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<br />~~~ diiA~l3 <br />VII. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. <br />The following covenants, conditions and restrictions <br />relating to this condominium regime shall run with the land <br />and shall be binding upon all grantees, devisees, mortgagees <br />and any other persons who use the property, including the <br />persons who acquire the interest of any owner through fore- <br />closure, enforcement of ..ny lien or otherwise: <br />a. "'he Brentwood III Tewnhome Owners Association, <br />Znc., a Nebraska Non-Profit Cc>rporation, has been incorpo- <br />rated *_o provide a vehicle for the management of the cond- <br />ominium. The owner of each townhome shall automatically be <br />deemed a member of the Association open the filing of the <br />Master Reed creating the condeminia. The By-Laws of said <br />Associaticn are also the By-Laws of this condominium grogerty <br />regime and are attached hereto as Exhibit °B". <br />b. Ai; general comra±on elements are for the use. <br />and e:njoy~mert c ~' all owners. The limited coamnon elements <br />are fdr the exclusive use <:z the owner of the tow-nhome or <br />townhomes to which they are appurtenant, his family, guests, <br />servants and invitees. "'he ownership of the common elements <br />shall remain unda•, .end nc p~~rsen ar owner shall bring <br />any action ~.,. the partition or division of the common <br />elements. 'she -~ss~rciaticr. shall. `r!~m time to time establish <br />rules and rcculaticr.s .`.or the use ~~ the common elements, <br />and all •°:wners and :users shall be bcsund thereby. The As- <br />scciation shall have the sole urisdiction over and re- <br />sponsbility :{ar aiterati~~r.s, imprc:vements, repairs and <br />^aaintenancc ~f the common elements. The share of an owner <br />in tine .;c:~mzrrr; ele.rrrents is appurtenant tcs his townhome and <br />inseparable Frr,~rn towr_~ao;ire *>wne.rship. Assessments against <br />cwners €a?r i:;5urance, cc~unraa element expenses cszsd reserves, <br />and fc:r tht~r c:xp.nses incurred by the Association shall be <br />rode pursuant t!: the Icy-...rows. ;ssr~ssments paid within <br />thirty t:~J} days ,aftez the date: when Niue shall r:ct bear <br />interest, tau+,. all sums ::>at poi '. within said thi.r.ty { 3D} day <br />perm:d shalt bea:° interest at the highest legal rate from <br />due date ^.u:til paid. is cony c,wner shall fail r:>r refuse to <br />make any laa~~n~er.t: =;rf su tr assessments when due, the amount <br />thereof, Pius ?merest, shalt. constitute a lien upon the <br />owner's interest in his t<~wnhame <.r;r'. in the property, and <br />upon the recr;rdiny ~.. such Tic:.n try the P.ssociati.on in the <br />iteg.ster u" uee<:s :f xia:il :::•:lunty, eiaraska, such amount <br />shall constitute a lien ,::r:~~r ,any.: c~referred <>ver all other <br />liens and encurrrk;rances except a5se ssments, liens and charges <br />for taxes past due and uniaaid :..n the te;wnhome and except <br />prior duly re~cUrcred ^or~.rt~~age <:racl lien Instruments. ': he <br />defaulting tcwnhome owner siaall be liable for the unpaid <br />assessment ;Jr assessments, with interest thereon, from the <br />duo date t.o the date paid at the highest legal rate, and <br />attorney fees and expenses ~nc;urred in then collectior. of the <br />same. <br />... _.«ch ~rwnez shall be respc;nsible: <br />1;+ To *^air.tain, repair and replace, at <br />his exge;•se, all portions •:*_` his townhcane or garage <br />which are hat includeri _,< the definit_ir~n of common <br />el~::cents, except ~~ set fc.rth in ;Grtcle 'J, above. <br />;2'r To ^ain;:ain anti repair and replace <br />as nee:cessar}- all eie:asients wittrir: that .owner's townhome <br />c}r gara.le aald Kan3 dYr:a:~~: t~ *.*:o ~~~ *rurr-, eler:~ents r_aused <br />by L'5t." w1ti:2.n tt'1a t' ~C!'wln ikC?m{? ,_ ..^,•ar aG(?. <br />y_ <br />