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,. ~2-- t3a1~6~ <br />($} To use the loan evidenced lay the ooze solelyfor purposes au[hntized by the Government. <br />,:7}. To pay. when due all saxes liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assess»tcnts lawfully attaching toot assessed <br />agatnst the. property; including all. charges and assessments ita connection with water, water rights, and water stock pertaining <br />to or reasQnab yk necessary ra the use of the oral property described above. and all taxes and assessments levied upon this <br />mortgage of the note or env indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof ar of the note of of said in- <br />drbtedness under the. Fawn of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receip+s evidencing such <br />payments. .. <br />8} To steep the property insured as required by and under insurance .policies approved 6y thv ~ovexnment and, at <br />its rer}ueu, to deliver such policies to the. Government. <br />;9;~ To maintain-improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government: cpetate the property <br />ir, a rood and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such fartn conservarion practices and farm and home management clans <br />as the Governsneut frorrr time to time may prescrfbe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or perrrttt waste, lessening or <br />"` imgairmenx of the seCeuirv covered hereby, or, without ttie written:cnnsent of the Governntenc, cut, remove,: or lease :rny <br />timber.; gravel, oil, gas, coal, or oehrz minerals ezcept as raay be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />tU} To comply with all laws, ordinances; and regulations affecting the property. <br />(lI} Ta pay or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or ini:idrntal to t}te ptotectionof the lien <br />and priority Hereof and to the enforcement of at the compliance with the provisions hereof and of else note and any supple- <br />menxary agreement !whether: before or after default}, indtfding but oat limited to casts of evidence of title to,and survey of <br />the pmverry, costs of recording this and other fnsauments, attorneys' fees, trustees'fees; court costs; and expenses of :.dvrr- <br />tisiug, sailing and conveying the properr:. <br />(I2) Neither [he property nor any portion thereof of mteresx therein shall be leased, assignedy sold, transferred, or <br />.encumbered uol•,uatariy as otherwise, wfthaux rhr written: consentof the Government. The Government shall.have the sole <br />and exclusive rst"gghts as mortgagee hereunder,: including but not limited ro the power to grant consents, partial releases, sub- <br />ordinations, and satisfaction, and »o insured holder shall bare any rights, title or inuresiin or to the lien or any benefits <br />hermf. <br />(i3 At all reasonable times the Government axed its. agents ma~• inspect. the property to ascertain whether the cov- <br />ca:utts sad agFerments contained herein arias any supplementary agreement are-being performed <br />{14} The Government. may ,a} extend or drier [ho rnaturicy of, and renew-andreschtduie the paymenxsnn, the debt <br />evidtnae by the torte ear anti': indebtedness to :he Government secured by thin instrument, (b} release any puty who is <br />liable under the nrxe ar for r~re debt from 1'sabilsry to the Government, tcj release portions of t e pxaperty and suboedinate <br />its lien, aiid tdl waive any oche: of its rights under this insctmtent. Any and all;titis can-and will tae done without affeecting <br />the tun oz rlJe priority ai this instrument or Borrower's or any other party's liabufty to the Government for payment of the <br />note ordcbi secured by thin instntment unless the Governmtnt says otherwise. in writing:' HOWEVER, any forbearance by <br />th¢ Gsmrnrnent- whtehcr aaec be ofttn-in exercising any right ~x remedy under this fnstrumenx, or otherwise afforiied by <br />agpiiea6lr law, shall not be a waiver of of preclude rhr exertise of any such right or remedy.; <br />I15J if .: any titrx itslsali appcu to rhr Government shat $orrower may be able to abiain a loan from a productiao <br />credit assactarion.. tcdrral land Dank, sae tat#rrr resgonsibk cooperative ar private credit source, at reasonable rates and turns <br />'.'far Felons for simi}ar purpoxs.and periods ai tune; Borrower will, upon .lee (:overnraenc's request: apply for and accept such <br />loan in sufS'ltient anrnunt to pay the note ;rand any indebtedness setured hereby' and to pay for any.. stock nccessuy to be <br />pueriaascd in a eoopcrativr lending agency in cannectionwith such loan.. <br />t $' l~rfault hrreunder shall constitute default under any Dreier real estate, or under any personal property or other, <br />security insirumrnr held or insured by rho t;:-veraiment and executed or assumed by Borrower, and default under an} such <br />atlrer srsvririr fnstrsutnrnc shall conuitute dct:ult!+crru»der. <br />E17} SN()t'1.[} F7hFAULT occur in :ire p:.rforrnancr or clincher~c of anyobl'agation an this instrument or secured by <br />:this trts[rtimrr, c. „r sh,auid the }sarrtestuzrncd ai3or•owrr dir.or Lo drriared anineumpdent-, or shvuldxny one of theparties <br />named .s fton<,wcr cur jcclared a hankrupe ,-r .in ~nrr>Ivrnr <ar make an assignment E,x the benefit ofcreditors, the Govern- <br />mrnt, ar its ~~prion, wash +it withrnut ntaticc, may: .; .irclacr the entire amaune tiarpaid'undrr the note and any indebtedness <br />tai the (.hvvernr-aenc hrrFay srtured immediateh uua and payablt. ±bl for the act<sunt ofBarrawer incur and pay reasonable <br />expenses for tepee: or maintenance of +nd raise pnsscss~n ni, operate car rent the property, (c} upon application by rt and <br />ptxsductcon of then msttununt, without athn evidrncc and wet out nature of hearing a said application; }lave a receiver <br />a{ug,aintcd for rhr prr,pert}', with the usual. pawrr~ a( +cCeivrrs in Ir7ce cases, (d} f~areclose this instrumental provided herein <br />m by law, and ~c; ont~,rce any andaiiat6crrighcsandremedksprovirkdlrercin ar,byprr castor futurclaw. <br />1 R;. The taf :orrclosuur sale shall loo applied in the follvwirrg tndez to the payment af: !a; costs and expenses <br />mcidrnt ro cnforcinc, ::r complyin5 with chr provixions hereof. rot any prior lions ccquircd lay law or a c.amprtent court ro lx <br />sa paid, 'r, the debt caridrnced bb" chr note and all mdrbtedrress +~% the C~wernmcnc secured hereby, !d) inferior liens of <br />record required by !aw ,;r . comprtcnt court [,~ lx w paid. {r', ,t rhr t;avernment's option, any ocher indebtedness of [i «r <br />rower owing to .,r innrrrd by tar Government,and Vf ease ba6ncs to f3orcower.At fomclosure or other saie'.af all cr ;u,y <br />part of the ~roperty, the Coernment and :ts a{;cr~[a may bid and purchase .s a arranges and ma}' pay the Gawernment's share <br />of chr purcnasr prtte hr crcditinq such amouni'on anydtbts v( Borr,:rwer owing, ir, or insured by, the ("government; it clae <br />.x der prrxnbed alxavc. <br />19; S+-,rrowcr a~ccs that the Go~nrnenx wiEl not be !~ound by any present ar fdture State law, to} providing: t`or <br />valuation. appniral, hvmcstcad c•r rzrmptran of the grapern 'b' prnhibitusg'mainxenance of an aaxion for a deftciencq <br />judgment or limiting rhr amount therYaf or the timo wislain wltxh such action must br brought, (c prescribing any other <br />stattrt< of limitations, 'd; alkv+virsg any right ofredtmptionar possessianfollavaixrg anyforeclosure sale, nrlrj limitingthe - <br />condition. which tR:e Government »tay lay regulation irtipase; including the 'mtertst rate it may charge, as a condition of <br />aplsrorvrq a transfer of the prnpertp to a new 8orrtiwcr. Bomswu ezpressiy~waives rhr beatrfit of any such State laws, <br />i <br />