<br />
<br />i~Q~ i ~~~
<br />i.
<br />This form is used in conne~-
<br />tion «~th mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four family
<br />provisions of the ?4atonal
<br />Housing Act.
<br />THI~~IE)ATGAGE,ma Ka da. u_ted this 5 d of APr~-1 .A.ll.
<br />i9 E2 , t,~ aria6etween ~c~iae~Galvar3 and' Marz~.yyn J Ga3:van, husband and wife
<br />of the L'ountyttf - Hall ,andStateof Nebraslta. party ofthe$sszpart, hereinafter called
<br />ta5e '~t~>xtgagor; and ~~rios Mortgage, Inc.
<br />aea>rparationorganiTrdandexistingnndertheFawsof Nebraska ,
<br />patty of the second hart; herd after called the 4fongagee.
<br />ik*I'f'P`aESSf'?H: Thgt zhe said'.Nnrzgaeor,fot and in consideration of the suzn of Seventy^Five Thousand Fifty
<br />pip/100-------- -~-------- Dollars iS 75, 050_ 00 ), paid: lay the hfort-
<br />gagre, the receipt of wlsich is hereht° acknowledged, hac ~-,ranted and Sold and 6y these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gabn~ .Sell> Coztsay and [rut6rst 'unto the Mortgagee. izs sttccessors and assigns, furaver, the following-descn'}zed
<br />real estate. sitrxaied in the f Wanly of 111 ,and Stare
<br />ct# iwiebrask.°r: io w~it~
<br />I,ot Eaglst t 8 3 in B3.ock ~aenty-Done 4 29 3 , Packer and Barr ° s Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grarsd IslasEES3. Hall Cozutty, Nebraska.
<br />c#ihe i~ltft Ph-rncira? lfcrr:drnn, c.rr,zdininF final! : Tres sccarding tes f;r5vern-
<br />l7sc~9 WfYe~
<br />jryl{A:~3 a'vt)i'+rdlrri f~~h< ~f_m,~C„r•.,.c,: nlad, _~ ;~~,rienance+aherennzoheFangirrgandirtuludinlz
<br />a;l htnrinE.~^#~mi~~u~arW t~RY.1~n};t:viuir,. .gnu ey}ra:pmvnY nn~,y 'rcr t~:.~_,~nral,.~r znsed an u~rnnea'zron st~ith said real C5ta4r
<br />oNlr~ ttte aurtKaKte.::nd i~~ it. -~i~,e..,... ,n i v~..;}~n.. ~ ~ra, e~ i rr or.~.a~.+r i c{~rc•~~nti tax. ;find CL3ten::ntti a iSh, the PriAftga-
<br />... ~
<br />~gex_ that i!tc Ws~tlt;..gvrr h.vr ,:!u.J ngh' ',. :,1 and ,nn~2...,~d ~r~~a+;~r+ Li ~ Itacr ,;.., ,tie from enG+rrn3+ti{nC'e; Nod ihaz ihC
<br />~c•SI~~aY vr:B ai.nrf0n) arsai Jel Gr1U tRC ~.+Tt 3~>,~~l ~F ~. hr iu;pi -,iaim+ ,. ,il ~rr.un~ x n, >in<n:.~C1' ~~n~ (F~e ~ai~i !4'F pT'g~gpr ~l@7"Yr
<br />h} irilrltlur+.h[~ a}l rtg4r> ,i 3nJJne l.ts~.._nu air. na~r[ral :rplN•,.:vtjg, n' ~,:~ , r,r'yUii~,. ,aJ :yi' otfler iariltnJ;BrtY tolCrC.~lti U#1he
<br />44c,rlg.a~~~; nn an~17+, the aknv rdc•La ~t~^u ~; era r..-~. tfo_ r: u14.;n s+rrn~ L. ,nn. r~, nri eh...,n .apsolnle kith. wl lee ~knipie, ineiud-
<br />gft~ :;ll 1 i~lti ~ ~t 7141 r~AC ~ ltd>1. e;?dAr~,.i4ei tiniili'~.~114,i 4i11 t'(c ll ~ :;. ,a1 irtC fi:ii4
<br />PR(t\T[)t C1 Ak ~.L~ y1S. dnd thte g^fcwenis its c arc+~i<6 end dc's a re,i u~~rs ttrc fsaal.'ruinget4ardi9n~ns. isz u'it;
<br />Thai.tng~igtx.oxee+4oiasfteattat'vtongngeu,<rrctrder.theprrnf+at~.um,;t Seventy''-Five Thoucastd Fifty
<br />an3: I+o,~I 00-^^-----_...~.~..._.....^.~..^....__.,<.._~._._... 1~~,, i , r , # i 75 s 050.00 I,.
<br />w ; n intr;e>t it Rr• <i:e at tftc rate of ti?fIt¢en and C5ne^Hal# per centunr ( 15, SO 7 } prerannurnon
<br />ttv_~ :rniu~d h_;:.nce ,anzii #w,.iti. T~ said frrinaapa9 audreterebt thali ix parvab4c et i#re once +::,{ Supezioz Mortgage, inc,
<br />in ~~"~ Y518Itd • ttebrar,Isa nr a~z auch anther plact as tdre holder of
<br />isx, n „z. n,., lc.;l:rr,,re sn µriting,ira muarrtrit rn.ral;rraenr. „f date Hundred Seventy Diitze and 04100--__°-
<br />~~ 4TUn~ "'""'~"` ~ ,.482 ,979..34 f..r~:r; ~,#ea.hmarnih4l~.ccamn4rrrt-9atgon[hsfirstdeyo#
<br />.rnu ,coffer until the prinipal and in-
<br />te '+i .~c !~ pate, rt.epz ttra! z prara,-ni of pr:n~i_ ~~ ~ntf nieresx i1 not wooer paid, shall lx, due and
<br />p.:~,ahtcunttu~arstda5 •! 'may ~~~~ ,,.,fsc~:ordrrwgzatheterm4nfaweriainproinis-
<br />:,r y n.~ir .,t r. c.^, .tote !kr a .ritir exetule:d by iktC ~:ziJ ?.1w1zZ:;.~or.
<br />~4tn~tonl:avorrnnrermure{'uHvinFrroteraiiteserunxunrfa3sis?s5etrtg:>tc.ugreek.
<br />~sut to welt , yy the irhlchtc.irtc~,, ~„ bcrrinErefcire pris'rided. frivi2ege is re+er4td tax , uy` the debt in ~whote, err in an
<br />ate. urea cGuu; cu une nr mare necnz3tl~ , a ymerss on the ; rincipa7 z#cn :are next due on zhe note, a~n the firm stay of any month
<br />pri<v ra, nzatu:ity: f',*rtei~eJ. beta -s,'iirat - eaten r<c•;ice of .:r inicnrion it7 r.xersise such pti:~ilcge is given at least thinly f3ti)
<br />ds~°~ Fv tzar ti+pta; ay menz.
<br />h rt r 6 kher ~ i h and a~ ,' iti, u he mrnrhl ~z1 ~aen„ of psirzeipat and interest payable under the iertrts e# the
<br />ncrzc r~, r herz'+-:. the ~i, ~tgaga , ...t ! ;,t~ .r at ti,nr i..gie. ,art kh. r~r,z dsy of each month until the suin nktte is fully paid. ahe
<br />9. 1 . rn n;~ .,. m
<br />{;rt ,~s ~~;~a:u i~:ri<u-ne r, y art tP~chstldcshs:Yeuttis'ith funds,a~.. a tf~ ,n>xz ar~a.~:',;;~C ~::,u.~arzcr prcttr3utn ii`z~is.
<br />..c^%cat aa~ t3ae r : _ ~ x_~r!:.ri hes~eSy arc knursed,or,am~m m 4! Beet (~ r l;,rw ~. J a .wn:~rtr irasu~xuc txre~
<br />?veto r.. r. •!-.~ ~;_ hcl~ ate :4~ SS, se~,:ry,:a#`Hvuszn~,anr~i.%root+~#3eaa~irsps^.~nf,as'_~ilow;x:
<br />t i? i4 .r r,u s.? 1:~~ a~ zas.~. nntx of :even data and rs -. ,., -~ ~~:waa are in>ureu' r>z ;are re:nsicred urw.3rr tha pre
<br />i .;[ ;t;e '.v,aEi_s.3 Fl.~s;zng ~a.t, an r=rir~ r. salt:;, • nt os.d:kzrncla~ ur t'trz harul~; of archolcler zrna
<br />r-x ~:rn 1 ias~.-„ a . -:::rt~:,a~sr,n.-, : -, •~.murnm3 `a'f',4i"F [}M 'V &.Editr't,iffi~9
<br />Esru~7,a fro t~-tar
<br />