<br />~~~ =t)Q1 ~Q9
<br />9. Condeatrratiotr. The proceeds of any award Or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in conntczion with any
<br />mndemnaiion ac other taking of the Property, ar part thereof, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigsetd
<br />and sha[I ht yard toLendtr.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Proptrt?r, the prxetds shalE kae applied to the corns stcured by this Deed o£ Trust.
<br />with theexcess, rf aoy, paid to Borrower. In the tvena of a partial taking of the Property, uakss Borrower and Lender
<br />atlxtwise agree in writing, thtre shalt he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />axis equafto That nnportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />tai;ing bears to the £air market vaiue of the Property immediately prior to the char of taking, wrth the hadance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />-- I£ the Property 4s abandorxd by Borrower, ar if, after r.ntice by [.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award orseitfe a clafm for damages. Sarrawcr fails [o respond to !.coder within 30 days after the dale such notice is
<br />sttauled. Ltnder is. authariztd to col}ect and apply ttit proceeds, a! [,cndtz's option, tither to restoration or repair tiff the
<br />Property or to tht sums securtd ln• chic IIced of Trust_
<br />L%niess I..endtr acid Borrower oiherw~rse egret +n wrating, env such application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend
<br />or postprrrre rite due slate of the month9y mstallmtms reftrrtd to in paragraphs i and ? hereof ar change the amount of
<br />sw:h isutallmtnts-
<br />16. Botnawer itirN fielcased. Extrusion r4f the time f.~; payment ar madificat'san of amtirtizatian at the sums secured
<br />by this Decd of Trust granted tfy I_cndrr to an•F surcertsor +n maerest of Borrower shad not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />thrt fiabsUty of the orrgraf Borrower and Borrowers atccessors m ,ntrrest. I_endtr s'hald oat he required to commence
<br />proceaiings °garns.t such successar ar re#nse ::? extend tsnxe tnr payment ar otherwise madifp amotitzatian of the sums
<br />setvsed by this Dreri of Trust 2i}~ reason e.f ant de^.,ani made ~*+v he :~rs;ena Borrower and B~?rower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Farbcara~e ky #xan#er fiat a l'tiaiaer. '.r.-a #r.*rtiearanct by [sndtr :n c•xercismg anti r,ght ar remedy hemunder, or
<br />o8terw•isc ~f£ordtd bs appticahic !aw, shalt +~or ht a uaivtr cf v~r prtc[ude t'rr extrcise ?f any such ri¢ht or remedy.
<br />Thee prrcr.+rent crt insvrancc at thr pa^w-mint o? tax s . r c,fhtr itens or chargrs 6y' I_rader sha,l net he a waiver of Lender's
<br />rcg£et to acrelrradc the m~asunty of the ndr•~. tin . ..: ,er d h} tfzts Deeii et Trust.
<br />tZ Remedies CutneHaflse. AtI .z tx+ •, ~ ~cd r. t!+ss Decd ,~+ Tn st art drst ,.-t .tr,,: cumulativt to arty ether rtghi
<br />or rerrsttly undtr ztt.s Dted of T~ust rr ,il ..:::xi ~ ,sue ~:~r equrt>..:rnd ^.aat- !ie rxtrcised •~~,ncurrcnth•, indeoendentty or
<br />seaspsive#s- .
<br />l3. Sartrxaars and asxsifsat Sosud: }oiat and Setresal #.iwM`tify; f'aptiaees, ~[y,c r~?utnanzs and agreements heron
<br />contaanect slsati ti+nd., ,nrd alto c?Rht=, berttm ,:.,I ~ ,tire Sa. :ae teslxc?acs ~~t:.cxsaxs and assagns c+t Lender and Barrrnver.
<br />w"fslret *.o the pmvdvions .+t paragraph ~ il! i<nrnan+., .::r:'.:,¢rttmtnts of Borrows ~,hait ;xe j+ani and several.
<br />'lytt cM-~rons and Irtadtngs zr€ the pat-a: ~.: s ~ ?eecE , .. I ~u.z are fs,r ::, nvenztnct c?nix and are oat to tie used to
<br />.n~crpre# or dtfine the provesttrtis hersa?l-
<br />14. :'tioficr. 'e~.x;:tpt Inc any sic«t..r z 4 r••c~..arzar 's;rw tx+ br l;a+en :n anather tnanntr, tai any notice to
<br />Narc~cr ornvrdtd for in this Dezd r•f i -..,. , ~ .. ~ :ng sz+clz na?net hy~ urvified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />,h+o Property Address nr at such lather .'rd r a, .?;~ , ~-,:av desagnaae by notice to l-rndtt as provided herein. and
<br />hr -,tn~ :rr,r,;c r.a [.ctrdcr sltai9 tx gisen tz .c. e~ *+r:irr, t~r,urn rtccdpt rcyucsttd, to Lenders address starts herein or to
<br />s,tih ;~thtr ,,d4tces as #.tndtr may ds~, 4na - .~ •• kortctw-ez ax provided herein- .Anv~ no¢ict provided #vr m this
<br />1ted rt Cnrv °.ha1t b+r +gc?evrrd .e hx;t~ t=e :-r;.efic.newtr ar Iendtr when given an the manntr designated heron.
<br />15- ['ru#ornf tyres ui Truv: C;o•«:Wing t arr~ •rwrrn691tty, ih+s form <; ~tecd .:.+, taunt crun'nines untform covenants far
<br />n.nocm;u s.r ..w non-,m.''rwrn .o~.enam~. +.,ah ~.m,ztu *~araaz,ans ;v; farexdiesaon to c:institune a uniform teeurity instrumcm
<br />e'xn rrm,g :eat nr~;irr:. .~~. !terra ~ .... ,.. r. r,~•_^;yt~',,. 'fat'e., ;•! iha ;tins !~~saerxn ,n which tht Pt'gpCrty ,s I~atcd.
<br />to the c=rnt a'~nt a, rr .,se ~„ _ _ ~.+et cr ~+~.r ?:ntt ,i :!?c:. with appt+cahfe law- such conflict shalt
<br />. ,. , , ,..
<br />rea7t rtlccz ,.ihrr ~ , .s, t ~ns Dec^^_ c,r i .. _-z -.:vc -=h.~h , . ;~~.ven dicer wtihaur the c~inflianng provision.
<br />++td Ic rhrti r.c: rtttr ; ror,xu+nr n. ;hr Irrrd ~. ~ov: ,.::•J .7r '.^t r dx.l.,ra! •x tft xveratl7t,
<br />lh. ~ortfiwrrl Cagy. K++t:r~e~ etta+ ,., ~:,isrd .; -, ~.ta rod , ,:,:' "cote and of this Decd at'1'rust at the time
<br />atf ea4tcttteon ,+r at~c: rrc^:r.atrun he*rn;
<br />f7. TrMSirr nt the f'tiprex.; hrbnmpticen. i' a-i ,, .. - Yr ,, W ~z~, : ~r an toreros+. thtrc;n rs cord t+r transftrr~d
<br />3iy~8crtrrneer +.rn,rw 'r :dolt *u,a ~+,~,tr+ n~,.r.~, w ~:,.. ~..~.r ,~-~:. t a ~~an ~ r xrr~umbrancc subordinatt U,
<br />this F>C~.c'1 i~P ~2-r•.r.t ~. ,`,r ,::c~~~t ^- ., ~,ur_h.,x n,~:v ,., ,. ~.~,+_.rc-st ; achr ~n7a7,a,^.~~., w^i a translcr hV dCVtsa,
<br />~'ersC~nt nr x r.rcaatam ,f ,aw ur~m thr Death ~. d ;...: i :-+,:: ;. :~ c~aa'. ~'ir is arn:~dd ,nlerat of 4hrrx 1'tars or less
<br />,_ .'t;r
<br />.,,;a zxaaia:r n¢ :an ,,M e ~. ^.u::nan< f u:Jt-. r t:n .a II enact - Jrc':,r~ .., f~•t x ~r ,.., i,i tr. than 17ted of 'T'rusf to hr
<br />,a5trneil+a:cr~ ••.w .ad. p;.i .r nit I cru3cr ~_ -.,, w, a t. ~_,: r-::,c~ :~ -cu ~„ !r•s. ~a It or transftr, Lender
<br />and the prrx,r ~ ~ hnm ihr ['.; xrE. ~ , - ~.ht :. . ,n.1r~•r .-e+', ~sgrec^,tr.~ o wSrUSfg Uta, ,nt , srdit of 'such person
<br />xuustacr„re ~.. t cnr7rr ~n:.t .: tai •hc ,,.. s' ,.,r~ c ..- .~ :rc.! ~~is [7tCd tit ,. ~.!safl 'iC rs! srtfih rate as
<br />hs:pdcr shoji rra~ccsc it :.c Wier a es +a ~•o~ .ic : ~, , n, .. -, ••,•acx3 ,~: tnu paragralr#r rti :,:7 a2 TMirrnwtr~s :FtxCCta.7trr
<br />tnitrf_S1 yits <'.eCUtT u i ~.t~tn s U is (,1 :. :cc c:+r - c! tom'-, a-.-:gig 51 f._tndir, [..tndtr 4ha#t fr#tr.YSC Bt>rrawer from
<br />alb otcirpan ns a;rirr .~;i i:4eu ~ . -. r:n~:.. m= !';c v.+tc
<br />t! lan~i~~ nor., .. ~.~paar : , -:..car-:~z .~.c, .. - -~ .,, ...,:r m~rtt rxf acrcltxs~uen ,¢r accvnrdaact with
<br />paratcr a,ih . a errrrr , ~ . _ , ua ; . ,i.~ ~ i~ , , r,,n ~ ~,,t+ Iran ;let +tatt ihr rnrite,: rs mailed within
<br />~.lstch it.,; ,,=wvr ra~~, :? ~._ ±.u do sus. •ix s. .-... i, .; pav sucA xums ;rtror ao aht czfnratian +sf such ptriad.
<br />Lender a~:ar ..,rh.w, ~rtM:r~r~r» r.~. ,Je~tar~a ,m~#3tNrowrr~ to„ne ;toy rcmedres ,[rttmtnteat hy: partagraptr 36 htreo£-
<br />A:,.>r..t -..tr~cesr , ,.s,w,rsts. Borr~.,wer and X,trrdtr tiusrtrc:.,;zvtnuns ?acrd agree ae foltrrws
<br />ttl. :ArrrtrrrYaunC taxrgN as proxiderd is parartrapk f? bersof, upon rlrMrs breath aC any taaatnaaH or
<br />rlt! tit ~~ ya thbe £.lered tit B`rrnst, tmrladitgl fire ruwtaaa0s to pal .rhea dare any xnerra rec:ue9ar1 by thin feed
<br />of Tra+f. Lender pry to acrt~eratfow etrrlfl tnsll nsKis<a to B.orrorrcr as pemided M pvaRntph Id herosf speti£vhtq: #1l Het
<br />frrsatlat tZf tkae actiaa to a-ure sorb. brtacb; t:-l a dtMe, eto9 leer tkaa 30 dsyr froaa fbe dtne tke aotit:e is mrtiled to
<br />flassaw+rr, by wbiatb sexb treulr a tx cured; sod t4) tkN failare to turc sorb laetrrtr oa ar before the date specified
<br />in Nre ar+tute y rrtaaH in of tbt stater scented by ttmr treed of Trsaf sad sale of ihr freYeperfy. 'f]te etoiicr
<br />siraN futtbec isfarra 8orrawadr td eke ~t Mt after asceiertu#nsi and the ri9~t. 9io bring a court action is amrf
<br />tke non-ea~tarx ~f s sides or any alhrr drfessse of Serra+rer Ie x°crlrrsstlon scat she. ft tht breach ire not ctere~d
<br />0o yur bafaaa rho dNC is ekt taotitit. f~adrr •i f.ttdtr's tap4loa m+9 tkclue td1 of tht aunts setvrted by ib[s Ihed
<br />a+f TrwN fo be ' don ~d paynile sritboat tartker deas~sd way ia.ake tflx !eo'~ d sale sad ~y trdher remedies
<br />patarifkrf ,byi~icabkrlaw. !,eerier sksiif lsrctrtided N cotltri ~ reasoa,~le aa~ sod expenses incurred in parsrsirgt fire
<br />pa'teviideai is tklhr ~ 11. , baR •oi 1#aHtsd fo, rtawoasble atfaracy"s tea.
<br />ff tba of safe its sous cad. Tra~ue sftsN record a taotice of delaolf is exk touaty M w~ch the f'ruperty ar some
<br />paae f~berwrd std abtWi taa~ asphra of sarb tsotite in tke manses prtsrriht6 by ~ !aw to torrower sod to ttae
<br />mtfser t» t+rratriliei by.. law. ~tftea'• the !spree of sutk bare au may ire regetdscr9 by appiicalHe law, Trustee strait
<br />Rl~ve public ~ikx at sate to t3ee pera~sos sed in ttpe rowaacr yrrestrrbtd by appiieahte law. 'frtntct, without. s6rtmsnd nn
<br />mower, stmt tas8.tbe ~P'sepetty ed perbiic aottiao to ttkr kiRbest bidder at fbe tdme acrd pfare cud antler the ttrats des~,asrtcd
<br />ist foe ntNiee ~ sack fa ax or arort pttrreb sod in awciA rsnder as Tnstere aoy deterutln+e. Trosln rosy yrastpnete seek of elf
<br />ar nay patxel nIf tke Yropeaty ley pubtit eel tkr rinse a®d plats of any prer'oiousty srhedafed sa4. fxader or
<br />f,tadels. maY purrkrre tkr.' f'raperty :~ nay rsiie.
<br />t:?poa eeeeipf trf payaxwrt st ties price bird.. Trrastae skid de~wer re the ptarchawrr Tredee's decd ranveytati the Property
<br />seir@: "f'txrecitala is 4he 7`rurfet's deed srolrt prime fackr evirfeate of Ake truth of tbt stafcmeata made therein.. `f'ruster
<br />t apply ttss proceeds of #bs iaik tics €ke falbwiaq ordrr: tat to >~ reaaoturbfe royts nevi expenses trf ftrt sale, [nrktdieeg. but
<br />not !halted fo. Trussre's free o1 aart natrre fleas 3?' ~ 1 `~' of tree Rr+so sale prier, reasaraabtr al9orney's fees and rases of
<br />tea erfdtax~ abf fa ad seats aeroited by this of'f taAt and ttl tke eaten, if stay, to the person or persons legally crrtiflyd
<br />riwMasln.
<br />54.. 1lsKrowcr's RiRbt ~ Rrinaa4e. '`7trtwatf+atarfdmg Lendtr'a acttttrattarn cif tht sums wecurrd by this bred ttf Trust.
<br />Brrrrr,vrrr sl.trtt haver ~hc rrghr ;ri t+avr anY yiroctrdrngs begun by Ltndtr to tnfort;c this Dcrd a# `I'retsi dissxrnunutd at
<br />any d+rrc pr.o~ •~u r;x rar;;crr in rti~:vr ,.., f:. t#x °:F#fr-day ~Esare tlrr salt o£ the Pre~rty pr.araueaa to the pnN+er art sa4c carttamed
<br />vn rbds iAxt., rya 3' sv.~r + ,,:! rn;rv- ar a iudgmCni rsrttxrGdng this E~sest ;af Trev,et rt: i:at BatroXwct pays Lrrw-er a'rf suxrxx wbi[h would
<br />he torn .av. <,n.tcr ,:~,., '.?.: ts! of Trv::r, ,hc IVort,c anal ,rrvtr.x w;`rrrirr, C-:auec Advancts, id any. hail no ,oa:tierat4an occurrul;
<br />.~.
<br />;rj R-xr„~wr* .~.._. :ti '~rrytfit9 ~.-.i env eitlitr zxrvtnaats nit -v:~'<~ncer.. ~. •, ail I'kxrrri~wct c~anrtair+ed rn tlritt I~li^td s~f Trust:
<br />it++sr--+>FU pass .~, t,^a:nxnxkdt t+,pte.-xs r,-sterrrtd by ?,ttrdtr a ;-v<sSEtr +n rrricrauang r~x eavtnanis and mgrrtmrats er(
<br />izr»n=..~c: ,r - ..+; an ~.r.s faced st Trarat ants an r_pxl,neing Izs,,lcrs~ axx? I.sster,4 rsrtcd:e-+: as prov.cled ,n y+srn_grapFr ',$
<br />a., y'
<br />TtYa;l- ,^+ . L~ • =*rnrdtd rxa, rt,rsrmafrtc ktt#ar'nty'x trY$, arN. ~ °'S BCOrrr>wcz ta3c cs sus~-r ac'Yrs~n n'. f.er?x#ct maq rczsssf+ahiy
<br />^restr rte '-...t ., - t .v+ 'a~ isen at the-; S.7kY.d ni 'e?rnt t ers3v.=Y~ zntsrrpr. ,,, x~.r, trra~t*y .~.rs3 Fix.rruw-mac w exhE,ga;rxan ac* ;ray
<br />