<br />$~--°°°(lf~l ~~;(~
<br />~'~UST DE~~
<br />THtS TRUST DEED, made ibis 13th day of APRIL 19 82
<br />tSe=and between; '
<br />whether one or more, herein-
<br />aftercailed "Trustor" whose mailing address is 506 iv'UBIA, CAIRO, NE 68824
<br />~~~
<br />PO BOX 428, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is and
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />WITNES$ETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar {$1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is-hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale; the
<br />foliowingdescribedproperty, situated in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute lifts in fee simple, Including a1i the rights of homestead and
<br />dower,. togetharwith ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOfa THE PURPOSE OF SECURING pe.0~~~~~r~t~c~I~r a~-~fenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of theprincipal sum of ~1tg- ~oAar`s {$ 1.657.64***** ~
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even ate at t ell raA'~ ys~o interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />oradvanced under the terms of this TrusfiDeed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable accardfng
<br />to terms set forthln said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />9ueh other place as the holder may designate In writing, the fine! payment of principal and Interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 13th ,day of APRIL~L , 1 g, 83 _,
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as #oliows:
<br />t. Werranlr oE.THN, Trustor is fawtWty seized at 1M Property;.t nee good rlgRt and
<br />tawfW authruftY to seat antl canxey iM Property; tM ProperiV +a free and near of alt
<br />Ilene and anCUmbrdRUa.BaCapt tbnb ripW of r¢gWd: atN1 Truatpr will warrant an0
<br />MterM.tMtltb IO tM PrtNlegy unto [M TruBfae antl ds sucpeseon arw uargns
<br />IMBWY, atiefnst.IM cleems of all paraone. T.ruatar, erne expanse, will maintain and
<br />Dreeerve [Re IYen.Ol Iola Trull lyeetl a88 lien Upon tM Trust Property eubtA:i ORIy 10
<br />eitCUT4li(Ca9 exWing ae of. tM dais RerBOt., wlti cause inns Trust DeeO, and eacn
<br />arnerWmenl or auppymrnt inereto,to bs bred and recorded as a mortgage of tM
<br />That Property ineycM1 maRnei arM in 9pCR place, dnd will lake BUdh 61Mtapfibn a6
<br />in IM Opinion Ot TrualeemaY tter8quir80 tR, Any Oresent or future law to Order t0
<br />pifiaCl. mitmeM end pfOteOf the Ilan Oi iRp.T!ue2 UeeC, as iM 5atne rtyy be !rpm
<br />tiny to t4M amended oreuPPtemenfed,
<br />arW: inyter~gt« ea d InteyNt Trustor SMti punctually fiat tRe.;,HnCipy ot,
<br />on,.sal0prondeaory note mcbdlrtg any atlvances fhersio as FrovitlaC
<br />Mrein On tM dates and ai tM pta0a eM ;n LM manner proWEeb tMr6in and will
<br />punO[uatypartam all ayreaments, contllxtona and prarlsiors Cf any U1R¢r security
<br />instrument ptMn ui.OARtMCliOn wtiR NiS !.ranbeCtiUn.
<br />7i. p9eeer~eeon alydsAaetterranpa. W Property TruE[q lit not commit any waste
<br />upon the propettlr antl wilt, al ail times, Huintatn me s n good order arW
<br />COnlfitldn ants wt1( make, from time to Itme, at: rep lira, rs wain, [¢p!acamen:S,
<br />atrliiipns atM..ImpMVem Y R cR .are 'ree50nab{; aq ed [0 Prevent wabt¢,
<br />impalnr!srt4 or deterbr8hon Vi said property. Dto Dubng or imprgyeminf now or
<br />Rats>•[LSr. erecie0 upon ins ProPercy ahaalbe skated. removed or dom0itan¢d
<br />rdtiqut ins DHOtwrtiten cone8nt Of 8eneirCiary,
<br />A Daieap Ep PlOpnttr.. l case of any damag t ,.Or deatructeon o/, the buhdings.
<br />itnprovemanta npetSpnaF p party On. t luting part Uf tM Trust Properly, wnetR¢r
<br />ucR tG85 s cmred t>y anCC Or OlMrwise. Trustrn, at its s - and
<br />expense, M I pcomDtly restor eW.ir. P ace a d rBG eltl rho sartms
<br />prxiicabla fo vta COndlti0 :mm8dtatgtyp O A3UCh damage Uf d95trU4. On pr Wdh
<br />such CMnges aRd aitarallona as rus4 may deem appropriate Provided suck
<br />clkangBe a d A Imattana dp rpi mefetialy. lessen Ih¢ al n0 utNdy 01 such
<br />cdtldinpe. imptOVemenp arq personatdy IrOm that a%" t-n metl'stety Pnpr EO
<br />uehdamaga or Oeairtrclon, :ruator shat: be eriiiied to reimGursement !rant rho
<br />Trustee tO IRe 6xt¢rtt Ot the net insuranC P secs recervsdGY Tibatee, but oR7y :0
<br />ills etttenf 0/ tn8 Bilaei 8 ... exipgnded undci iniY prpvi9inn.
<br />g COrt16YfM Truster. If 7 t 9 8 f,A p0 t 9 i will L'n ntl }rife
<br />prasmvs;ts cb+pOrale ¢x+atenc~9, ri bin 9 gs Y "
<br />.iainporaOraN(.r:. 9 t p•rrlrsges a.ndat inn laws0 th3 sta,e al
<br />6 7natrran0 T Ptr. i ,
<br />B3 n :ay f w n aps tp U cr
<br />v`On;trtu[€r the P ~ n »I' p of ty.
<br />at r
<br />.o+/ ad ~ ~ , hers
<br />AIIt h a 1 h n"n
<br />„~I-
<br />reapecdre Parhab. Au mauran0a Pollcie8 malnidrned pursuant lc tnis Tru91 Ueed
<br />9Ra11 n8fne Truatr» dnd BeneliUrary da fn5urgdtl, aS tnelr reBpBCiIYe IRI¢rR8t9 mdy
<br />appear, and prOVltle Shdt !here shall b¢ no Can C81{atlDn or modlllCallUn wllh0ut
<br />ffiteerl deyb prig wrlilan nOlificali0n to Ttu8te9 and 8oneliciery, in tneavent any
<br />policy MlWntler I8 nU! renewed on Orb¢fore }disco days PnOr la tis explretion
<br />dale. Trustee or 8aneh0lary mayprocure such insurance antl the cost theraol shall
<br />oeaddad !O IM ban eecUred by Shr9 Trust Decd anG shall Deal Int¢rs8lai Ino
<br />greater bt tM lntereat rate apeCllasd iRefein Or the higheei intBrR.9f tale autRUrlTdd
<br />by tM faw8 oY IM Stets Ot Nebra9kd. Trustor shell deliver to Beneticiery the original
<br />p0licien O1 irveurance antl reneWala IheraUl or memo OOplee 01 such VOfiCles and
<br />renewaia iMleOf. Fellure t0 famish insurance by Trustor, or mnewaln as required
<br />Y reunder shall, at IRe opilon cf 80nallPery, conetllute a d0lault. Ad unearned
<br />Premiums are ne/eGY dSElgned ttl it USI¢e da eddllional 98CUn[y dnd a 8alg'and
<br />veyance Ot the FrOpgrtY by ills Trublee Ehdll optlrale to Canvey fa th6 purchaser
<br />the TryStpr'S mfef¢bt in anC t0 all pOfICIB8 of InsuldnCR Upbn the Tlval ProABrty
<br />7. Tugend A>hsumnta, Trvsiw bhall pay al! to%os and 5AO01a1 assessments
<br />levi¢C Or a99essod against Or tlue upon tM Property befgra dotinquency, antl wail
<br />6¢"Y Br to Ben¢ftgidry <0('-PB Uf r¢C¢Ip19 BnOwing paymeltS OI bUCh taxaE do
<br />SACCidi dn845BRt¢ni9. 27 8snetiClafy 8ild,l 90 reque3l, Trustor egreBe Inal tnBre snail
<br />IM da 8d 1c a en P9 Od p y I eoueir>ad io bo d h odor a mUUnt
<br />t .pd by G'JV - It n ble Tru to pdy yeast 3D Jays
<br />bet Ore del- C y, dYi to e9. dB..aSpm¢m9 O OtY er pUGrC Uh„rgC dgui~0t tn6
<br />u51 Property, IRR Not¢ 5ecurad by'hrs Trust Uaed, Ur upon account of fhg debt ar
<br />-: O! Iola Trust Uagd, ~oguthcr wth p e . Io .. anc6 q d 1 n.
<br />d 0 nda Inb T 31 Uaatl and er69t sh II b p gable
<br />9ve i a"le. of Up dgCmans a g T T 1 s 1 f l , T St
<br />me 1 Yd r n•^ y 'a •( 'Y dolt oUV in (ta
<br />a, antl ne,439dry lb gnabl¢T•u9fdat'v ..dYarty Al,h6 Or.gp'n9111•113.
<br />9. 0.801itwUi ilM.e. Trustor bhall make '. payment3 at n nU Vrimipal and
<br />ay Wn15 t a y th h fgss, and expanse6 co.n!+aclaC to t»m pad tc any
<br />19 -ta ~. '6 O p f Po I'pla~ es under any Frior Tru¢(D¢ed. Mbrtflago Or
<br />Ora S Cr y g egmon b 10 the dale {hRy era dal nquan' and IU Aay any Ciher
<br />ImwM1 Cnj pardr:gs ne unity g•aniad herprt
<br />9. Proiecilon of 8anailc:an/'8 SeouHtY, Snou:U Irani ur tail «~ makn ant VeYmem,
<br />i»ii LU dv any act d9 herein provided, or 31 any uc!IUn Ur p«x:wading i9 cUmmOnred
<br />wR cn cyst i y vlfOCis 88 r: Clary s I 1g P Up '•.c'Uding, Gut n~Jl
<br />irntlad !O, rteM dome I SCI anCy, . d gs 'erns p '. NCd', gS InvpiY•ng a
<br />banvrdpi Or Cacedgr+ ins Bgrw 1'c=wry cr T•u3tae Gut wilh~ul obuga? nn ir. ;iC so,
<br />and N~ih(U: noic¢ to tlr danrand up9n I[UStf . af~d wit nCUt e6laa31r,g Trust Or IrUm
<br />I Gi 9xP `tae J Y ka .1 It 9 dYp Y~
<br />t- L_ S I' g E S I
<br />h ar, p YY Y
<br />tl T rtavl ~ t '
<br />y
<br />., b..r ~. t - .. n.•l J. J.n
<br />P ,.. ,,. -
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