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h <br /> <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />GRAND ISLAND MALL SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />In Che City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Grand Island Mall, Ltd., a Nebraska limited partnership, here- <br />inafter called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of Land which <br />is a replotting of part of the Grand island Mall Subdivision, an <br />adciatian to ttxe City of Grand Island, Ha1i Ccaunty, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />commencing tt tha Northeast career of Section i2, Tocan- <br />ship 11 Naa-th, Rangy 10 'vJest of the oth , 4;a11 <br />County, 'Nebraska; thence S Oo OG' O(?" W for 845.9£3 feet <br />along, the easterly line of the Northeast Quarter of said <br />Section 12_; thence ~ 81° 23' 35" td for 40 feet to the <br />true point of beginning, said paint being an the westerly <br />right-af-way line of YJebb Road, and also being the south- <br />easteri.v corner of ~I & S Subdivision in the City of Grand <br />Island, Ha.II County, Nebraska; thence S flo OQ° Ofl" td for <br />1.85 feet aion the sai~ westeriv right-of-way line of <br />tJeb~ Rnad; thencea ": 8~"- 23' 35" W for 2Ib.23 feet; thence <br />N U flCa' {3U" E for 3.85 i:eet to a point can the northerly <br />line at said {rand Island 'Nall Subdivision, also being <br />the southerly 's ine <..>" said J & S Subdivision; thence S <br />8~1 2:3' ;5" E for 21.6.2":~ feet. alone the said southerly <br />line a£ ,I tar ?a Subdivision tr, tha point of beginning, <br />containing 4t7,t"~OO.Ui sc3uare feet, more ar Less (The East <br />line of the Northeast f`,~.iartPr of hold Section 12 T'own- <br />ship 1'1 Nvrth, Rang 1fl tdest, assumeei North (,N Od C10' <br />OOt, E? - Srauth !S b OCI' ;)fl" 4~) in di rect.i.on},, <br />desires to have subdividedras rx subdivision the ..xbave-described <br />tract of ;.and which is 1aCate.;i within the corporate of the <br />City of Grand l:sland, Nebraska, :.ind hereby submits tc> the Cit}, <br />Gosxxx~il of such City tior .~cce,ptance as provided by 2sxn accurate. <br />map and plat of such propeses3 subdivision, to bow known as GRANT} <br />1SLAND MALL SECONi~ SLBDIGISIOh, designating explicitly the land <br />ttx be l=aid out and partici.:larl.y the 7.ots and easemerxts <br />belonging Cc} such subdivision, with lots designated by numbers and. <br />easements by dimF:nsians, and proposes to cause the p!at of such <br />subdivision when fi.nall.y approved by ttxe Regional Planning <br />G~mmissian and the City Council tc7 he acknowledges by much owner, <br />::er~3fed as ta =xcc~sracv of surv~v by a register°ec1 land surveor, <br />as~d r•~ :,:,t.~~az a dedi:cati.on of thy: easements tc> the usc. and i>enei:it. <br />of public x~t a liti.~s. Ia~z consf.dE:'ation of the acceptance of ttxe <br />piz~'t oT s, G#?~~`IID 7SI.A,I~i MALL >EC~iNTJ SL+~i)IS:°:SI:O;"v, tttta Su.UCii.v:~is~r <br />c+ <br />