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<br />i <br />82 "mil/ ~ ~ ~ V Rd <br />IN THE ~JISTRIGT GUUFT Of THE ELEVENTH JUDICI¢~L I7~,~~i;RICT <br />IiV ANC FDR NALL CDU-NTY, NEBRASKA ' <br />,Jt?VI7A ~, SPEFtG€R, ) <br />Pe ti tianer, ) <br />) PROt'ERTY SETTLEMENT AND AGREEMENT <br />-vs- ) <br />No. 385I19 <br />D4NAL~ E. SPENCER, ) ,lri <br />) 1.-~--~ "" ~- ~ <br />Respondent. ) i ,,...~- ~ `° 1, <br />i ,~: - <br />TNIS A&REEMEFIT made and entered in.ta this 25th day of <br />.]tine: 1474: ~y ~n.~ ~,pt~.:gan. ~,,li~y7Y.a fl, Sr~nnrar, Detitinner, 3nrl <br />13ana3d E. Spencer, Respondent, as fo3lows: <br />WHEREAS, the parties have been married since rune 17, <br />3955, and are now separated and have= no hope a'' reconciling their <br />marriage and believe that the same is irretrievably broken and <br />there is now 'mending before this Court pr ti tiorier'S >etitian for <br />Separate Maintenance and Respondent's '4eadinq and Crass-Petition <br />i3raying for a dissa3utiart of said Marriage, and <br />~tHER£AS, tr':~~ parties awe the parents of the four (4) <br />fallowing named minor children now in the custody of i;etitianer: <br />Deanna ~'~. Spencer, born septei~ber 14, 395c~, <br />#~eidre !~. :rpencer, barn ?'+uyust lq, 1959, <br />i~ayna "^. ';pincer, barn ,yugust 3 , 3953 , and <br />Daniei A. spencer, barn Apr'3 Z9, 1964, <br />and <br />+P~+ER~AS, ~:iuris~g tixvir marriage the parties have acquired <br />certain .ropertx• and desire to enter into a binding agreement with <br />respect to such property, chi3d custody and chid sul,port in the <br />event.. said tiarriage is disso3ved, <br />+i i,F, TtiER€fCi,Rf , i ", i s agreed as fat t aws <br />s. Effective Date. This agreement sha33 bPca~ne binding <br />upon t#?e parties, their lega3 representativa_s, successors, Heirs <br />and assi~,ris ims;~ediate3y upon the granting of a decree dissu3vin~~ <br />said marriage, oravded the terms of tfais agreuri;ent are alapraved <br />