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+~41C.agC'ir HllYliStr.J1S]Q and Qil2IKy FiailY'oat3 Qal>~Clya: bB1rXJ C<f@ aCree .IIR]R1~ Or ~8, <br />aIld <br />~ 'P!~ r7ortlseast Qv-'+p+- (NFl~t) of Sectim 'ISa[tty-six (26) , E~~f a tract of land <br />~ortveyecl l7y t~.aanty .lead z~tt3e~d April. 29, 1980, as Doctaaent ~8C1-QOi6?5, Dead <br />~ Femxtis of 11x11 Conmty, ~lebraskn, std mare particularly c3eecril~ed as follows: <br />"'i I3egixnsing at tr~ Nortl~~east 4~art~er of said Section ~~ty-sic (26) ; the~ee <br />snuthPrly along the east line of said Section 'I~+enty-six (26) , a diBtartce <br />~ of Five klt>ndred TY~irtyrfots and Fez:'ty~fotar FkudLedt2m (534.44) Pbnt; thence <br />f deflecting right 21«•20'45* and rtattiog ~iy a diaatanoe cf F'i~re <br />N aa,clred 'l~tti~frxv.' atx~ Ninety-!`ive t~adraarha (52a.9s) ??b~~; tt~nrr~x ae- <br />fleCtirg right 06°07' 3Q" and ~4 Orly, a ~~ •~••,^• of 2~ Iitat- <br />cised an3 ~-tenths {218.2} 1+1e.t; thence defleetins riot 12°OS' 45" <br />and ~4 nortlsiaebrly. a dils~e~ns of Seventy-Wins and Fifty-se~nn I~rm- <br />drad~s {79.57} lets t Ass}lasr~ly~ Wight 39.31' and rti' tlorttherly, <br />a distame:of E3;ghty~nine and 2ww~sty-aoa H~ldtedthe (89.21) f+est. to a point <br />on the North lies of said Sect3an R~wnty-sic (?6) , thec~s easterly alrn9 the ..-. <br />Werth lane of ss3.d> Seetiion ~tY`~ (26) , a diatanae of r~~ l6sdx+ed iwo <br />and Si~cty~ssine Hia~dredths (702.69} F+1aet :ice tt~n place of begirning ar,d ocxt- <br />taaviu; 5.324 acres, more oz less; <br />All is 7JOifg 21+atlve {12) P>t]rth, Raz:ge Eleven (ll} ~ Saest of thR' 6th P.M., in <br />E3a11 Coturty, ZJeit~ali~a. <br />'l+G a lfoc'Egege in avor of ~z P+edecal `I~d Bank of t]®t~a, !•7ebxnska. <br />cogetha with all cghts, interests, eaaeanentx, hereditamtenu and appurtenances thereunto bektnging, the tents, issues;.-and <br />profus shereof and rexmus and intgme tlsereft~t, all impiurements and personal prapcrty now or IaterattachGd thereto or <br />eeasonabtp neeesasry to the use sheretif, including, but sot limited to; ranges, reftigeeratoi-s, clothes washtts, clothes dryers, <br />ar mg ptuchaaed of financed is whole a is part with loan funds, all wattt. water rights, and water stack ppertaining <br />theretnad aD pa]~ nu ar aa~ time owing to Borrower by rime of any xsk, (case, aanstitt, Conveyance, ar condemnaiion <br />afanT l,att tcaeteof or interest theninall of which arc herein called "`the property,`; <br />3~D HA1TE AND TC1 FIULD the presperty uaia the favernmtntand Its assigns farewez in fee ximple. <br />HC?RROWER foc..8oerawefr srlf;. Barrower'x hein,executars, administrators, successarx and assigns WARRANTS TF{E <br />T'ffLE"*o the pcopetsy to tau Garernment aaggaaitut ail lawful claims and demands wlut~oewcr except any liens, encumbrances, <br />: easements,. resetvations. rx canreyances sp«if'xd heretnabave, and CQVENANTS AND AGREES as {ollaws: <br />(1 j Ta pay promptly when due any indebtedaess to the Govetnnsent hessby seturad and to ixidcmnify and lava hur::- <br />ku the C;tMrnment aga~ttst iau under ius ansstrauce of payment of the note by reaaan of any defoult by Borrowtt. Pat all <br />times when the nee is in snsurcd holder. BOtxawa altall tantatue CO maieC paymEnts On the naCt Lo ChG Government. <br />as collection agsnc for thr hnider. <br />(21 Tu paY to the Gorcrnineat such fees sad other charges as may new ar hneaftcr bt required by regulatians of th4 <br />Farmers Flame Adtnioistratson <br />(3} (f required by tlfoGorermnmt, tomake additional monthly paymaMxcr( 1/'12 of the,aatimaced annual coca, <br />~~~---nu, utsursnce premxutps sad other chuger upon the n,orcy,:ged premises. <br />~1} W:recher or net the mate s.:nsstredby the Gavetnmcnt. nc~ Gwcrnaienrmay at any cimepay anyother amounts <br />regtured herein to be paid Borro+ses and not paid by SocrowcT wircn due, as well as any cores and exptnaes for the Prr.- <br />ssrvstion, protection, or nrremeat of this lien, as advsnees for the account of Borrower. All such advances shat bear <br />interest sc the race borne by :he note which has the hightuinxtteat rate. <br />(5} All advances b~ the Garernmrnt u described in this iasaumanc, with in;ncsc, shall be immediately disc and PaY- <br />abk by Borrower to .ae Gavernmetu wtthoux demand at the place designated in the latest note and shall be secured hereby. <br />No such advance by thcGarernncent.shall..reiieve $atreswer .''mm IxeaehafBorrowtt:'scavenanr- rn pay:Such advances, <br />- with incense, skall b< : from zhe tutu avsilsble CaIkcrians receiaed from Barrawtt. fXhuwuc, ny paymcrt made by <br />borrower may be zppisd on rltt trots or any ittdtbxedness to the Gosernment sctuttd htteby in any order the c:ov. rnmenc <br />determines. <br />