<br />riTTEST :
<br />~~ GIerk ~~~p ~ ~~ -
<br />R£AL ESTATE DY.".'.9i,4TCS, LTD.
<br />I.e:s s ee
<br />its General Partner/
<br />G-'
<br />.President
<br />ATTEST`:.
<br />Assistant See etary
<br />ss.
<br />CC7i~NTY {?~'` l'Ie~I.L
<br />I> the undersigned, a Notary Fublc duly qualified to so
<br />act in and fdr said County in said State, da hereby certify
<br />chat Robc.Yt r. Boehm azsd ""Marjorie. HaubQld, whose names. a$
<br />Chairman of the Board of Su~er~risors and Clerk, respectively
<br />for The Gaunpy of Sall, Nebraska are signed to the foregr~ing
<br />Memorandum of Lease, and w:zo are each. known to me to be such:
<br />affieers, ackn~taledged before me an this da,~ that, being in-
<br />farmed of the contents of said Memorandum of Lease, they; in
<br />their caFaciti,es as such Ch;~irtran and Clerk, executed and
<br />de?_ivered the same vnluntarWiy as of the day the same bears
<br />date,
<br />GZVE21 under tsy hand... phis 23rd day ©f Mardi, 19"82.
<br />..-w,,
<br />u~ L ~fYNYEIi
<br />rrc~.w.i~w.h~rtt;srN Notary Public
<br />STr~TE t?F' i`FEBRASKA, }
<br />ss,
<br />COUNTY 0'r' I.htiG~15TE.~' )
<br />I, the undersigned: a Notary Public duly quaffed to sa
<br />act in and nor saki Ccsunty in said State, do hereby certify;
<br />that Tom ;.. Labsen and 'axi::e L ?~IciCinney, *ahose na®es as;
<br />President and rssistant Secretar•,•, respectively, of Lincoln
<br />E.quipicsent, Inc the General aartr_er gf Real. Estate Dynamics,
<br />Ltd. , are signer. to the fi:regcirg :4emoranduts of i.ease, aizd
<br />who .sre each kac°an to re to he such o`ficers, ackrowiedg~d
<br />before roe ur this da~~ rFaC, '~eing ix-~fc~rt*.ed of
<br />saxci t-ier:oran~~u, ~ oT Lease , Cite contents of
<br />-e~, -^ their ca~ac~ties as such
<br />Presir~enr ar.d Assistant Setretar•: , executed ,~r.d deli.ver~:d the
<br />sa.rae zols:itarzly as o: ~i:e cia_~ the same ©ears date_
<br />C>i~,'E';i ;~nQer ::,~ hand Chi ~~d• day Uf i'iarc::, 19$2.
<br />,~ ~_
<br />'~"_,,,_"'-~+.-mow a~ eae,i a_ rar_ ~ a i ~ t
<br />~w
<br />