<br />$~'--OQ13Q3
<br />Utvrt~oata Covstsnrn's. Borrower and Linder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />',. 1. m of Pr{aeiptd sled Inteee9t. Borrower shall pramptlr.pay whoa dae the principal of and interest on the
<br />it~td,tedricst evidenced by the Note, prepayment and Fate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />art an Future Advaricrs sertired bythis Deed of Tnsst_
<br />F~ for Taxeu trail iitsars>t.tte. Subject to applicabfe law ar to a written. waiver by tender, Batrower shall. pay
<br />io tent~ron the day manthiy iitstailtrtents of principal and interest err payable under the Note.. unlit the Mote is paid in full:
<br />a sum t`itettin °'Funds''? equal to Dote-twelfth of the yearly taxis and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />tked of Toast and ground Collis on the Propert}r, if any, plasDne-twelfth aF yearly premium installments Far hazard insurance.
<br />plot one-twe#tih ofyearty premium installments for mongagcrnsutattce, if any, ail as tv:asonably estimated initiall}' and from
<br />time. to time by tettdes an the basis of assessments and bills ~tnd rrasovabie estimates ehcreaf.
<br />Tlx Farads shad be he#d in an instittrtirin Cho drpcrtits ar aceotmts of which arc insured ar guarantied by a Federal or
<br />state agency fittctuding lender. iftertder is such an irssiiiution). tender shall apply the Funds to pay said faxes, assessmems;
<br />imitrance premiums and ground treas. tender may not charge fw sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assesxtraertts asxibiils, uniest Lender pays Borrower micrest nn the Funds and applicable Saw
<br />patrnitst.earder to make such a Charge. Borrower and 4,rntfer eras agree in writing at zhe time of execution of this
<br />Iletxi of Trust that interest on the Funds sFsap Me paid to Borrower, and un#ess such agreerneni is made or applicable law
<br />req,astrs such ihtrrest to be paid. ixndar slSali not be rtquired to pay Borrower any iatrrrst ar earnings an the Funds. tender
<br />€hall give tti Borrower, wiihout charge. an annual accozrnhn$ of the Fnnd€ <Mowing reedits and del,its to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for w3tich each tfebit to the Firth was trade She Funds arse pledged as additianal €ecuriiy for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Taust.
<br />if the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wish the future monthly instat#ments of Fr:nds. payable prior to
<br />rite ducdateso€taxtc, assessments, insurance premiums and ground gems, shat! exceed tfte amount required to pay said tales,
<br />astessrrtents, ittsuntter prctuiums and ground rents as they felt due, such rxce€t shat! Pm. at Sorrawrrs option, either
<br />prampify repaid to Borrower of crrdiia;d is Barrower art manth#y installments tar Funds. If 1hr, amount of the Funds
<br />helclbv txrtdersh~it not Ile sufficient to pay taxes, else€strnms, isasurancc premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Barrawrr chap pay to t.endrr any arttoum ~,ecrseary to make up the drfarzrnc-. within i{} days from the dart naticL is mailed
<br />by li.eaditx to Borrowu rtaquestmg paymctt; thereof_
<br />LJporr paymerai in felt of a!i struts secarrcd My this C?ecd cif 7ntst, tender siaait promptly rctund to Borrower any Frmds
<br />held hY' L.ender it cruder paragraph i 8 hrtrof the Pmpettq is sc.Pd ter the pmpern, :s atksrru•,se acquired by tender, 3_ender
<br />shall apply, na facer than imtnrdiately prrt>r to rMt suit of tMa t>mprrzy or ns a:yuis,trr.?.r, try tender, :sny Functs Meld by
<br />t.+endrr at the urtae of application as a cr~it against.. ihr slams sma3xd by tb,s tkxd of 'f rant.
<br />,• A11~'+~ ~ ~~. L+nless applicable law pte,rdrF ntherw~sst, ail pavmcnrs rrctrved by 1,-ender under the
<br />Niue and pa-ar;r.nhE i and Z ktrrrnf s#tal# f,e appp#ied by t ender lsnt :n payment of amounts payable to lender by Barmwer
<br />uttdcr paragraph ' i,crrgf, !Caen to inurru payat,lr an the ',tiaate. then to Clete princrpu4 of the Nate and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances..
<br />4. T.iaa, Harrower attati pay all lucre asoesxmLarts and tether c-har{tes. finer rind srntxxnions atRitsutabte to
<br />tits Ptrapasp which tray aitasa a pnanty aver this Deed .,r "rust. and leasehold paymems or ground rents. if any, in the
<br />~ prrn'idtad unda:r paragraph 2 hurrof ar, if ntu paw i n arach manner, by Bcxrawer making payment, wfarn dui, directly
<br />pre ttKrsof Bctrrowrr shah prompts furnish : ! c•ltfLt aia s7atrarc elf amotsntc dire ut,der rhss paragraph, and in the
<br />rveat site!, make paymsni dirratly. tioxrowr: roil firs mptiy t .r,,,.h tit f.,cnder racrtpu evrJencmg such paymrnis.
<br />Somc>MVrr shalt pn~;ptiy ~.,„y Flan .t~h,eh has pro., v e~~cr this Jccd of Tnrq. ~•.'r,,ded, ttwat Sorttiwer xhaN not be
<br />regotr~ ttt dasghargc any r,~b !Cora u, fttxtg ax t3orrnwrr ,hall ~erce' in ::rips t., then p.+ymenr :~i tk,c ahhgatian secured by
<br />*ticit brat in a manna actxptattk to l.zndcr, or ch.ri n c.x>,1 stn _nntLt. , ~^ ~ en hw, , i rand cnfarcemrnt ttf such lien in.
<br />kiat sn wM,ch aperue to prrvma the c ti ,r:-crtrr,i ,~ ;h r nrictitsac , t'~c f tc•peTty' or any part tfzrrct>f.
<br />~~iewrrace. ~t3rXrowrr sha11 keep ',c +n:pn, r,sents „ ca.u rag trx Pctr.rl,cr rrecred a+n the Property insured
<br />agautm irxi t5V flit. rsa~ards ttaLttadaf wltMtn 't,t ,rim ~ri[rnc;c:1 , -n era RC~ .r "1d ~. t~h niltrS trALartty a4 I.Cndef may rcgnirc
<br />armed in suctr arr,cwnts artdfnr sraLiq , as 1 ender n,ay r.y~,:rr~. pros~rrlLSt, that t.rrrtlcr tti:,ai n~~t rcqu,at shat the amount of
<br />xuch Cavar~C L~cserd that arnokznt,cif costratre rr^.,isr6 s ^at ,i,c aunK serried hs' th t3trd r~r lrtnt
<br />The irxsa,rana r~trsrr provr3t the ina,anc ~.hifl he , ^ryen ray 8urrttwrr suhtt, t tr r,lxprm.' by LLnthcr, pravidcd,
<br />tam •ptavvai t3latl xMdt iae tintYasanabiv w,thhc#d_ :Alt .prrautunts cln insurarrcr }'s;i,c,n th,til he paid in Clio mastaer
<br />ptxrrdsd uasdu paragapb 2 herraf or, tf mat po:d ,n such rmacnra. by ornt,wzr making payrncnt, when due, dirrL3fy to the
<br />iatgaancc Carnes.
<br />At4 .n€ucaxtcc pol.cin axgf ietrrwai, itlrrealr etsalt leer rn tram a.ccptabk ttr ! Lnckr and ohaf~ ,-,ttuda a standard ttmngagc
<br />,Ci;IM+E Mn fyrt,r of atxi in term arrp~nnia *;, f.entyer t_,cruicr ahail >`tarx xhC rrytht ; ,, h,7i I ,'•c ;=,,.r~,t, anti frnrw~al~w thereat.
<br />aad Barrawea ahad , rcenplh turnnM t„ tacnJLr itf rrnr>~ar natiLC€ grad of#rixtrpl+ of r cmr,ma In the tutor of lass.
<br />8arata++er shall 8,vc prompt rrotrc~r n, try r-*suranoc masrrrt arW I_Kttdrr f,eradrr may ntais # ,,x,i ,n : .,, ,z ncu m•lde prompt#y
<br />try 8omvwsx.
<br />Umkssl.endce arK7 tbrrexwer rrw;+c agree rn wrxlUna, stP€ur++rrc tettaceetis rtsatl he t t- ~~ „^,tctrarton ar repaxr of
<br />She i''~+em Jamagcd. mro.ti<1c1t s~.w~ scstt,ra ~~•s,~r tep~r ~ e..~a.nn..a,lo erasdhk and. tt+c .. ivy ,,r rhrs TScrxi of ~Yusr rv
<br />lint ti+eicbv ,meanie i. ,,,.n rra+aratem t,r >eir~ur :. mK r~.,r>•,~,. i rcaa,~k ur tt the Cur Fro ,:1 !lira t'ked r/ t"r~,~x wctwid
<br />lvt ,mpa,reu. tltie mxu.n,e pratxcde, stall hs ayyPi,c+t i:, tnr±.+m,r secured r,s ,ham Ikcd+al lira u, w,rh rte caress. ,} any, paua
<br />ro k+sarrn~tr If rtk µn~,ryiyt} js atrn! try Hor,nwcr a~ i; di;.r•awrr t.,,t~. tp renp¢>nd ttr lctrlter wafhrn :d!} days tram tMr
<br />date nt,lrCt t> tnariC4t trey Ltrder t0 t~ttlrrtF,4K.' 1hit [i1r ,nFttsAnCC t1?t1Lr t~!tttl Cal srtik i tlirm f,Yr mkXrrantia: MrnrftAS, i ender
<br />., ialMvir=d to enlSrLt and apply the ingtrrirw-c , r«erJ}s at LL.nslci'x oper.~n erihsfi tsa at~tnratsart err repair of ihr PrafvCtty
<br />,w tit the trzrtt. x~uird by tits Dtxd tat t rust
<br />L'n#ers t rrsder tt,rad Harr+awrr trthrrtvr;.r y;[rLt rn wrrttng, Fray sixh application at proeretts to principal strait rat extend
<br />of {>txrj+tme the dtar, d,us of the rntanthh' .m[ i~rncar+ :cfrrrfX3 to nn IaaragraDm t aryl 2 hecmf ar ckangt the amouna of
<br />stash mstattmens•.. if rmsfcr paragraph 1 K hilt , the F'roprrty ra icyusrrd icy i_endrr, au r,pttat, tick and vaterrst of Borrower
<br />+n arsC to am ~rraurarttr paltrtts asad rn amt to rttr pn>ctrcds thrrctaf rrstataing liana damage fo chi Praperty prior to rite sale
<br />ar acyux„1;<,n :hie; Haas to t.esader to tats L1trr,t t,f the Dome secured taY tftis Drrd of Trust tmmedratety error to such €a#c or
<br />arqunttrcxs.
<br />i« TreaaxxAi,ts aatti Malttseapactr ~ r`ro!e'rtir: tiraatioids; £` - Plaited IJtti! ikvdoppeetts. Borrower
<br />sPosu I:etp ,hc i'foperry ,n gctorf trpsur rand. a±xatF nr+r ~:» rt ,r-a<,p,r it pcsms tmparrnnnt -rr t}etLr+,vaxat,n f the f'ro~rty
<br />app shall ra*ritp{y rvitM Yhr gttoviyic+ftx of ;any lease if thss t3e,p3 ~~ f'47etst ss ore a iraxlx>Ad. !fi ihas~ f3teti tsf Trust r. nn a unit fn a
<br />condominium ar a ptantwai unit devrbpntem., fior,asvrr €kui, prdrtrrn ail of f3nrrow,cr's obligations under the dreiaratton
<br />ar cavtnsrwa crrannR ax gtavrmrn{ the sntxfnm~nsuns s r nr,e,a :;~ , drvrfopmrM, fix by-taws 'and regutatians of the
<br />CottllG3a,nium ear }>kantiM uai3 drv;fapmm~G and ctxa+,auc t r3.r_~,;ttxn,s. if a carulrnnntritarrs or planned umt dove#oprrsrnt
<br />sxlcr :c exvutrd try Bo3rar-rr atxf recorded iograha v.~.rtf+ this l becxi oa Trust, zhc iovrnanls and a raxrt,e,tls r>f such elder
<br />abaU tx ':rcc>rporatrt! tnto atM ttita9l atwtrti and.~sirppfrvrrtytt tht ,. >,~ertanrs ;rxad agrrrmertei arz thus F~ccd of !'rust :rs xf She rider
<br />eerie a put hereof.
<br />I't~alersMtt of LrnJrr', 5e,csxity. if Borrower farft ec prrlotm arty .ovenanta anti a}tarrmrma cvantamed in this
<br />7e,ni a,f Tnat, or if ems actima rlr ~arxrdinj is cotnnttr>ced witrch snitrreaii} atlrLta Ltndt:rs >tsterrsi in the prnpaty,
<br />rtictudmg. tear tern fr!nitasf rr, rrr`iMnt doman_ rlsafvanCy. ivdt rnlorxmrnt .rr arrangatttrnt, or prrxcrdings invr:,lv;ng a
<br />taaa[rvpt ter Jctrvrnt. iixn Leatdcr at irtxkr's option, up+an notsce !t> 43crrrc>wv: may mike sracfs appearances, disburx such
<br />Straws rand Sai.C R,it!l:as:t,t,ri ax t3 1tCCd"SSary is prtxrct I,rtWrd~~ ,tatrrrtt, tits`tettling, f,ut na4t tirnited r,,, dratnrrstnscnR rat
<br />rgsonabic atrornc;~, ices ::;~ etuty open ttat Phlpen to zrxikr repairs it l..c~sr roquircd rnt,rtga n mxs.rranc~ at a
<br />enrb9>lron o{ x-rakrog rix 7a~n srrytred #+y ehis tled'f of rust, f3orrawet sh~a7i pap the prrmiurns rryenrr~tn ma,ntain atrcM
<br />,srsuraa;,r ,n rtta.: un•,i such zrrrx• as nc~ rtxitiisemKmi lac a`i~-]r snsuaansx tcrminaits in atcardance with iiorrrrwtr`s and
<br />tinder's ern;rn a6rrerrtnr c:r apptraabk 4aw. Harrower sfsait pay the arraattnt c,r eta mort~rmg,r ,nsurant;c prtntiums in the
<br />mantvcr proviiird under trara~rpplt 2 trerraf.
<br />'Any +tn,arufu d;>rbaraed by tratder pursuam to €hn paragraph 'f, ,++tth +rt3erest aMLrcrrn, site!! ktLCOSnr aclditinnui
<br />ittd#rltdxs4^ts ,:f f~lattrrwcx ss?:^nLd key this Herd of 7rtnt t tnks€ Botruwrr atsd l-rnaier agree tr+ vt~r trrm€ of payment, wuch
<br />andcunts shaEi fie payabkc u;*:w> nat~ front under to Borrower aaquestingpayrnent thereof, and shall !.ear interest from rhL
<br />data n[ dirharscttecrrt ar ihr rare payxbk €rotn tttnr to tame an auastar,ding prancrpa# ut>da rMe Note un}tss paymrni at inarroxt
<br />at ouch rttc ve:srrhl C:e ,. •.ntrstp r.> apptkaLk law, in witmrky went otrcfr amounts K.balf kraa ,ntrrest az t}te Mr Mcsa tax
<br />r-+.srmsssat,lc r;rwtr a,fi;,c»4ic ~aw, afmhang c~.taq~ ~n t}rrs paragraph i 5'~hait rryu,rt i.cntter tv~t arrcur arc ripen e~ ar aake
<br />amy utusn Fwrearncirr
<br />!t- fr~e.rtina., 4.xrxlcr tzwsy'a+ake or caztve ro bt made ~mwnank armies a;rnr s; anal etts»ts-ir+.'rc+w ~f t'sr F'rnsrcrty. r:rs;videa9
<br />thee ix tdrr .!snti g::e fiosrtrw.rr noar¢t pr,t>r to any surfs rrrnpectxcan s.prcrfyir,R rtasrtaihi,, .e.,rc rhtrr3 _ rc~iaacd t<, I.i rder r.
<br />rtalrrfdl; , , ;tor t'r~ ~Cg er.
<br />