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<br /> <br />CAtlhbLWtE NF}: bJ97 4Contdi <br />S#~7S{Ni 3. The street Sa tt~e district shall be Smpraved bq paving, eurt~ing,, <br />fwttsrisag, sad alI iaeidcaial cork in eoanectian therewith: <br />St. Paul Road'":fry the North line of lath Street <br />to the North ltnc of 28t3t Street. <br />3~rtd>'~s shall be mule„ia..aetorda~cce vtth g&aas_end sgec3:ficatiaas grcpar~d <br />~.ttre-<,Ea$i;~ar for the City and apgroved ~ the Hayor and Cauacil_ <br />lgk:SlOlF 4. Z'he £apravesnsts shall be made at gttb2le cast, but the cost>tite:reof, <br />~a~elwld.a= incersacti~ps-, sluil,be sxsetssd soon the lots s~ pads in Che•dt:strtct specially <br />h~nMtited Chercliy, as provided by taw... <br />~GIEOl1 5. This ardinaacc shall be Sa force and take effect from and after its <br />prsaage,.apprnval, sad pubiication, clthaut the plat, as provided by lac. <br />SfX.Ti01~ 6. I'h1s ardiaaace, cith the gist, is hereby directed to be filed in the <br />ofliu of'fihe Register of Deeds, Hall County, Ke6raska. <br />SLC2EGh16 T. Afttr passage, spgravat, scd publication of this ordinance, natfcs cf <br />tEr eatistioa of sold district shall ba pubtisired in the. Grand istand Daily lndegendent, <br />a It#at.:aawapeper publ3sF~d end of geaerai circuatiaa in said City, as provided by lav. <br />f . <br />,, .~..Aat"~ y <br />o ert t, aya`T' <br />1 <br />a <br />