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cIF~iORANDTIf~I CF LEASE <br />(Stzcrrt Forte ,notice o£ Lease) <br />THIS ~4Ei?ORAND33M' OF 1.E71SE made and entered into as of <br />the 1st day of i~Iar.Cl 1982, by and bet~oeen THE COUNTY OF <br />Ii.ALL. NEBRASKA, .3 county in: the State of Nebraska (the <br />'°Lessor") and REAL ESTATE DYtiA'~tICS; LTD:, a .debraska limited <br />partnership (the "Lessee"); <br />ETITNE S-SETH.: <br />Ia consideration of the benefits inuring to each of <br />:them,. the sufficiency a.7d receipt of which are hereby mute- <br />aliy acknowledged, Lessor haft. leased to Lessee-,.and Lessee <br />has leased from Lessor, for the rental and upon the terms, <br />co?zditions and Drovisians t?:are particular3v set fart6 in <br />that certain Lease ,and A~reemant made beCWeeT1 Lessor and <br />Lessee. hearin® ~ve:7 date [ {hereinafter sometimes <br />called ~~~ '"i,~~e`"}, the tract of real properly (Lt1e "Land") <br />located in Hall bounty, iVebraska, aescrined in Extt~bit A <br />hereto and Made an integral part her2o the manu~uring <br />and industrial plant facilities located upon the `Land, to- <br />gether with other related fixtures and improvements {the <br />Plant") and certain items of machinery, equipment and other <br />personal property for use in connection with ttte Plant (thee <br />Leas ed.Equipmextt"?. <br />'Ihe aforesaid Land, t~:gerher with the above-described <br />Plant and structures anri other inprovemants now ar hereafter <br />loon-red.. thereon., and the ;.eased Equipment, together with all <br />tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, rights., privileges <br />and imaaunities thereunto belonging ^r appertaining (being in <br />the. Lease and here-inafter called the "Fraject"), are subject <br />to certain general real estate taxes and other matters of <br />record, as set forth in the Lease. <br />The Lessee is to :nave and to hold the :Project, with. the <br />options, rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />longing., inclddng without limitation thereby,. certain <br />aptiorns and obligations to purchase the Project, unto the <br />said i.essee got and during the. term of fifteen {1S) years. <br />caximaeneinl; as of March 1, 19£2, and terminating pn the last <br />day. rf F:bruary, 1:997, :utiess such terzt .shall be sooner <br />terminated, as provided: in ttte Lease, upon and subject to <br />all of the opt?`~sns; including without limitation thereby; <br />to reTTtal, additional rental and all other monies: to be <br />paid ;,,~ the Lessee :atone. particularly set forth i the Lease <br />wlzici: is deemed incorparated herein'by reference with the_ <br />same farce anal:.effect as ttzougca fully set forth herein. <br />TF~e purpose of this t°3emorandum of Lease is to give <br />r:otice of the existence o£ the Lease, the leasehold estate.. <br />created Thereby and the rg2tts, aptians and privileges con- <br />taired :rterein, an3 is not intended to change, add.. to or <br />detract from Che Lease. If there is any conflict between <br />the provisions 'ierecf and the provisions of the .Lease,. the <br />provisions ~-~f tte Lease shall always con:tral. <br />I;4 .~iiii~lESS ~+irREG; Lessor and Lessee have caused: this <br />,~ten;orandum ,f Lease ro ae esecuted as of the day and year.. <br />first above mentxanc::d. <br /> <br />THi COUNTY 4P NALL, NESRASKA., <br />Lessor <br />r ~`~ ~ <br />r :~~ <br />_, ., <br />~ ae ..sa_. <br />