<br />thcsvan~ sr~.urccl h~: this Deed of ?rust shatf.:conirnueunimpaired: L:pon: strchpayment:andcureby Sorrower: this Dced'of
<br />:rust :,nil ihz obhgariocs secured hereby shaft-remain infuN foeceaad dTeceas of naascetetatiomhadoccurred. '
<br />7'p. :1ssi~ntwcar of ikeetis: Apprt~teceHlOf Res:siv¢r. LmdetinPgsSescior+. .ASadditional security: heretmde r. Borrower
<br />h~~ehc asngm to t znder the rtnrc of rfie Fropeny,-provided that Burawer ~arstl. prior ro acceleration corder parxoraph ck
<br />herco~.!or a6n ne;onmrnt of tht~ Properly, have ttte rigEtP to collect and retain such rente as ihdy.'becama dua and payable:..
<br />Upcw ancierat:, n under parzgrapb tk::hereaf ar aoandoatn+:nt of rfti Proaerty, i.entier in. person. by agent or hy'
<br />}mcierapy ap~utted rece;`sr, shall he cntiited to-.c~t~€ Upcemauke pcssesnon of and manage the f roperty and. to collect the.
<br />reins of the Pre.pert}~ including tn:rsa past due:- .All tints coAeeted b}' (-ender or the receiver sh31i bt appl+ed 5at [n paymem
<br />~~t +hc costs ct ~n .agemenr of the Prnperty and cr~llcetioncif rents; includine: butnaF funned to. receiver's fees, premiums
<br />on rc<~crser'~ hrfnas and rcnsnnable at[arney=s Iris, 'snd'thett R~ the.°.ums secured t5y4his Deed of'Trust: Lender and the
<br />Fccetver shat! ix 6ahle to account only for tfiosc •~em, aem:afiyreceived. -
<br />27. Fnntre Ad.4nces. Uponrequestai 3s~rrnuer; Lcttder; at Lender'soption;priortotu}Irecchveyanre of the Prcperty
<br />hr -t nestce u: Bnrra~arcr, may rnak~e-Ptilum...A.i anc4is ta. Barroiuer Sttch'~nritra-tt*dvances. wkh. it to re<t thereon. shall be
<br />secarrd by this LJrcd oe Tnnt tvheraavedeneedbz pmmissor[~ niatesstattng that said-noterare'seeuredatttetzy. At oo time shalt
<br />the pn~c~pa, :.m rt of the inc+ebftdness se~rred b. this aJeed of Trust- nocineludtng surds advanced.in uca:rdance hereA ith
<br />to pr.tt ; ' he st ,.. =.p nt this 23eeetf. of Trt:st~ exceed the-:arzgina! amount of the Mote plus. L'S 9 '~~'. ~QG - 00
<br />22. Reronveretut.G,awn.-paytnentoft~ttisumssecttred;by[ttisDecdofTtust;:LendecshalfregetestTrtssrectorc:nnve~~
<br />thr Pt~~xrty and ,hxl! surrender this teed--of Trust artdat4notes evrdcnerng:`-iaidebteddess secured:'bp This Deed of Trust
<br />,o Trn,tce 'n ace sfsafi rccanvey the Pmpeny wtthout warranty and without charge to the person-or persas 'ceallc
<br />tntit3ed thereto Such person or persons shat) pis ail casts of recordaaan, if any
<br />:3. S++huitrteTre. Lender. at i.enderv aptson: may Promtrmetia ttmeremove Tnrstaeandappoint a srrctessur
<br />trtn:irr to any Tn~.[•sapttointed hereunder by'an rn5lrumem recorded inthe..rountyinwftich this teed ofTnrst is recorded:
<br />wuhout c.rns~c}•anaettf the:PrapCnp, the successa>r trustee shall succeed to ail the title; ptrwer and duties conterred upon
<br />.the Trustee hers:in:amttryappicabielaa•:
<br />:3. Restuest f~:@-ofices.: f3c>rrnwer rege<~sts that copies <aiihe nati~ ofdefaultandnafice of safe be tenrto.Barmwcr's
<br />adJrc=s whrch i~v thePropcrry.Address: ..
<br />14 Wt7NF5$ tNtt ER EtaF, $OITOWeC fta5 a%eCUted thi`'• Bred of TIUSt.
<br />- _ _..~ ~ ~- ~ L. ,
<br />Laizy E. Carlson _eomower
<br />.-,
<br />w - r'~ ;
<br />3caren *i. Carlson ~o"O""
<br />Sx,tFr oF:N~ettnstc~,, . fa12, _ .. County 5s:
<br />Urt reels $tp .. ..day at. March 34 a` before me, the undcrsf~ned_ a l+Tatary Petbiic
<br />cltiiy crnnmissiottcd and gttalificcl Eor said count}~, persttnatfy came. LariY. E., Carlson, and:....................
<br />tt'ssen.at., Garlsan, Husband, aztd .i~Afe.. .. . ............... tea me<knotwn to-br the
<br />idetNicat. ~tersonts2. w#axrse. nameXs. arc suhscnbed tn~ fhs: iatregaing Instrument and acknawiedgccf the. execution
<br />thems5 to be. , kiiezr...... . votuntarv act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at . Gratxd Islarxi m sad county, tha
<br />dafC'afnrYSald.,:~ ~. ..... . ~y
<br />My tC'amtrttsstcxt exptres• ~ e i ~
<br />:.. C,F,~NtyMMt1#f..-3tnt .t ttetxa+M , iC.. d }i.. :"4d @ wass.~.en~nrK ... .
<br />tifcruu+e rt. µxt'r-tte .
<br />trri>~~atf seot.z~:Y9ts
<br />a,~t~ursT f=ofa ~~=ciJr~~.l~r.~ac~
<br />To Ti7 tPS?£E'
<br />Tlsc uttderaigned is the balder sti the ntrtc or notes soured by thts Decd of Trust. Said note or notes, together
<br />wtth ail oefrPr itsiebtedness secured by tftis F?retf of Trent, have hren paid in full, You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />snrzs trite or nr.tcs :and this E3ced of 7'i-trst, which are dcfvered hereby, and M reconvey, without warranty, all the
<br />cxtatr maw heed by you uttc{cz thss E3esal o{ Tru',t tt3 ifte pers;an or pcrssans legally entftitd Thereto,
<br />Z)arc....;....,...._. .................... ..............
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