~~ the dcis; ;n °..nc~le, s,r in an
<br />amaitnt squat :o riK nr. mute rannihJq pey~mrnt_s rep iku prinr:rgal that ore ne.i: dnr rrn the rs,1e, on the Srsr, daa ut any ox~nth
<br />pram ras-nsttrtsi.,. £1'nvic!>r:i, ht3r•c3er_'i'lrxt rrriurn notirr irf nn mtcntaon {, e~erciae '~rlcn prix-dcd;c r, t;ivcn . [ Meet tttirtti~ t=tt)
<br />d~as~s lsriar, io. pre gafenrni.. - -
<br />-``hat taget+fes with, ::naf it ;rddititm irs, the m.:nihle fiaymrrat: ,>~ principal ~errd intcrc~t , ag tFdc r~m3cr i h:. >erm tnc
<br />Hate ucarr~herehp. tha':43:F3~'&gcr ~s-i11 , a}~ to lfnr ~'t3ct~~rc. ~~n the tn.[ Gay s~! each m:rnth until :hc .nfu noae r-'~t)Iy p~iu~ the
<br />±e.}SStxa.~^,g cusrr5..
<br />EaY ,lrri:xs~si ^rt:d.ESt'rit ua Ias~srivJe t.trahWde; l:creai :r,zh ~~s.-.citi ;,.~ ~s; :i-ic rrrxt ~nurt~aKr tar,ut:uar : i~r;uta ,i n~.r
<br />ans~~ufecne aad tht cute ~~iarti-if beret-, z,rc t<5xvirEti. `- ~ n.;~.r:xhiy .at;gc;''rt lieu nJc „a,~rt,t~gr irUWr~rtrr X'rr
<br />s>rrum xt'. :`..r~ +'tortiu +r, the Sc~cac~rury ni iitw step an!71: h3~ tl:w d~,p;rr~ra., ~L,ilaivs:'
<br />i S.,t 7r. .yrc. c= }e.rz~ i -acwd rr+ite ;a e~.tn :i~;te arrsf ften ,nx[r~ a t , :ua :n- . , z _;rezu,- :mate; :h ~ _^sG-
<br />.:xr it .. E rk;,- .'vast<aofai ih.~.reo-n~ di .. a i a_n-_n. n. =U a%, .. , ..., .. ~,;;,t . , : r:<niis ,~~ ..i: k, fir: ,u4r
<br />%a«~~~+,F~:~:'Li3»=r.e'euac~-.ass,c.urev--+~.- _. t .~.:k:a.wsrva -rA7-E~.:1F ~'E.Iilt~t;~H,::
<br />.... aS+1 ~~. ;A+ ...
<br />