~---~ ~
<br />8~ _~,~~(.l 13~1~3
<br />{1}month priar to its due date the annual martgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Lrban Development pursuant to the
<br />tiational Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulatians thereunder: or
<br />{3l} If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />tlcban Development; a monthly charge lirr lieu fx(a mortgage insumnce prerniuml which shall be in an
<br />amaunt equal to ane-iwetfth {1112} of one-half {I/2} per centum or the average autstanding balance
<br />due on fire Hate computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(laj A-sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums iltat will next become due and payable nn
<br />polities t~f fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property (alf er estimatedvti .lSf-' Mcxtgagee/ less a[I sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />atuattber of mondts to elapse before one month prior to the daze when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />sfssessrttents will become delinquent, such sums to bt held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />aniumx, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />{~} ;i111 payments mentioned in the twa preceding sub~cuons of this paragraph aad alt payments to be made under
<br />the Hate secured hereby shall be added ta~ther, and the aggregate amaum thereof shall 1>e paid by ttte Jtartgagar
<br />t;ach month itt a sinnta payment to lac appiied by the Marxgagee zu zhe t«llowing items in the z~rder set fanh:
<br />(Y} premium charges under the ca~rtract of insurance with t!tc Secretary taf 4lousing and Itrcran 'Development.
<br />or mantlily charge fin lieu r,i rrrortgags insumnre t+renrrrrrn r, as the .ase ma}' he:
<br />{tl) ~nuod tents. taxes, asscssmenis, fire and <tther hazard msurance premiums;
<br />{'ll1} interest on the note secured tre eby; am:
<br />f 7>rr l amattizattan of the print:pal e f satd r.>>rr -
<br />rkny defic5taey in xht amaunt orf any su h ~-;p:e> It -iunilx ~ ~aymear s!satl, artless =Wade gotrd by the ~?tRart-
<br />ggxgar prat t,, eht due date ai` tha next snclt • ,:. ,r-~ ~ ~ +Ittute an ,~eCnt ,zr default Hader this martgage. fhe
<br />1MGart~.gtt may colhcx a "'tart cltarr~'" Hat lei x~x~:~ ~ ~ , . -ruts t4,tt tier -i.h d+rllar !Sl l ai each psyrnent more
<br />tlzaa fifteen I141 i';:,, s to ar:eats to cu+~zr titr txtta exlxnse 1=S 4x1iLCu rn tsan:ilane delunquent payments.
<br />., 'Nlttat. if zlte rata] of ih3, patatc>rrx- mad:~ by rlrr 1tt+rtgaaur under , , of parr,2raph ~ n:r<~rdine .-ttttll r~ce~sd
<br />the artttnrnt of pa~mtewrt,: artuatlc made ]rv the 4}ortc'a~rr liu :rreund rrnt_~, Auer- and r,~e•~~ment- err insurance prr-
<br />mt`um>. a.~ the ca<n rrtse be. -u+.it CxCCnS< ff the 1<atn t'* s~zrrrc•~s;x, a: rinT r,;+tatixr *+3 rife +1 e ".r,;,,r. shard be credited bti•
<br />th+• ~br4~±~et +an =ub~w{uent paymt±nt~ in be mud+~ hp the etnrrtastar, ,er rrfnndi",i ixv =r, r,~nr..x<ur if, ttowrvrr, the
<br />'.+ra~th:~ gtapmen`- rrsaltf h~ the ~4tattGarscx under .-d p.fo-r ~.en`~. _ ,x~.~r-c,'.," ".~li .. c •,roi;,tirent to pap ground
<br />cert. t;aeN- and a.--er~fperrt-, aer tn^wr nr`+r prrmiarm.- .+- - 4~r ma} ~,• -,i,.-n ii,+~ --_,r,r~ -h.,ll i~~yime dot: and pay.
<br />able, fhe,n the tl,rneuFOr -ha91 ~y to the 1?anc.,:•.. rni m>r,,rr r~.~ ~.~-_-,:, .., ,,+„ ,, , ttn-d»•Frrt*nrx, ern ire he{arc
<br />tlrr• data' M1hrn tra.me•nt ei ~ur`h ~nruad rrnt~. f.~~r -.. -_~ --men,- r ,.... , < . -. n,r:.m- -it;~;t hr due_ if at an}
<br />time fhr t1+rn¢a4nr -bait uyader <<, the ~3ua'tg;.ar,~, rn .,,, -:,a,i • .. r}, ;n=- i:r ~ ...n_ ",, th•~ note rt+rur<vl he•re•lrv.
<br />fuEi gaerfrrt of thr• .~ntirr~ indr~br.~tnrr, r+pze.,r-n~o~~7 ihrn•a+. ir-.~ ~ ~~.~:;:,~, -.,:.II ,n:pvirr.u rhr;,rri»unr rrf xiuh
<br />rnde•}rter,irxts_ :rtzln r,• tha .. , ,nun „(:Vx 'vl, rtz,a,,,.r , ~: ~•.i, ~:rr ~ -e.'c ~ ... r n < ~~,-i1r, ~ttNis ,~l ,, r.~l d+,tratrat~
<br />}1rriYr! 'M ierrh th,^ ~k,flka:[r. +r,r •a,i enti <.m< •,11. e:r•'. :< fir.,, ~,,, .~~ !L„r InC .d'!d 17trazj t~?y^4 ~~eJ1Nf~i{-flr
<br />aiatl was '>:ffanr,~ n•rn.unni~ -.o ,'tr tun:a- r < r,mu'..r~f~ ~ uo.t ~ :.. , . .-.~a•. ~ ~ . ,~ ;,.u`at!r:atrls .'. hr•hvr1. li' r;hazrc
<br />~fia:4 Ge :: dela:rlr under :un ,,; tr,,..,n„ ; ,e,n- rt.,> r. - _ _ , , ,~,h~ ^ah• r,rf the free-rnr;~+e•~ rtirr're*d
<br />htamht, nr ~1 thi• tHrr fair, , -rurr,~- hr :,~.,~ri, ,~,f:,,w -, .Ins . r_u~~ .,r~:~.:; ,.. apptt. al tlrr iimr rrf
<br />~ .
<br />th+ ,omnirar r-mrar n. -ueb e<•„•,~d,ti . ,. ,. ~!io r•n" i ~ ~ _, ,r i Ir,rlattc+• ihevt retnaira-
<br />nj,• is fh,~ !vrd- ~,++, r,.u,.rsr~ri rrn,1+•r . ,_a. ~ _ ~~_ ,.,-i.i+.,_. , , .anxninl rrf pone rent tktrn
<br />r,-~:.rn r, ~ ,:n}+;~aJ =_~,,. -. , ,,,i<~ .~na {~ ;~~„t< .,i;,-. , , ,_,,,.- , r. -r.,i ,,~ •,~rr anad»u rarrdrrr ~,..
<br />.,f ssr tw, a;sN _-
<br />+...: "•rc •,4. .t.,~,,; . ..< _~~ r.. .~tcrrirnCrudrS ear niunreip;rl
<br />r.ar.c~ r .. ,.ia,,:,. ....~ .~,~,,,-. .-_ ~._. .. K -. .. ~e ,., tbe!doitf,agerruaY
<br />` ,
<br />J r €, .. ., .. „_ .. „< , _r , .,. i. ,. ~ _, _~ ,ate' itnpr,~s•e-
<br />rer[;'~7, ~a,.r: tr <_< C~_ ~ .. r -. 13.r4 ~ .:c'Y1 , IS, r .. i. .. .t ~I !,.r ..fit+fifer prCthibit-
<br />~i; ht ~_ .., ,,,.. hi. . , ., ,. _~. .. ,.. ~., .. .. .. ,_ ,. i~ _.... ~[ 1"eClerai.
<br />nf,, ,... , y<' tip - ra 1 ~, r n~ ~ ,< i. . i. , uric ursder~
<br />ty ' i,^^,_r'",4.+'~.-„ ;.i.. ~r+nc~ ~ .. ~~r~: < .. - ~ rr ..,..... .~. , ., ~' tlhr alcsre~
<br />.e:, L+~e. y:,; ,.r .tsi ~-r:,._; ~.d ..a-. .. .,;~:e. _ilu;fi~.-r, ,.- ~.-. ', t.< .. ~, r:.;r;.~ .!. . ..,~ r, ,..-. ,~if•,Ch rase
<br />s i,r< 4i ,i.chr. < _.~... „_:'~~, v°:~ ..s ,n~ ..,~ .. ..~^,. ,.. :u -.,. ,. ., .ty J-Y+
<br />1 ~.r. he~,u ~ .G I. ,. .. ., ~ _ Aalt:' ^~ .. ,~_ ., - ... r i ar. ~i f :, y._ r^t rd+up-
<br />N,r _,.,._. ~ ... , of r,+•n, inC •. Had ~ _ _.7d.,rdc • ,. ,_., h. ulueu '.. r±c , .. ,.n: , » ,. a ~„~ ...'._>,~ nn[e.
<br />~t":,ii 'Y .. .:etc%•s .,nu .r.i, hc.r ; -.rrc 1 ,. ,. ~ ,~ .. , ~ ,....._ . J n„~•:.... .. ~',J
<br />,ri~<,.c1,r~e1~.,.;t:n r,,rt,t;°r~ ._< ,r .: i,.,.,.:i...h<~..,. ~x.rt'the~Oreandali
<br />,x.r:, vr~el e~.;r.n~ ,. ..,._ ,,.,., , . .. , ~ . _.,,~ ~ ...~ ~,. ~ ,, _..,. , ~ - ^.9~,rtgr~t u: the saiu
<br />ft,~re., _ ih~ re.~t., ,r ~. ,,. rr:. . •+c ,. .,. ,... ~ _ _ .,< ~ -,c ,,. ... the n.<,rigage irsdehsc,i-
<br />ne~+ ,hn..:ru,r.un .,np.r,u;At1u tfr. ~1,si~ ,.,.. .~,, ~ __t ,- . , .. tii.<a for the put'ptfse srf
<br />re F+3lTr' r, n.e. F'C. tt•^-, .,nyi n' rcnIIat t c _v :rte .u V _ ;u;~.~F , ,~ ,. r,• <a•r+~. , .. any . r.. ~' ., v ;+rsy ~Yr3t v? 9a id rn-
<br />iV~:~'. ~~ .1(K :i'.~~ .,; rE+p+2trlf:C. W>,id lrf c'f ~lr~v ;f43 t'c.;: 5:-v3: ...1 ";;, .,:, .; r•.J Ctl ....;_ !~~ r{s .CRt1Aty2 find ~milriifijYn~ t1iC
<br />urge and +f :aJa. ang renta'+ !~ere,n~ r flat ;~a,~n_+~ rensvar,,.i..:1 .,n. < ,'csFr rc~ . ., ~ , ., ,~ ~~~,.harBc s;f safd mortgage
<br />tnJehrcc;:c.,
<br />~„
<br />~.. 7h.,t .~- .,..; tesp the .. .,,ern ,. - ,W ei~[xng ce .... ~~ - ~cd un',,, a. -. _, , pr.~pertx, imured as may bt
<br />rc"KtErr}e,. , ,.,rt ~. <, rixttr~ , r .=c a!: ~,.,t•~~ ga:.a 3.~a t+re ..a , ~';ex tta...;ds, ,and ceurtrnge ncies ire ,urh
<br />r :;~.lnr~ and t:,- .W~h .n'_c-~, _, ,7:n _~, r_ .cg1.:cU i . '-Se b"s,i t~s,r~ ~r:U aril P.ny f.+z,rrrly,i . wlrcn alrt~. uir> ¢7 e:€ilirnii felt ±x;cti'a
<br />.~•.ii::o~.:c t.-.r. nrr:.. ,... ..:, ...-s., a~~:,.,. :~: hc' ,ro. ail rn~urs~ ce whal9 }rr c~tra rrral rn a:anp;,nres,r7~-
<br />, .. - ~,~ she wt,a >,.~.cc ~<r„ i,c ~ ?,~.c ,r,.; . _.,. - , _ ., .,,, else M~ot7gag+.c n.. fule~z nrtn.hed [hetch7 k>aY
<br />abi2 ,~.nt.c:a .,, ,. ,d irumfo. <e ..,. ,p+: ~1 ., t~.,. << ~n an ~.. , ~c4 .'xilCatr~-'.;.,, ~;ce it7salcd belt 4tiHfi;e Res
<br />^.at~ h` h~. 1•f'y.r~. _ , he ,.ti ,,~a: ..., , . ~ - ... i r .,. r~rr ,.~ i(art~~fri°. acs. c... ;`i ir,•, i ariie ,-r.`nip;iri;; cnn-
<br />..rrncil , ~r~.hy . ,r.h... . _.. .::I c.,. ai.:i,v , .,, rc t~ f, r ? 'cCtlS taq the atarlt.,gr c ..,~ - ~! hi l,he 'iie,rrgatcrr
<br />..nd ,Y:< .l r. it;nke: i. r:,:, .,, ,t,,. .,uu ui c' ,arc,<" .. ,}s~_ .r,... ~ ,1 ~,.u ire tl,_ 1„nt:. _ ', i'~, ~.,pt.-~ir Crther
<br />., + o
<br />.'h,e; uuc.i '.. •te „+uc H.c~mr+~~h;.=c 4. coif e.l ,.~_ < ,..:r„~, , fur, nq ltr..~;.«. .'. - ~~I _~, of rtrdc~:iiz.
<br />,r;; ,r ..,~ .,-,,,~.,}c •,ahi~ •., r,+fu r :.., '!x ,.',,.. ~.. ;,,. ~~y., r,,ic-~„ ,c ~. : ._,! ~ ...: c. .:~u..d rir,:feb~.
<br />.~iigp. ... ,.... ,t. _....~i,~bi, ~i,:.: r . ....... .. ....r. ,_ ._~.r _ ,.,, .,,, .. ~:- _K.-o-t;Jsittee-
<br />< i ru! :.:~J rc ... ~ . „C L, . ,h~ ~ c .~ _~ .. .-... -.. 'ne ~- C ri~it~'Y 51115
<br />awe ~. +. - " ., ,. .,~ ~%, ~ , - . , ~ ,,. ,r..,; xrnetg rv ~ ht
<br />i r~ .. . r ..,r, .,, _ ._, ,a e: c¢~~. . _... .. ... .. `e ~., err. ,.r<u.. ,,:.y
<br />~-
<br />. .,._ _ .. .- ,~ +~f:x ,..._. ,,,.tom c, - ., ro <<. I'+.c :'C .-
<br />
<br />