<br />~2- t~Ull74!
<br />t,TPttFOR.M Cov6tvatvrs. Borrower tad Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1: Il't~ttearog PtittaailpY aad;dstrre~, Sarrower shah promptly pay when due the pnneipal of and imerest nn cite
<br />indc}itrdoe3atvidrnaxd.by the Note, prepayment and Sate charges as provided. in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />oit arty Fadore Advances. sixured by this J]xd of Trust.
<br />Z F4wi¢ hr Taata~ ad lttetasasce. Sobjett to appticahle Taw or to a written waiver by Lender, Adrrowcr shall pay
<br />to Lendrroo the day tttanthly instaumatts of principal and interest arc payable tender the Note., un[il. the Note is paid. in full,
<br />a sum (herein "FumtTs") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority veer this
<br />DxdrofTtust, atad grovtxl rents an the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments Rir hazard tnsurancc,
<br />plus ratae-twetfih of yearly premium instaldtnents for mortgage insurance,. if any, ati as reasonably estimated iniuauy and from
<br />tune ea lime !sy Leader on She bays of assessments and bdts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />7'lte Fonds shall rte herd in an institution the deposits a'. accounts M which arc insured es guaranteed by a Fedcrat or
<br />s[ateagencg(itrctuding Lender if Lender is-such an insYituhan). L_endcr shall apply the Funds in pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />irsurantx pretrilums and ground tents. Lender may not charge for sa holding and applying the Funds, analy[ing savti account
<br />or verifying and compiling. said assessments and buts, unless Lender pays 8orzower interest on the Funds and applcablc law
<br />ppeermrts Lender to melee such a charge. Horruwer and finder may gttic in writing at the time of exenrtavn of this
<br />Deed! of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agt-eement is made or applicable law
<br />rrqui~rrs sttclt interest to [x paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Banawer any interest yr earnings an the Funds. I.cndrr
<br />shall give to Borrows, without charge, an annual aocatenting of the Funds showing credos and dchits to the Funds and ehc
<br />pngaaae fa which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as addiiioaai security for the sums secured
<br />by tF.ris Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Leader, together weth the future momhly imtaumen[s of Fnnds payable prior to
<br />the dttr dates of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and grotrnd rents- shoal exceed :he amount required to pay:said taxes,
<br />assesamcn[s, insurance premiums and ground rents as they loft due, such eectss sha19 hc. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Bormwer of credited to Harrower on monthly instadiments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd by Lender shat! not tae sufficient to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they tau due.
<br />Boertawer shall pay to Ltndtr any amount accessary tv make up the deficiency within 30 lairs from the date notice is mailed
<br />br Leader to Botrosates requesting payment ttterrof.
<br />Upon paymemin fula ofall sums secured by thrs Deed of Trust, 1_cnder shall pmmptty refund to Hormwer any Farxts
<br />held 'by Lender. If under paragrapTv I8 hereof the Pmpeny :s said nr the Property is ntherwrsc acquired b}• Lender., i..ent'ler
<br />shafT apply, no Eater than immedtaleTy prior to tltr sale of the Property ar its acquisitivn by Lender. any Ftands held }ty
<br />[..ender ai She tittrc of appTica4ian as a credit against the sums secured by thrx {>red of Trust.
<br />3. AprGe>mon o[ Pryante. Unless app)icattlr law pruvadr5 athervasc. all payments rc¢en'rd by Lender under she
<br />Noit and paragraphs T anti Z hereof shaT! Tx apppTeai tsy t coder first m payment of amounts payable to tinder by Sarrnwcr
<br />trader paragraph 2 hereof, clan to interes4 payabTt can 1hr ?*totc. ttxn is the princapal of the Nvte, and then to interest and
<br />princ~ on any Future Advant,~cs.
<br />E'er I3eru. Bcarrtrwer shaft pay au to>es. asvexsmrnts ,~nd+?thee ehargcs. lines tad 3mpnsrtians attributahle an
<br />the Ptapaty which may atfaia a pxionty Duet thcc f of '!'rust, and Icasehotd payments or ground rents, if any, in 4he
<br />maatxr pmvidni under pangraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in svxh manner, by Bvrrma°er making paymen4 when due, directly
<br />to tTte payer thereaf_ Harrower shat! promptly furnish tv T.cndcr aB root+ccs of amoamts dire under this paragraph, and in tlic
<br />event Borrower shau make payment directly, Borroweer shall promptly furn;sh in I.enafer receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borttrwrt shalt pmmptTy discharge any hen which has pnoruv ?ices thus !feed of Trust: pruvtdcd. that ikurowcr shall nut Tin
<br />required to dischargt any such [ten so tang as T3nrrawex shall agree rte u-riting ur the paymtna of the ot+i~gatean secured by
<br />such Linn in a manner aceelceabk ro T.cndcr, tx shat! an goad faun contest ;tech tern hy, or ,ic{end rnfnrccment of such lien in.
<br />argot ppratccedings which operatt to prevent the enfarctment of ttte teen or fnrfrintre of the Property yr any part. thereof.
<br />S. iimtdltrrrrce. Borrower shatl.kccp the tmpravrmrnis crow cxrstang cx hcreaftrr erected on the i'roperry insured
<br />against !oss by' $re, hazards irtefuded within the term "exitntTed coverage", and such ..ether haiari#s as l_endcr may require
<br />and is such asiounn and far such perrods as Tender may require: prvvided, that Lender shaft not requrxc that the amount of
<br />saxh eoveratge exceed that amount of rnvrrage ttqurred ra pay the sums secured by tttas Dctd c+t Trust.
<br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shatT t+e chosen by Ilorrctwrr saat?tcct t.? approval sty I ender: pnrvadcd.
<br />that ratac@s appaa?rnT shall not Tx unrcasanably wrthheid. Au premiums an insurance ppiicies shall t*r pea<i in the manage
<br />)rrovided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, of rtat paid in surfi manner. by Borrower rnakang payment, when due, dircciiy tv the
<br />1Mit'aaCO t'yrt'lE[.
<br />Aid inattrstree poltcirs and r~enewats cheroot shat f?r rn f+xm acceptable is 7 rider end shat[ u+ctudr a standard mongagc
<br />clause in favor of and in farm acceptable tv t crtder Lender shall ttavr the right ra hold the pvlicirs and rencwa#s thereof.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly famish to Ixndrt au rereewnt r>*iiKts anti au reccrpts ref peed prumtums. In the event of las:~
<br />Barravrer ttha0 give prompt notice to the msurancr caterer and l.cndtr. I.cnder may male praxrf of Ines i! not. made prnmptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Uakss Lender and Barmwer vttterwase agree rn writing. <nsarancc , trxeccts shat[ Ter apl+iaed «? resloralion or report at
<br />the Property damaged, provided such rcstoralron <x rcpsre rs ernrrvmicaily ieasib3e :end the xc;arrity a+f this Dared of Trust i.
<br />ttoR tlxrelty imparted. Tf such reftoraUan or repeat zs ntri cc:?na+niealiy fc~asrhie nr +t the aecurdy of thi+. T~td of Trost would
<br />be impaired, the iasaranr:C proceeds shaFT Lee apptaec.+ to the Sums secured hp this iaca-cT a>f Trust, with the excess, rf any, Paid
<br />30 Borrower. If the Property is abandoned 6y orxuwcr, nr tt Tlortower toffs to rrspontT to T.tndcr warhm 30 days I rum the
<br />date rtatice is mailed by Let'tder to Borrower that tht ,nsurance earner offers to seirte s.:Ia,nT far insurance Fvrnefrt s, d.en<itr
<br />is attrtttariaa^d to collect attd .apply the tttsurancc prsxeeds at C.cndcr's option ranee to rrstorauun ar repair cif the £'ropeny
<br />or to She sums. secured by this Deed of Truss.
<br />l3nTras I.etttSer and Borrower rxherwtse agree an writing, any such appitcatian art prcxecds ass principal .hail not extend
<br />or pirstparK the date date of ant monthly instaltmrnts referred rct rn paragraphs :and 2 hrreoF ar change the amnum of
<br />such instalttstemss. Tf under daaragraptt t 8 br€ec+t the Property +s acgwrsil bg L:erusrr, a!! nghc, titer end interest of biurrnwcr
<br />in amt to airy insurance poticres atxt am and io the prtstt3s thrrcvf rcauitutg tram, damage tv the Property pnor to [he sack
<br />ai acquisition snail pass to L.xrtder to the extent vt the sums secured by this Derd of 'f~rust ,martedratcty prnvr t:. suah sate «r
<br />acquisition.
<br />6. 15re¢erx°sr3aa viral !Mtis6ettwner ad Property; LeaxboMs; Condominiums; Planned Unit. f>evetopmrnts- Burrower
<br />*hall keep the Pr~c'rty an g+xva rcpsre and haB apt camnuv waste ,?r pcrn'at unrsasrn+cnC ar adaa+,•rr: r:ata:,r, rd the Property
<br />and shaft comply' with tht provisions of any Tense i f this ITetti +.?f -f'rust rs ern a teaseho3d_ Ct this E7red of "t"rust rs en a and in a
<br />eandaminium vt a planned amt devclopmrai, Tlarrtrwer sttaif perform alt of tlnrrawcr's c?hlrgat,ans under the dectaratu,r.
<br />ar covenants crelttng ar governing the condamrneum i;r planned canal devetnpment, She by-laws .read rrgulatr:nt <ri the
<br />ea>stdasnitxitxttt ar piattnrd unn drveTopment. and constituent dvcunaenta- Sf a carxfomsnrum or planned unat drvclnpmrnt
<br />ridge is exrcutai by 8ortawrr anti rectxrdrd tagtther with this f7ecd ,?ft rust, the covenants and agreements <,i such refer
<br />shall rte incorporated into and she ~t amend and suppiemtna the crrvcnants and agreements of [has Drtd r?t T~ru.c as +f the elder
<br />wem a pan lxreaf.
<br />~. t1!oMrn4ba of l:rtairr's :5cettrisy. If Borrower fads to perform [fir covenants and agreements c:+?retained :n this
<br />Dail afTrust, or if any action ar prorxedmg is cvmmrnced wtsirh matcriail}• atTeres lender's inirrest ~n lhr Property..
<br />. ieaclttdiag, but [tai Timsted ta, emarsent domain, nsotvency, cvdc enforcrrrarnr, c,r arrangements ar proceedings ;nvvivurg :a
<br />h#rttfrxwpFOrdrrrde»t, then Ltndrr at Lender's option. upnn notice =.u Harrower, may make starch appeaaaances_ disburse ,.uuh
<br />same aztd take surkt action as is necrssarq to prvtect Lrtsdea''s tntertst, encIudang, but not !amitrd to~ dasbursrmrnt c+i
<br />trasanaTsk attotttey's tees :and tatty upon the Property to make repaar> Tf L.cndcr required rx+rtgagc n urana:r ;n a
<br />can€ittrotrof maiStng 4he Toan secured by this f.T <af "frttsrt, Bor;awnr chat! pay she ptrntiurns required to mu.m;dn rnrch
<br />:nsurancc in eBtti:t uo•u such time as the requirement fez siren ensurancr termanates m accordance with Borrower'. tact
<br />d..sctskc.: r. wnrten agrrcrraent ar npplicabTt law. Borrower shalt pxy the artx?unt of act rrtortgaaze insrrrnncr pre'nixams in the
<br />mxae~t provadrd under paragraph 2 hereof:
<br />Any nmaatats dislxursed by I ender putauam to flats paragraph i. wt[h interest therevn. shelf t>ecnmc addttvvnaat
<br />irsslabtsdress .;t Nacc<axSr sxarcd by tRis YSea3 of Trout. t'.nltss :Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payntanr., a'ue3;
<br />rfameurts shat; tx ~sya?*ieupan neytue fn~m l.rndtr to Harrower rrq~uecting ^ayrntnt 4herec>f, and shati hear snte,tst trorn tttc
<br />Chita of dishutscrnent tit Lhr ia4e paya)tie from tune la time cm ctu€sza¢xdrr,c {"cn?p-~i under the t~rrtr :n+lc~as p?aymcnt ref inizrtist
<br />_ at wen rate would ?ar umtraty 4o appTicab3e law, in which evens sea~'1 ar?raunts shalF hear rnierrst at the hry;hrst ra«•
<br />partnrrdibic urrdr, appfiattae taw, ?nothing wmaitred rn ;hex i?ar-agrapb -~ ,.ir.a ra.uVrr d.cnder to ,rxcur env aspcnse ++r take
<br />atryr#c:twnltrrcicndrY.
<br />8. aati~ltstfoat. Lender may rnaAr tx c:aux to be m,uic rta~.oahte .r-r., upon and n t+ecuasss of rh+ Pnt++.ra+ ors+r,3ect
<br />.. that lasrtiler st~~.ll give H~orrawe€ errarrrr tttpcxr 7v xny such artxprr4ic'en ape<u y+.n}; reasannhle ? au,c rhrr~..,o ~t^rrncu +z7 i-cnrier ,
<br />entrrraa ,a 4he lsroperiv.
<br />