<br />~~ = ~~~.~~995
<br />4. C.omlaneatiom The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct of conseyuential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar athusakiog of the Property, ar part thereof, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and slsall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the-.event of atoial taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secvted by this Heed of Toast,
<br />with thctxcesc, if any. paid to Borrower. En the event of a panial takfng of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />? othtrsvist agree in writing, there shall be applied ao the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of she proceeds
<br />as is-tgtaalto. that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Cfttd. of Trust immediafeiy prior to the date of
<br />Lakitstl bears to the fair market value of ffie Property immtdiatecy prior to the date of taking, with fhe balance of the proceeds
<br />_~. paid to BPrrawer.
<br />Ff the: Property is abandotmnf by 8orrawer, ar if. after native by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ofrers to make
<br />' an aaiardot settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to i_tndcr within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />tatailed. Lender is authorized tea collect sad apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Proprriyvr to tEtt sums stcnrcd by this Dced of Trust.
<br />- IJnEtss Lerde..r atsd 8orrawer Mherwise agree in wrung, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar postpone the dot dart of the monthly installments referred ro an paragraphs I and ?hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such irtsFaHmtdis.
<br />PU. 'fiotsowrr Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />_ by Yhis 7?eed of `rncsi granted by E ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not ootrate to rttease, in any manner,
<br />the liabitit} of the original Borrower and Borrower's sutcesszzrs m rn[erest. i.erder shall not he required to commence
<br />practed.irrgs against suet[ szncctssar or rouse to extend time for payment or ethetwise modify amortization of the. sums
<br />secua4YE.6y this ISerJ of Trust h;. reason of any aitmand made 6y the anginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />X1. Y~rbearaace by lxndee Not a Wai.er. :Yn} forbcaran::e by [.ender ~n exorcising any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicabEt taw, shalt net t>c a szuaiucr of nr areclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurtmeni oi: izasuraact nr the gasmen: <~f taxes or ether Stns i`r charges b} (.ender shalt not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acceltrato the maturity cif the rndehtrdnec, securtd by thrs E>ecd of "Grosz
<br />R2. Remedies Cumulafivt. .Ali remedir, pn~vtded .n thus [hv;d et I'ntst are drsunct and cumulative to any other right
<br />of moldy under this f}ecd of Trust ar afforded hp taw or eyuitg-, and ma}~ •nt extrtised concurrently, independently or
<br />succtssivetp.
<br />23. Saxteasors and Assit;tts $autad; 3adnt and Scverait LiabFlEty; f'aptiatrs. The covenarts and agreements herein
<br />contained shah bind, and the rights hereunder .hail route to. the respr<'t+ve successors and assrgns of 4.ender and Sorrowcr.
<br />sul?jetx to the pmvisions of paragraph i? hereof A!1 covenants sad agreements of Borrower shah be joint and several.
<br />' The capstans and headings of the {xtragraphs tai '-his f)ced ~+E Tryst art far ronvenieace only and arc not to be used fo
<br />inteiTtret ar dtSnt iht provisions hereof:.
<br />t4. Notice. Except for an}' notice reytured under appltcabie faw 'o br given rn anathtr manner, (at any notice to
<br />Borrower pravidcti for in th*'s 13ttd of Trust sha{'1 be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower ai
<br />fie Property Address or at such other address as Borrower. may desegnate by notict to Lender as providrd htrein, and'
<br />(b> a~nY nahct to E..ender shalt Ete given sty scrolled tneil,. return receipt rcquesttd, to E..ender's mddress stated herein ar io
<br />such other address a€ E.endcr taay dtsrgnatt by House ro i3orrawrr as pmvidcd htrein. Any notice provided far in this
<br />ilterl. of Trust shalt he dtemtd t:t ftave inter. gz+cn to Borrower or E.tniler when giueo to the manner designated herein.
<br />13. C-Inform LAeed of Trout <:orerning Eaw; $rver~ity. Ibis form «f deed of trust combines uniform Covenants for
<br />nataataat.ustand stag-:tmtorm cavtnunts with hmrttd vanatrons by #vrisdieiitut is constitute a uniform security instrutrtent
<br />covrsrNg ~i prupcny. This Uxd tti '4-ruse shall M govtrnril by the i~w of tha jurisdiction ~n which the Properly is located.
<br />fn3htevrnt £hac my prausion or cla~e of this Iseec3 of Trost er thr ~atr conflicts wsth applicatxEt law, such conflict shalt
<br />rwt aHtxt athtr prstvisotx ofthis 27t^td :tf Trust ,tr tftt Nott which can be given effect wnhavt the conffiesing provision,
<br />and tothis Ind tilt prWisrans of tot i7ted z`st 'c'rust and the Natt are declared to be stvtrabfe.
<br />26. EDorrsrweis Cady. Itarrawtr .oaii tit rurnrshed a conformed ~apy cf thc'<Vatc and of this C}ted of Trust at the time
<br />of execution ar otter rtxardation ExreaE.
<br />f'7. Trra6tx a# the Peaperty: Assuurptforr. Et ati ar anp part of the I'rnprrty cr an interest thtrtta is sold or fransfcrred
<br />' sty Barrctwer winitnut Lender's prtttr wnittn consent, txcfuding ! a r vhf creat+on of a lien ar cncurubrance snitordinatt io
<br />this L'>eed of Toast. t hj [Est 4rrtxn?Sn a£r purchase ntasx^g rctcu r+tv anterest far houscho3d appi+ancts, tc i a tranxftr Ety devise,
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of a tesnt tenant or tat) thr grant of any lcasthoEd interest of three years ar less
<br />oat wntamrttg an opt+atn kz pure#tast, lxndtr asap, ;rt t endei s option. dtc tare :alt the struts sccu:ed rir this Died of Trost Yo be
<br />immtxiiatdy dot and payaf+ic. E ettdtr ~•hat'I `.avt waived +uch opuan to acceltratc ;f, prior to :he safe or transfer, Lender
<br />and tEx person to wham the I*raperiV rs zc> tut until asr tratnferred reach agrrtmcnt on wriunti that the crrdii crf such person.
<br />is satisfactarv to Lender and chat iht tnttrrst paYatttt on tha soots atr:uted b}~ this I}ttd tst` Trust sEtaii be at such rate as
<br />lxndtr ~shttl request. Ef E rstdtx has ,vatvtd the optzssa ro accrtrrarr prov+dtd m tars paragraph ? 7, and if Borrower`s successor
<br />' rn iatrxesl has txxuted a wrrtien assumpaiesn agrtcmrnt accepted r,> ~wratmg by F_tr:dtr, lxndex shag reieast Borrower from
<br />afE o#ttigatiaras undo this t~etc9 tsf Tnxit and the h`cNt
<br />If E,tndtr extrcists such ttptticet .a acceiexatc. E.rndcr *.haii ttta,l Iiorrawtr notict of aeceieration in accordance with
<br />paragraph f4 Exrcot_ 5ucfa Hotter sttaii prow,dt a itgncxi c rw+t ,rss titan 3i) days from ttte daft the natitt is mailed within
<br />. which E3anotvcr may pay the Burns declared due. iF Hctrrrrwr- fa>is tv pay srxh sums prior ro the cxpirauon of such period.
<br />tzndtr may, wuhaW urthcr notice or dtrnxnd can Bofrnwer, utvakc any rtrncdics permititd by paragraph t g hertaf..
<br />aWo.~e.i5hr~t'aast C`.avtsvsr+xtc. Borranvrr and L.rndtr funhrr cavtnam and agree :rs follows:
<br />IB. Arctkratidrt Rtmrdies. Except m pr+aridtd to paragraph ET harrof, upon. $ortnwer'a breark of any coveneat ar
<br />aReeessnt of Berroxea ea this t?std of Trust, tscledarRt Ike tavrnaata to. pry. wfiea doe. say »urrrs sernred by skis Deed
<br />d Trma,. f,eedrr pria° to atcetetation shatl atri ttorke is Borrower m prnridad is paraRnpk EI4 hereof sprtuyiag: !t) the
<br />tueacfr: t2t ffie. actioe requited to rust sack breach; t32 a drtc.. oat less these 3(1 days from the date tht eolitt is [nailed Eo
<br />Bortuwer. by wfiicb suck kreacfi aema be rand; sail f4) that faGure to core suM brsacb w+ or heforeIke date specified
<br />to the satire may rtse& in ttcreicraiiea of fire coats secured by [kit f>eed of Tani and sets of the Property, '1'ke notke
<br />slraY furttur isdatrm -Borrower aa# the rgfit to reinstate ~rrr acceteretioa sad Ike rigtbt to brEuts a court x/ion to risen
<br />[fie nun-a=~Ssnce esf a defau4 rx soy. tctbrr defense ++1' $arra++er ra accelenritua sad sale. 1f the hrsach is rwt cared
<br />oa or before Ike dse sped is Ike rtetice, t.endcr at Lt>rder s option my declare all of the snots secnrtd by tbfi taead
<br />a! Trisf tb be-iretrrediNdp dot sail payttNe wit6rutfirrtixr demand and rosy Envokr the power of snit: aed soy other rtesedks
<br />patrteittedtr}~.appEieaWe:tstr, f;.neder ~afl ke entitled to eafieti au. rtaroxaklx costs smi exgeaees Erncurred is pnrsuEtgt the
<br />ratneiies provided M lids para6ta*k l8, iactuiuMt. bet not-limned rn, r,nsenediie atteraey's less.
<br />ft'tke power afsr4is.Enrdiad,'fr®aNSC-sMN.[eeorda tewiceoS defaaN iw sack cauaty in whisk lire Property or some
<br />prA tfirrrtaQ ds located atsd.shir6 esaY cupks at sucknWieriw 6fie moanerprescribed by appficabk law to Borrower sad to the
<br />etttseepersses.ptesrribcdlrY-rpdicaiirlo+r_ After the lapse of:surhtitsr m mar br required by appficabic Esw, Trauee sbatl
<br />pl+r poYlEec ttoliee of arts. to Ike persons and is the mossier prescribed by appiieabie taw. Trtt~ee, witkostt ~tttamd. nn
<br />laestsrter. shfrif seN Ike Property at ptrbfk aecfien M Ike kEltbest bidder of Ike liars av~ place sat under Ike ttrwus ds~siBnafed
<br />int6r apKtr a€ stiltm-sae w~svre prrecbsni is tmcb Desist as TrraAse may determine. Tenure may postposw ask of a8
<br />ozau; prreetaf rbeFraperty bypabfie aueoaexsrnentsttbetiare and P~ ~ maY previad.Y xekedeied srfe. Leader or
<br />f.erdtr's sriy prrris~e Ike i"rapenY ~ soy... safe-
<br />Upon sx~aeipt of psytaera of thepria bit. Ttardee sErrMl delivx to Ike porekaxe Trustee's decd ranveyieg the ~P~Y
<br />swii, `f'be rccfHls. in ttx TsmMea?a deed slrai8 bt prima tacit rvideaee of for trutk of tftm statenserrte made tiKrein, "Trustee
<br />sita6yAptyrkeprwtrrrdsaftfit::salviatlhefaNowttr#otdartaiteaBrcrsoaabk..eoeetmfrxpensesoflkesaleEtscludinrtt..but
<br />tsar breftea tn, frswtrr's tees. of not snore tivsn ~°g~ of 1 `t• of Ike gross pelts. rwrsoeaWe rittoracy's free sad sorts of
<br />eltle krfisurr, tbt mall .win tretat:d thyfAiaDeed of 2"ru+fi and tc1 the excess, if any, to the person or ptrsuns ietEatly rntltled
<br />tissasa•
<br />E9. •erre•,eei s R1aM1 ro Rrhatatre. EVOtwriMtandusg Lrredtr'e acttleration atf tkar sums securtd by ttais feed at Trust.
<br />$grrhwrr shaSi hoer the ergot za have any prctttsdinlls lxttan sty E.xnder to enforce this fde^^td of Tretsf ttisconunttrd at
<br />anv :~tnt ,nr><,r to ;M- ra'su r r.; t,c-<e,r rat („ the tifth day ttcfnrt rhttaEC of [Ire Prttperiy pursuant tat the power of sale contacted
<br />in lies 17ecd cq 7aiut or ,.:' eatrv sq' n j sdgmenr rnfatcing0hnsI~edaf 'PYnst rF {al Ba€ritsvcr pays txtldtr all sums which waerld
<br />tie then +fr crrrkr ,,,i 13rt,J ., frr nt, the >`a4e anzf raatc+r ~.tritrt ~tdurt ndvancts, iC any, had [acs aectferatroun csccutrtd:
<br />{nj iN~rtrwcr :urea .act breo-,-itts set any e.?ft~r retaan~ ur agrttttrents at Borrawtr cantalttrd rn this taECd of Trent:
<br />Cct IFrn f,t..zr px;•. a+i r*au,-sable <.r.cvwr..rxaefr.:i spy ixrxatr arsd `d'ross#+er i¢e cnfafwing tart cavtnanis an<# sgretrrxnts +?f
<br />FZ'n rawer crxt .i _ fhc t of r q toil ~> =nfcrczng i Cnder'g ;arras "Yrrrstex'x reerxdtcs 3 prttvre3ed in gsxr'at;rarth ?~
<br />trerertt rrxacri4 r, ++ .,.>, ,n.tec'. r•* n .t.cnablr aaornry's flex acrd #df E4r?rntw~tr iakcs cash n.,tao=r as E roller anav [`•.axtnahh•
<br />r~iue~ tcv 3ttiura ;?:+r ~'et '"`n ~# !qse fhtRG of °ruxt~ t..tntitr'; initteaa ,n ;rxc P'raperty dnd tSc>rrnwr.'s otstG$au+. r: f.r i±ay
<br />