_- . __ (~
<br /> ~~~ sit~_~5~°D
<br /> and, wtmoar demand. sash o¢ Immaelataw cue and paraala Dy r..,,9ror ant mail •.s. ay11a0 fns obrlpabana oa Tn,amq. la! T e dnnar. and cd;gaupn3 bt `- :,ataa
<br /> bear Internet at the maximum a!!owaak. legal rate prav!ded, r ;, Ina! at the snail b^ delorminad so!a~v by tea express pr4.~:eipns of Ina Tr•.:st Deed anC Trustee
<br /> OpUOn OI Beneficiary or FNStea sueh sums may ae adtled !a Tnn orinc;pal 091anCb shall no' Da !!apiq ex~Bp' icr Ina aa~?o; meats of sure Cutler end ooltpallons 8s ere
<br /> any IndMtedness s red hereby and snsV Oear :he s :nterest as s.fCR
<br />a apM.IllcahY s t t4rin harair•. ,nd n mD'.iop c cbllpatlUns ahsll ba
<br />n
<br /> tndBbtedrt9ss and sha140B payable •stap!y over the remaFning
<br />t8rm tngreof mpos9d u4o
<br />Trustee: lal .4a orov~s cn o1 this T ust Daed shall raqulre Trus29e to
<br /> ' ezpertd 4 rsk n aihe: wise in v financial oDligal!on In the
<br />9
<br />y
<br /> 1o. AeMgnmsn/ of Asnte. Benenciary xnali nave tna ripe[ -Ower and author+ty performance Ot a+
<br />y at its duties hereun7ar, pr In
<br />tne exercise of any nt I[s right Or
<br /> durMg in N b Ce f th" T 8i Deed I ~ !sect the rents, ;sSU d 11 of
<br />m¢ Prop ry d O! any Pe S a prop fy loo t d ;her?On xim C th. t M'.ng powers rl !t shay haw C d f h II p th 1 F repayment Ot such funtls Or
<br />adequate i,demnity age k - D' ty I t rsa90nably aaSUfBd to IS iC)
<br />'
<br /> p0a9e9ab f the property tP led h eaY d Trustor Rareby b t ly d
<br />nCOndriiOnally 8991grts all such n[9, sU¢5 and pNfrts ,O B¢+•¢fiCiary.
<br />T Trustee may cansul+ wilt i h
<br />hN mil end the advfC9 of oath
<br />sat Snail DO fu! and ~Omt.e P. aJih Jfliar On and prOIB<ilOn n lee re9pact 01
<br /> Bartetfclary, however, hereby <pneents to ins
<br />r~star s Gallectipn and rgtgntiCn of any action ?!ken or suffered oy iE MraUndBr In good talfn and reliance thereon; {d}
<br /> each rents, ISSUB9 and profit9 as they accrue anC Demme payable se IOng a Trustee Sn811 not be Ilaal9 lOt any action taken by Rim In good faith and
<br /> Tiusipr i3 n01, at such t s, In default wain respect l0 payman9 Uf any MlievaC by him to Oe authorl;,ed o witR;n Ina tliscrstion or rights of p0W9r9
<br />r
<br /> Intlebtetlnuss secured Hereby or in the performance of any agreement hereunder conf9med upon if by this?rust Daed.
<br /> Upon any suM default, Beneficiary may at any !tine, either in person. Dy agent, Or Dy
<br /> 8 recah@r IO M dpp0lnted Dy d COUrI. WithbUt nCli4e a^.tl 'Wi1hOUt ieg3rC t0 tn¢ t]. Addibpnal SeCUdiy In9tNmdMa. Tru3tOr. ill its 9xpe45e, WHI ¢zKUi9 antl dallyef
<br /> atlgquaCy of any security for the indeatstlnes5 narear secured. Ia1 e.^.tar upon and to Ina TNSle9, prpmpily upan demand, =_u Cn aacurity Instrum¢n!s as may be
<br /> take {M65ession of the p.Openy ar any part ihe.eOt, and in IxS awn ':ame sue fa. or raqulrett Dy Trnst9e, In farm and substance sabslactory tp Tnrstfre, Nverlnp any of
<br /> piMfwiga fAl18Ct such fen19, issues antl profiis.:nciud!nq trios? pa52 tlue antl :na Property GO rayed b in!s ? ust Daetl, which security inatNmenis sngU M
<br /> unpaftl, antl aDPIY the Same, Ie55 oasis antl expenses of , aeratian and Nllectlon, adtlttiona! security to Trusle: 5 191tnfui pBdCrmante Oi alt M±he terms, covenants
<br /> IgClWing reasonable attamey 19ns, upon any inaebtadness sacrrr¢d hereby, and in and OOtMltl4ns of this Trus? Caetl. xhe aramfssary notes abCOred Mreby, and any
<br /> 9UCh order as Beneficiary may determine: ;a) Dar}o: r.. s - repair b
<br />c Diner security instNmenis a rut9d in nne<tipn with this transaellon, Suoh
<br />e
<br /> protettlon as may M necessary or p;Ocer to canserve 1^¢ valve o
<br />t'`e Property': ici nst-umenis Pnell ",¢ r,c4rdaA
<br />or hied, aril rd-'ecprOatl antl r9}lied, Bt TNatOr'e
<br /> lease me 8dmb or any pars thereof ipr such rental. term. an6 upon such conditians expense
<br /> ae IIS judgement may dictate. Unlas9 Trusid anC Beneficiary agree otherwise In
<br /> wNYing. any application 9} rents, is es cr pNfits in any IncebteCnass s ured
<br />s
<br /> MrbDy atoll n01 a%knd Or poatpona
<br />ing due darn of Yna :r:s;aument aaymeMS as
<br /> prOYlded In Slid DrOm159pry nine U cndnp¢ thB dmOUnt Jf 5'vCh :n5tallmants Tne t6. flltglknapua.
<br /> Mterirlg Upon antl taking pa3$n$9!4n d tn9 ProPP.rty. in? Nlie<tlpn >! such ~enl5. ,dl Sri the event OnV D"H .^+ mba Ul the pr Pv:310ns Cpnlainetl In tn19 TNDt Deed Or
<br /> issues and profits, and tna application IherNf as aforesab, sra:t hat wane or cure the prom;s94ry note pr any DIM[ security InstNmant plwn In ednrteCtloR with
<br /> any d@feult Or npiica Ot defaut[ narzurMer, o• i.~valiCata srtv ac[ cone aursuanl tp
<br />' R: Irgnsacibn sna;t ?or an •eason M hale IB M Inwlld, Illepei pr
<br /> such rwtlCe. Trusts
<br />also 89sipns tp eene?ic+ary. aS :urtner smc.;rrtv :na uneniprt:eab!a fn a v r9apgct. suM Invalblry, rtiegalltY, or u enfprceablllty
<br /> pertprmenCB Di tM obtlgarions se<:.red Rereby al d ? is 'f ..,
<br />~ shall, r, pt 8ereflua.Y not a•teci any otnBr prpvblon of this TN81
<br />o
<br /> wltk:h may hays Man cr may nereahBrMCepOSrted
<br />~c ru5r p Deed, Du..nis T.
<br />rUSt Jeetl shalt :s nslNed as .t SuCn lnvalltl. Illegsl, or
<br /> of tM wopoi'ry. to sacyrb ?M aaymani d a anu .:ca- ears ~> .n
<br />perlormance p! any OI ,M arpwsipns n e0 , ~ eWS t his
<br />.,hem m<
<br />+ aab!a Dromsron na4-eve: Oenn <04talnetl Mrpln pr tnerem,
<br /> antl deposits tp tM BMefic Wry De ve . 4f we'La. - .n Be b'.c:~ns 'D} 'his T.Z.at Deno s^ ! wnsiruaC actortlinp to Ina laws Ot tea State O!
<br /> eaercix of m0 ripnls granted herein, Ip any :anent GCCUDymp rare Lrnm!sa8 saau Nebraska.
<br /> M suffiCknt t0 regvir9 .said !anent is pay Sd~p !snY to !ne gar?n Cldrv Unfit ^,;rtne. ;<l Tn!s Trust D9bd shalt i antl Dind Ih0 he1r3, Iegeteas, tlBVi8Be9,
<br /> rtptice, edmintStr0tOrs, 8%OC.Ut0/s, SUCCb950r9 and assl6ns 02 Lh0 pertlBb MmtO.
<br /> 11. 1.MaM -lalldtnnn. WI1nM la tliye a}1M dbmanC.
<br />SNDtOr 6Mii lumlah til Try3ibe .vl 'rvDtOt SMII pdY all id%B9 levied upon ini9 TNSf Deetl pr LM CeDi ee<VrBd
<br /> ,
<br />f tC1ledYlf pert111W to M 2n», aettlnp toriM1 alt .ea Of apace !n 2ne T. u31
<br />a helBb V, '.OgB2Mr with any ath0f la%Ba Or 899BDSm8nl9 Winch may M IBYIbd
<br />"
<br /> PrpspRy lnarr in affect, including, m Baph case
<br />In0
<br />namb pf me t8nants and jpainst :ne T
<br />u s:qe or Ben82:Clary or tab IBpal holder of saitl prominepry note
<br /> .
<br />OaaUDlriti, tdaKffptlprt OI ins apace OCCUpteO Dy auto 1Bnan1 and CCNaanl ine n b<COUn141 in0 SnCBDtednB9A nYldenGBd iMreby.
<br /> nrttll payafNa fW nU<h agate are DUCK Other IrttOmnBtipn and docym9rtta Wdh i91 WMnev9r U98C ndrein, IM 91np Ular nUmDBr Snail inCIUDO lhB FlUral, 110
<br /> rNdact ip awch INMS aria tenand08 A•3 tM Tru9iee may request. s!nqular, the use o? any pander gha)I be app:i<able to all gerW an, dad th0 term
<br /> wtthdyt lM prhor w!ISiM <p1[9enl Of Tryaied
<br />TfU
<br />10r
<br />n
<br />b
<br />i
<br />!
<br />* ~~68nbi1Clery' Shall !nGVCe any pby0a pt tM indBbibdnBS9 hevBbY 9BCVrad dr
<br /> ,
<br />9
<br />a
<br />rBC?
<br />S
<br />nOi tl
<br />V U
<br />indlrs<tb. anm respell EO any taaae OI apace in tM tlBBGribed pmmi9e9, wMln0r any Iranatgr tngr90t weather py OPbretlpn o' law Or pthBrwi88.
<br /> elan kaN la now Ot Mfattte( In e348IenCe: la} 8CC8Ff d permd. any prDDBYrne M.
<br /> d111aa1M a' aWlncs rant peYabk ihbreutMer /D} <dnCbi Or termrnaie IM same, ar
<br /> leapt ally Carrclflktlpn, iHmbalion pf 4Urtender thef9ol, rx permit any BVent t^ !e. Stxwator TtLaM. Bgneti<iery may IrOm II.mB tO tlmB eU09IIlUlb • DUCCBB90r Of
<br /> Occur tanks wdllM antil/B[M bDSeeitltlf8untler to terminelBW GanCeltM ABmE: tCl re tU any Trustee named herein or acllnp Mreunder we%e<u[b tale Treat
<br /> afftarb Or rltOdlty iM Mme sO ae b reOUCa iM term iMieO1, tM rental parade Deed. Upon ayCn aapdnimant and without cpnvayan<e to the SuaceSa0r Trustee,
<br /> tllaraendeP, W i0 C/iitlppaity renewal prayislana thBiein C0ntafnO0; tdl weWB bay tM keel andil M veSleO W'nn art t-,tla, pOw8r9, and tlUiiee cOnlBrred UPOn
<br /> dNlvit thawurWM or tneath inereOh, {e) piw any Gan9ant, w r approval
<br />w Trustee Mrain Ham0d er actlnp Hereunder. tech SUCK appbinimBnl and
<br /> ttlantxtdar a [lea any dtw eCtldn In COnneclian 1Mrewilh, p
<br />witn a ;asses BuDantuUOn shall be made by written 1nstNmenl Dy Bane}itkry, contalnlnp
<br /> Utllal:ndar:'whla/t would Mw tM effect of Impairing tM yatutl at kasgr'a intareai rmeronte IO tn19 T(Uat Dead and its place 01 re^.Ixd, which when ieCdrded In iM
<br /> tlrqultday on SM Nopfaty nubjsct merato, ar of lmpainnp 1M ppsinpn or mtereat Of/ba o+ tM R9plaiar W D¢ed9 of the county d counties In wn}ch geld propetty la
<br /> 0} tM T;w1tM a 8artatkkry;. M lh aeU, nse}gn, pie0pe, monpepa 4? otDBtwiee 9i[ustetl shalt D» CCnCiualv8 prpot Ot prppgr apOplnlmeni Of IM BUCCBMOr Truelse.
<br /> dtapOM Of,orsefroumbar, ne 5nlBrenl In gay EUCn lease 0r any roMi, iA3U&b Or pialllD TM tOepOlnp pOwe! pf Byb8111U11pn Bntl Iha prOCedure IMrOtOre DMII riot M
<br /> IaWMgp lrfafag tharsundar, 9xCiUaiW <t Iha L swat and P'OCatlure prOVldetl Int Uy 18w tot tM eUDeIIIU[IOn of e
<br /> , inatee or'rystena in iM iliac» OI inn l rusree.
<br /> 12 Altl/aaerratlefe }f flits tC any p0rt of tM PrDpafty 5MI1 M taken in aprldemnalldn
<br /> procaadatgsi DY. dpnt of eminent doma)n d slmi)ar aCStM, br sMU M aoW. under 2g. fpeal(ranpa ey BsnNbkry or Truniw Net n Walwr. Any IpraDearatlee Dy
<br /> Ihrrt of tdltdamna11Ott, as awaMe, tlamages enp WoPetld9 are irersby a091pns0 BaMil<ibry Or T!Wine m 9%erdbi.'np dny riplyt a remedy hareuntlet, or Ulherwise
<br /> tMf Mkli M Pa+d tO etlnetkiuy rfro ahali appir each awards, dnrnapee and nbdee!] Dy BVPaCab!n taw, nhei{ not tin a W'alrnr 01 or preclude th0 akerdee al any
<br /> pfOCaada td lMbuma fecufbd DyiM TryDt Dead, WltniMnk<eaa.ll fay, paid l0 the ~i.;iHY Or rympdy n»raur:09r.1.'~n9W14d,IM WaIVer by BenBYlGiary or TfUeiBBdany
<br /> T/uator, TryefOr well taremptly, erq wish duf dalpence,. repair, alter sntl restore iM aeftu,t o! Trustor under INS Tru.~t Dae0 aMU not ba tleembC to M a walrer of any
<br /> rar(tl{nirtg Fart of tM. treat Pro)yarty to ',La former cbndhion auDDlsnbaUy io tM atrwr of elmrlu uaiauna sunadvunntry oocurrinp,
<br /> aafant toil iM rune may ba tNMDN and W M !O C1M0lnute t Campkts antl uDebk
<br /> uMt .i. TnNbf Mot AMaasad b%tannipn OI tM Ume for payment Or mpolllattlOn or
<br /> am4rlixaibn of inB airmx ae:ur9d 1>y ih!Yt TNnr Deetl granted Dy BanetlCiflry Ip any
<br /> 19. FIAIRIaNM110M. URdn repeat ill Truelw, BMSibkry. ql BeMxlldayr•s OpbOrf. BUCG9M0I ;n Iniere9l pt 7rp9101 snail nut 0Par0Ie to x018888, In any moaner, iM
<br /> geld to racdn
<br />v
<br />e
<br />ynnce of LM Property to iM Traetw,may make future advanCaa ip liabulty O4 the Orlpinei Trustor or IlUSta/s successor in interest. Benef}clary Bna11
<br /> ]
<br />~~
<br />'
<br />tM TNaIW, twyun ftlit/ra tidYDlKSa. Kith nkreni lne!eon, 9P.01! pe atlCUltld Dy lath apt M rgqulred f0 O4mmenCb P!ocegdmpb apalnai BUCK BVCC9980f Or fel Uetl tO
<br /> Tngt DMd. w11M1 a.rdarKaa by pram±eeOry npiba 82alinp tMl eaid not66 are 9%kfW Ilme for S,Byn:9nt Oi' Otr1»twiad mW l}y amprlltatl4n of 1M BUma 9eCUrbd by
<br /> feWree iterebY: wrnkw that al rw bttM ,Nwii tM s%ufld pf:rKipa4, fuiu+d t!ff8 Telni DBad Cy radatln Ul any ciamdn3 madtl DY lnb Orlplnel TNbtOr dap 7/UelOr'n
<br /> tdvanau, ild h1C4W)ryp eanM edvancN tO pide<t 11M 'seCUtiiy, eateed Gee SuUCeefUl9ln;nibrget
<br /> nundna nerrenf ji WMi a4 iM yfginal principal amounts secured nNepY,
<br />
<br />' 72. 0e1au11 ,1 inef9 9na(I ao a UblaOU under ;n!a D4atl d TNet ar under shy prlpr
<br /> ll. Alatl/k! l
<br />YntalaYal Afl remedlet prpkWeC IH tale TruDl Delkl are dietinct arW nwr2pApb. IM Bennfi<Vary may irlrq aura" default, antl tn9 amounts advancatl by,
<br /> Cu11WkUw b any dlNf rfpht d rrnWYvnda ilea Trual 2Jaed d allarpBd by }ew ar and other COnla er~C a%Vtlnagn df IM DBn9hCi¢ry Ir Curtsy each tlg10u11, with
<br /> eQUay,andlMyesafercleedoaWanprlM.fndapetM®n91YOrnupaeaafvniy, 7nie±bat ai IrM deiault rata Contafna'S In ih» NU{e a80Urbd hereby from Ise limb of
<br /> tM advancee Or pay menib shall De aCdan to Intl indebt9dneb8 aetured Dy tale True1
<br /> 16 ACOnlnttrbT. 110yanYlna; llla. Upon M1aWf M Kuala In [M pegmsnl Of any Delld and may M COikated n9rs,.ndnr ai any I1me alter the limp UI 9uah 8dvan409
<br /> Irtdaaladasla faturW.hweby MkniM pW2Minaltt®Dl any dpftlemsntnmw,rtder, b<pBYm'eniDnrW 9h811Mdenm»d 14 Dq 9bCUred ner9by.
<br /> DMtafletaty may tackre all numt secured M(BDY immedlxkly tlue and WYabk by
<br /> dNMry to 7ruasea c! wrPtien aaciuatKKt p/ dbfautL Tfta Truates bhall Mva the 23. Optlat to idrwiou. Upon Ine1 aceu:anul of any de10Ui: nareuntler, Benell<lary
<br /> ptwlsr of alkd IM Propaxty and 1f Beneficary deD/rK iM PlOMRy in MDOId, it AMIi MvB IM Option tG iprq<laas ih!a Tfun: Ogdd !n the manner provided Dy law ivr
<br /> atoll doFotltwttnTewWilka Trvet Deed and alt Frdnkadry ndea aM dotunNnia :MioroclWUre <l m4rtpapeB Cn reef Pr0Perly.
<br /> 1Y10ar(Cklg. etRfYb)IUrK fM rW nsretry, dm1 atoll OWmt 10 TNateO, 0 w:ItiOn
<br /> rtUiu d Aefeuli arttl ekcf:on la wane the R'apsRy [O M adtl, antl iM Truafeb in 24. Truttor's Alghk, AbNnt Wiault. lintll any tle}auli in Ise payment Of
<br /> rum fMll praptfs a firNkr NOtlce in SM }Ciro rapuired Dy taw, wnkh atoll M duly IndBbtBdrWn9 rreraby BnCyra0'Jr until Ina b'9d Cn OS &ny COVanant n9reln Conlalnbd,
<br /> fUld tw rarwrd ey.TrwtK ;M7rustcu, ;LS suc<daso:•q and a401pns..snau poasgx9 and an a the
<br />i r v:ppeny,and
<br /> fa) Aftw tM tepee Of auan tUme w may M requft0d try law M}iowinp tM racOrd~ ret9lve iM rents and Prottta tneretram. Uaun payment pt art sums secured by lhle
<br />' albs dt saldndiica of detaust, and notice pf default and ndl4e of rata Myinp Truer Deed, 69nabuary shall rpyu9st "•uslge tc racanvay the Droparty and shall
<br /> Dwn gtYSn 88 tepuired by iaW, TN918E, witndll 0bR18h7 On T!yatw, 9naJl 9bf: 8UfP8ndBr Iola Thai DBBC 8nd 8i. n4'v9 uvitlgnCinp ind0btetlnen0 BBCbfed by This
<br /> tM Pmparty bn btadate end at lee time and pie<o Ces}pneted in asld Halite of Trua! Deatl tq xftre. T st9 3 a;I ~9 ny ttw pNperty wlihout warranty axle
<br /> sale, at puO1b auctfod tp tM nlpnest Dldder, IM purcttaae prlca payable in
<br />IaW1W dtofky of the UNtsd S28t&9 at tM ]ImB of data. TM pBfaan CaWa,ctlnp whn4u: ^.' ~ , trw ~ epa'ly n;iUed mereto The Grantee In any
<br />-f'n"HY~ r t d It p U per suns pn!Uled thgrato and
<br /> tM elk mty, br shy pau9a M de9m6 expediel t, paD(ppne !M 9a:6 rrcm time M r9Cbe,8 ira,ai.t U. » !118 5 ,.3 Bhd.i bb cOncIU8lvb proof pf the
<br />n
<br /> tO lima unlli It snWi MCdinpkia0 and, In erary 9uCR C89a,.n01{CO of paatpona. trutnfulnese LMreci. Bach parson O! p9rso
<br />a shall pay alt casts of recofdlnp. it any,
<br /> mart[ anatl M plren try public dec'faraYian tikf wi bY' auth person dt the time
<br />
<br />aftd FIaCa Itet 8ppdnted for tM agile; pr0yldeG, IY ttu sate +9 pontpoced itu ~ AspiHetbn In lM EYeni of Transfer. In tea event (h9 title to Sald real eBfeb i6
<br />
<br />bn0er than it) day Myond tM day deaipna[ed fn tM npbca of ae7n, .boa transiatred, or contraCtOd tp Da tra^,sferred, :Nm the untleraipnad }or any reason Or
<br /> tMredlshatfMpfwninlM Damemannar es tM orlpirW rrot}caoi eels, br arry moblcd Wnatscavar,{n9 antl:a pnncipxt sum and accrued lntsre9t shall a;
<br />
<br />TNDtee !hall e%CUk End deliet Ip iM pufeMaef his Degd CLnvByinp SM Oota tecvma Cue and payeD:e a: 1n4810cUpn of tea 69nbh Clary. Failure to nxnrclne
<br />
<br />PrppBRy add, WA wNMat Bny ipyMent Or walrenty, eXplBB9
<br />41 IF..plind. Tha tnl9 OPtiUn tYeCdU9o 02 ?ra"f;!er pt hue as aDO V9 btdl9C .n Cn¢ in shell n
<br /><On
<br />Lit
<br />r
<br />f
<br />I
<br />•
<br />n
<br />i
<br /> ,
<br />recltaia in ihdUadd. of arry mattare ar tact! atoll M conUUafy9 praol of tM h a:yg
<br />B
<br />u
<br />O g
<br />h r
<br />U
<br />l
<br />grit 10 2xer<39 fha 9brr10 111 2119 event Of any 5VD5 aUnnt
<br />Iran
<br />r
<br />f
<br />
<br />tmfMutneaa tMle01. Any peraO^., :nciuding Bannt:ciary, may bur Gha9e at lhb .
<br />e
<br />a
<br /> Mk. / r
<br />~~ Thk Otlx' O: [Net is ivntor :G and tlDldU
<br />j~/ tt
<br /> tA) Yyhen TNSt80 eeila. purauani is tM pawa[B Kerala, tan TNStea sha'I apply Fns _
<br />_._
<br /> Fmceeda dt iM hale ip peyrliMi of the costs antl axpens94 of bxe•<Iefnp iM
<br /> Rdwsr d ga60 and of tM aafa,l:l..iudi p IM p Ymant Ot the TNSi~'a Paea a%aCUtgU DY T - t' tp ..._ __. .... T Bled,
<br /> actually ,ncurrod, rWi t bkCeed~,g~.1,°~_._y of NM sate Orke, and tMn tc
<br /> IMISemaln wbperp ynj }Irttnb pryO T.tera st Dd 0,1cUrlrrgap ln...ip .:rte fur
<br /> (<). At[ey paying 4he Items sPapiYied In svDFf.apraah (b) tli tM Sale ix by'tvs28e, c, ~ -~ ~~-~ ~~'
<br /> iM RsOpeY Cdurl and ether ousts 4l foraGS0evra atW'eak !}I.Re data is pwsuart '
<br />
<br />' td jutliclat t0feaipliUtB, UD Rrocepda 01 Date shalt M apFligd In In9 Urdef elated polare are t.isd
<br />Ur re;0•d w. h.n B t ~ beetle and identinetl aa'plluwA.
<br />a v{. n dr .'~
<br /> ip 1M paymont o?:
<br /> (F C0et a9 smj evidence Ol tttbprOOVrea In <Onnectlcn with such sale end of ----
<br /> any reveaye stamps;
<br /> Ili AIf evmsthen sM•Lred hereby: ....
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