<br />82-- 6)Q13~~?
<br />'. ~ and confirmed 6y the Caurt and this agreement i si'.cat~~dT~1'i oned upon
<br />the approval of the Cour-, otherwise to be null and void.
<br />2. aivisicn of Property.
<br />A. F.~t~l 1'RsilPERTY
<br />{T) The rear property of t1~e parties, legally described
<br />as Lot tour {4), l;lock Two {2 j, %apitol heights ~aurth Subdivision
<br />in Hall i:aunty, ~lebraska, known as 4242 Michigan nvenue, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, steal? become the sore and separate property of
<br />'etitioner and guietrd in her, subject to the unpaid balance of a
<br />real estate mortgage agarst said property in favor of Home Federal
<br />Savings and Laan +sscsciatian of ;:rand island, ?Nebraska, having a
<br />present balance of Jixteen Thausar,d Five> i{andred Thirty-one uol?ors
<br />and 'iinety-fo°,~r gents (S?5,531.g4j, and szzb,yect further to taxes,
<br />restrictions and outer =nc^„mberances of record and the Fespandent
<br />Hereby agrees to re?inquisn :l? of his ric;ht, titl+t and interest
<br />in and to said real property and to exueute a ~~uitclaint geed to
<br />the same r, ¢avar of NeLitnner.
<br />3. rE'f~E7i"slut, `rit'TitSLiiQLU iaGt:~`_7 €tPNa; !;i~f'1 i~~1vCLS. The
<br />Petitioner shah have as her sale ,ricf °,ztiar~ste vraF~erty ~a?? furni-.
<br />tore, housetrold goods, appliances, garden cools aced eguipr,;ent, the
<br />power mower anal other household ;Dads all situated in the above
<br />described real lsraperty and each party sha"sl ;cY v=r,*_:tled to tt~e
<br />personal effects :taw r the possessiot of each.
<br />{r. ieilTUM ,~„~i,~ppcp, he Fetitiana_r sha?1 have
<br />as her sale and separate Nroperty the ~,artie=,' i?}off ,-vicar Comet
<br />Station %dagcn, Serial ."lo. 3822U52?L11, rtes i~~7•' ,_-~ir>rr °v~v,.~ (-hE=vr•o?et,
<br />SerTai l`d©. lYTitl3t'2?E9ir, subject to arry E~tcrtgas;e ar encumbrance,
<br />and the T9b4 Apache Gamper, Serial t}o. E~35A, all no;v ir3 the
<br />paassessian of aeti tityner.
<br />tl, S~«4'S"tfi5 Ate"OU~iT. The parties' savings account in
<br />the First Natar~aT dank of Grand island, hei~rask.a, hccount Tao.
<br />i~0~7-7, shall be ;aaid over to the Clerk of the District Caur±;
<br />~,a, of iNal'i County, l'~ebraska, to be distri;,uted as follows: fare
<br />