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<br />• ~2- ~~ia~(35~r <br />ORpiNRNCE N0. b737 <br />An ord#nacace erecting Street Zmprovement District Na. 1020; defining. the boundaries <br />of"the diatricL; praviding fcr the improvement of a street within the district by paving,. <br />pattering, and all incSdentai nark in connectian there+:ith, and graviding the rf€ective date <br />of rhea ardinsace. ' <br />EE` IT OAlfA:I211D 8Y THE 4AYOR A2~iD Ct911NCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND., NEitRASKA: <br />5ECTION 1. Street Zmprovement District No. 1020 in the City of C..rand Ia1arn1, Nebraska., <br />is hereby created, <br />$EC7IOIf 2. ZEK bouasdariea of the District shell be as follows: <br />D~„tmiierg et a paint an thr North line of 13th Street., said point <br />bsisat 132 fact East of the east Line of St. Paul Road; thence running <br />iiRSt an the Borth line of 13th Streee and a Iinr with its West <br />ppCOlosgstan, being 32 feet Nareh and parallrl to ehe North Line o£ <br />iitintrt Subdivision for a diseance of 388 feet [a a point 390 fret <br />41est of the Fie at tirn of St. Faul Roar; ther,~a rumring North on a <br />ifne pazai3el ca and 153 frrt Wrat of chr First Line. a£ 5t. Paul Raad <br />Eor a distsncr of 21.3 fart to the South iinr of Brck SubclLvision; <br />thtact running L'sst on t!xr 5auc:r Linr and the Hest prolongation of <br />tlas Scruttr of Srek Subdivision far a distance of 137 feet; thence <br />rvdain North an - Line paraliel to and 3D0 feez Wrst a£ the West. <br />1l:ne a~ St. caul Road foe a distance of '205 Pert to the Hest <br />#p~longation of thr North Lirr of iSrck SuWifvisian; ehencr r+snning <br />East an the Wrst pralongatian of the 2.arth line of Beck Subdivision <br />For a distxrxco of seven zrrc; thrntt rurming North an a. Line paca3lel <br />to snt! 300 feet Fiext of the F7rsc iinr of St. Paui Road far a distance <br />of a44 feet t:o fete 5auth line of iEth Street Lying West of Indiana <br />Avsnur; ehencr running East an chr Sourer Lint of 15eh Street and its <br />Esat yrolangaeiarr for a distance of 234 fart to a point bb :art Hest <br />of the Wrst Lint of .St. Paul Road; tTzence running North on a line <br />*Xatsllrl to seed '.6 Pert Rest a£ dire Wesc Line of St. Paul. :toad for <br />a distacrcr of ib3.5 feet to [hr Saueh Line of 18th 5trrrt; ehencr <br />rFannicr6, an the S+auz!r :ine a£ :2ith Street for a distance cf b6 <br />fret to the WraC '.'_nr o:f. 5[. Yau2 R.tsad; thrcrer rurni:ng North an the <br />FPest licxe of St. Paul 5toad for a dis[anct of b0 feet to [hr worth <br />liter of 1$ch Street; thence rurmirrg East err tiro East prolongation <br />of the North ;ine of 18th S[rre[ *or a distance of bb fee[ [o [he <br />East 3lxatr of St. Yaui 3toad; tiresrcr running Sauter an rite East Line <br />of St. Paul a'taad for s distance of 60 feet; thence running East an <br />a.licet parai3e3 co seed 1~,2 fart South. of the Ndrth Line. of Lo[ 5, <br />lioa~raod Subdivision, fcr a $istarser a£ 1{90 fart; thrrxr rurnring Swath <br />as a line parallel [o an^ '.'lr fret Ernst of the Esst line of 5t. Foul <br />far a diszancr of -co.;s ;eat to ttto East prolongation of the <br />1 lixM. cf D:K.. 5ut+div.siats; thrntt..runnfnQ. East an the East pro- <br />los~tt>}n of tic :+arcri iSne of D.iC. Subdivision fora distante of <br />wetroeet f+trt; theaCe r~nnitxp,, Sout.:r an a line parmllel to and 300 feet <br />.~K of..tM Esst 1.Yn4~ of SC. Fau2.R~adfor a. distance of 240 feet. <br />to the !4arcr. i_nrr of :5ti1 Street; ->:hesrcr rvam3ng, t:esc un the t+iortts <br />13oe:of SStte `-trr_rt '_ar a distance of 182 feet tv a paint 125 fret. <br />East of +~ Est Li a of 5t. Pau3. tcoad; thrsetez rux~ing South on a <br />line parallel to and 125 :rat East of tree East line sf 5t. Paul Rand <br />g~ i ttistes2ce of Z'32 feet to the North Line of 34th S[reee; thence <br />rwu+lAg: E:at an tfu hartxr 1;nr of 34th Street far a distance of seven <br />Eater to a poi^t 132 fart Ease of tree Fist lint of St. Foul peed; <br />tbexrct running Bootie on a line pasallcl to send 332 feet as[ of rhr <br />Fist lln~ o' ~'c. Pau3 ?iaa8 £a: a distsrscr o£ 3<0 fret to rho °:orth. <br />Ifaae of 13t~t Street, belstg the piece of btgfaming, all sa shown on <br />tt+e plrt marlred Ex}tbit "A" +Ltacbcd krrreta snd ixrcorporated herein <br />Df refeze~e. <br />APPNOYFOTO 60Rbd <br />~" <br />~~ +~ ~~ <br />G.EfaP.L t1EfoARTMEAlT <br />