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<br />~~ s~€,+104' <br />9, t'oadernnation. The practeds of any award or claim for dnmagts, direct ar~consegcientiai, in connection with any <br />condemnation ar aiher taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Leader. <br />In the event of a rata] takrng of the Property. the proceeds shall ere applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the exrxss, if any, paid to Barower, in the event of a partial caking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in sa~rrting, Them shall he applied. to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proponion of the proceeds <br />:t& is etlital to elect proportion whaclt the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior fo the date of <br />taking: }scars to thefaic market value of tier Property immediately prior to the dale of taking, witft the balance of Phe proceeds <br />]xautlto:Botrower. <br />tf theProprrty is abandantd by l?orrowcr, or if. after notice by ]-ender ;o Borrower chat the condemnor offers to make <br />an awardor settle a claim for damages, 3arrawec fails to resaand to Lendtr within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to coHecr ;and apply the proceeds, at l.endex's optian., either to restoration or repair of the <br />Psopeny or to the sums secured tsy ibis Deed of Trust. <br />Unless l.cieder and Borsowtr aiherwisc egret in writing, any such application of praeeeds in principal shall not tx[end <br />nr postpone rite due date of the manthty installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?hereof or change the amount of <br />ranch itutalirtsents. <br />lil. Borrower loot :Released. Extension of the time for payment ar mrdificatian of amortization of the sums secured <br />!ry ibis Died of Trust granted by ]-ender fa any srtcces,cor irs interest of Bnrrawer shat] not apera[e m re}ease, in any manner, <br />the liability of tree ariginat Borrower and Sarrower's successors in tnteresL Lender shall net he required to commence <br />lrrocredings agains*, such succtsstx or refuse to extend time tar payment or otherwise modify amortization aF the sums <br />secured L?v this. CSttd of Tnsst by reason o.` am• demand made by rite .*nginai Sorrowcr and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />f 1. ~Farbtarance by Ixirfier l~'oi a Wairrr. .any forbearance by Lender :n exen:ising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />fstFreswise attorded by applicable law, shad net tae a waiver of or prtcludt the: exercise of any such right ar remedy. <br />The prcxurtmtnt of ittsurancc cc iht paym:-.nt a: taxes ,n ether liens or charges by Lender sha31 rat be a waiver of tenders <br />right xo acceltratc the maturity of the ,ndcFttdness ucuzed h}' this I}eed of Trust. <br />IZ. Renxrrtiex f'emnlaiivr. :477 ; cmedies prrn~icied rn this Deed of "i .rat ar^ dtsimct noel cumulative to am' other right <br />ar remedy under this L?eed of ~l'rust ,z _ tfarded ?av '.aw uz tyuity, and may ht exceeded cencurrenily, independently or <br />s;ucczasivciv. <br />i3. titxrttawrv anrd dsvsigas Poaad: ]Dior arnl titters] l..isbility; L'apfioas. fine covenants and agreements herein <br />t;amarned shat! hind, and the righn l:=rtunder shall ,pure tn, the respectrve successors and assigns of Lender and $arrower, <br />subjecx ao the provixioxas of paragraph t7 hrreoi Akf covenants and as;rtemeuts of $arrawcr shall tae joinC and several. <br />'T~bC captrcvrq and headings of the para¢ranhs at rhea Deed n! Toast are for cnnvtnitnce only and arc net to ix used to <br />ntetpre4 ar defier tt~: provisions ]rereof. <br />i4. '.=]titfct.. Except for env naa~ rtquned coder applruzhle taw t,-r txe g}yen to another manner, (al env notice to <br />7~arrower provided for m this f}etu oY Trent steals t+t g.vcr. t?? mailing such natiet by certified mail addressed to $arrower at <br />the Ptopcrxy r'lddreria ar at such attrea address :i, Barrnwtr may designate by naiicc to T..tnder as provided herein, and <br />q h> anq rsotac. to Lensttr steal] he given by ctni!itd maei, return receipt requested, fa Lendtr s address stated Frerean or to <br />s:tich other address as Letrflct may dtsagnafc by nonce t+a $arrower as provided herein. ~.ny no€ice provided far in this <br />7'3etd of Trust shah t+t dexmed to have t:rcn ~avtn to Borrower or i ender when gavot in the manner designated herein- <br />1S. t; nifarm Deed of 'Trust: (:.grrrniiyt l„awe ~vtrability, i t)as farm o+. dead of to use cambanes uniform covenants for <br />naiiatxal the arw non-unrtorm rnvtnants write limttcd varrataans tr•. turisdictcon to constaiute a uniform security instrument <br />crrvtring"rccai ;arpptnr ihsu T>ted of 'Trust ahait ht kc>verncd br- the Inv of the tursdict;on m which the Yropert}' is heated. <br />]n the crept [,~t.anp pxovesion or clatisc of tiara f)etJ of ]'rust :a; the tine cant'li::rs with applicable law. such cantlier shalt <br />real rtfaect nrhtt pruvssiaia sat this lttcxl at 7rtnt c,r the Nutr wtSGli can tie given etfxt wixhaeft the s:onflicting provision, <br />and to this end Tire prtrvisonr of tlic feed of Trust and the 'tiaze ate deleted to tar severalrie. <br />1B. $orrawer's Cm}y. Borrower shad kn: tutnrantd a contarmcd ce+py :at the Note 'sod of this Decd of Trust at the time <br />trf txecutton ar elect retardatiarr henurf, <br />tT, '1"tmefer of the Ptapltrty; Astnaiption, !f aSl car an} part of t#rt Property ti=r an interest ihtrrtn is said or transforred <br />try Bottower wit'oaui 2.rade°'s pssacu wrsacn cxarr~ac:nt. e,~dudrng tal for crearton of a i;en nr cncumbraace subardina[es to <br />Iins Deed of Trust, t t;D the crtmT,un of apu rchasc rnaney se€ur:zv ,trttres# tt+r hause3eaid :ilrphanecs, i c j a transfer by devise., <br />crescent ar try aperanon of law upon the dente] ui a tt~rnt tenant or ! d t the grant of ;any ]taschuld interest of tie ree Years or iC3E <br />#rat cttntarnmg an Uptaon to purchase, l.Ctlile~r may, :ri 7_ttader's option. tl~.aare aif the sums vtcured by this Deed of Trust to Fx <br />immediately due and pryaMe. I.crrcitr snrli hive waived sneer optarxn ter scttieraie if, prior Sa rht sate or transfer, Lender <br />neat the pciurn io whom the Protrcrty is t,? tee said z:.r trartsferttd teach agreement rn writing that the credit of such person <br />ix satist'aetory zit under and shat the ntcrtst .p,ayablt tan tt;t sums scented i+v .his I`3eed of 7"rust shall be at such rate as <br />lsnr~r snail rxx}xuxt- hf i...tridce' ices waived InC eatrrxon to rt eelerair pruvrded en tlrrs para,graiph 7 7, and if Borrower's xuccessor <br />to interest bas executed a v,-ritfen assumption aprtrrsxn:.r,.zclrtect ,n wraunq by Lender, i.tnder stralf release $arrower from <br />all otrtigaiians under this t~}ted of Trttsz atxi tiro E?ia#c. <br />if Lender exercises su,:h a.piidzn ter u.:celeratc. t trrdtr vhili ma,l ficarrawtr rtatict oaf acctltration an accordance with <br />paragraph i a irr.rto#'. 5axh notice .shall provide a ptntxi vz rrri ix~ats than ~~) Jays front the dart the notice is malted watliin <br />which Bornswer may pay etx sums dtciaxed due. ff &arrower €ada tz+ pry such-sums prior to the expirataan of such period. <br />Cxoder r»ay, wishuut funkier ryatace wrr demand c>n Borrower, :nsake any remedies perrtritted by paragraph 78 hereof. <br />Mtctt+-llxater#tzH t'anvw.~t:atvn 1SOrrsrwer and Lendtr further covenant and agrce as toiloa+s: <br />AB.. Atcrirtatlaatr;. Iteaatdies. F;.xcePt arc pravidea in parsRaap6 1T hereat, upon Borrower's breach of any core+mt or <br />sBiumcaA of Brusnrrar 'in that Deed. ai' Treat, iarlydiag. tktt eoveaaats io. pay when the :try soma tzeavred by ibis Deed <br />of ]lest, l.+eader prier fa ~a sAsll ataH notice fo Borrarver ns Provided lr prrailrapb "r4 izcreo('sperify3og; ell the <br />bllatb: X21 iht-tictinr fe~jrired to erirlL such breach; t3F 9 QTRS. act tenet tlia6 ~. days fCarlr ibt dent tilt r10ilCe' i'S mailed AA <br />Baevower, b?` which Sncit breach i:1rPldt sad f4) that fw7art in eune Sastb breath as or before flee date sptciRed <br />lr the aotirr. may recede lracctlentiiwm of ]fire suasa tixtrireQ by ibis i)ted of Tract sad emle o£ tree Property. Ttrt notice <br />sb•1i fnetl#erirfarm Barrarreer of the right to reirstalt meter arceleratloa afld the rlgiN fa brhla a ctrrrt tuctiota to aitert <br />AMr. a of a deft or say oilier defense of Borrower to. arceleeatios amt ask. if flit breach ~ not cored <br />as arbdait-tbt dent aprci6tA lnIheswtir'c, I.ctader at Leader's optian may dte}~r a9 rd` tbt sums secuml by thtS.Deed. <br />of'i't~' to bt 3astmtkrfotfy die sad PaytBRe witfrgt frrtlxr dcarard sad may Invoke the paver sf S1Qe and say direr ierlledltS <br />pr:rtwk0r#1 M aPPiicsble Inw" S.tadcr shah be tackled to e#tYitci ~ seasaataltlt coet+i aM espesses incurred is preeaarlaq the <br />reipsdin Provided hi tbir ~ tit,. rr~;, bri eat Limited hr, reasoraMble rtAtarrcr°a fiXta. <br />if the paver of sale is iavdicd, Triaite s recorQ a rtetice of dtfardt Fn each canary in which the Property ar same <br />Parr: etirrAnt ii ]neared sad sMa'i eteaif cagiest of such notice is the mm#aer Prescribed by applkabk law to Hanover sad 40 the <br />dtn+r penaw+. prrrcribctt bY^ at ¢Brslir: Inw. A.tter lfurtsPrtaf saeh. titre as may be. required. by sppi~abie bas.. Trastee strdt <br />girt PrNic ar,>tirr of sale tc+ the ~[rsarai and is ~tbe mtMrer prescribed by appfiatbk law. Trustee, wktmut deersrid an <br />BOfret-er, x$ai# sell fay PrrPeary at pubiit sssrtieata ticbigiiest 6&Ider st felt titre rsd plxe grid adder the trrna des~igoied <br />lea for !raGce of sate ra eaie'au~-mere paert~rrwd is tiaclt order as Trtrrtttruy determbre. TrtaStee may postpom saleof ail <br />' a1P-nay peed at fear Pt~yrnty trarrll~ec,a~~~,o+iattAetM rt ikit f'm#e read p3act +~ any p~r¢vlunsiy xeheddtiicd Sall. C.tader ar <br />l:tedrr~4 drel¢tree PItA?y pareJri~e itrp ""tar'."~.: b nay lllf. <br />t'pw rcrcrpt et payrrrrdaf-ittt,Prie~bid, 3rsrrteesbrtl deliver to the pan§Eeer Trxrtr~'s deed conveying Hra ProPehy <br />tTrr frcirals ip #-rr Trttaftes decd s tx prieu facnc rvi+darree of vhr trtiih of the vtaAemtats made ibcreio. 'Trustee <br />sltatt apply the pralcerds ,$ Bee sale isrttft falba.iegt vrQer. {alto ale rerwaa6Fs comae mid expesises of Liu Sale,sacla~sR, bnA <br />not IiarttcA w, "i rdsMt'r fees o#' std aKUr. iksa - r t ~ of tfir ttremsslt grist,. teaSaeahle atfornry's itesand cw+b of <br />ewe w#aewre; sirs t~ :ne3 Securzd by~ teak Decd atTrmf; tad tcl ties exr^as, lfaay, tattst person ar perssm legidb tnekkd <br />L EiNrRtu <br />t!, Borrowers Bigler tee ReNrdatt: i°tarwittsstanfiing d,tirdcr's aceeleratam at xhe tumt secured try this heed of Tnsu, <br />Ficacrmncr shalt ;rave t»~ riftht to have :}:,y prncrrd;~z+.+ hcgiin by Larder to cnfarcc ihPs Reed of Tr#ist discontinued at <br />rn;= t:~ t?r,.ar t,, tta• a•ari~ ter, ocrati ai i ~t the fifth day t>e€art the ~aalt of xht P'rop>.aty pursuant to flee gowcrtr# sate caniairxtl <br />-. this f.'c*•d o+ Trcni a? entrti o a caxmeri entar_mrtg tt~rsLltcdaf T'i7ast if: Eat Sorrowti Ra'~ f.ctrd+sr nil steins whicfl utxatd <br />Fie rim rues urx~r rt ')eext u€ F -.nt, the ?+rnic anJ>r,tr. seananrvg l:utum 4ds°ancts, if arty, bract im accrRration acecarrcd; <br />- t~7 i#rtrro er u.rcu ~rL brt:ac4x-.a n' Ycy ra4cr c:7venanta ,x azrr?entents of Btsrt^erwrr vatttai~:ed an ata:€ t>etxt etl "F"rusts <br />r R <:~ r r N ~cnat sc c ,rrrc -t+_vs r r .~.cscr a+-d Trusrce fn tsaftsterng fix crsvtnan#'a and agrrcmtms of <br />H~ r tmvs: + r,..,.?r,+ , r&.h eaten , . Ts-des a.J ire mP, n.irvk t. endtis aevd 'Trusttc'e rrmt.'L#NGx . ~, rrttrrsted to r~xsragra~ l5 <br />t ..; i°~.r.. -. -ri , , . ts~svatt~' „~ e.~eskrr>utilr N;tOT~t?'4 'sa-,_ dlPd (;iF Tftarr<+vre'r'tAik~ S+.X fro a~#,~~ .°. ! ,~ ra<tcr rrmY rtYrSflrralaty <br />r r,q.rrrs: x, aa'«. - f _ _c ~,. =3r::ed t'sf l^:.=~t, L.e . r,_ ,+ktaE rrt the pr^,frFttis~.:-s ., r... •..h~rr'r of+ii~.aiiaar rt+ t.ay <br />