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<br />7. Coademoation. Sn the event the Pmperty, ararvy partthereof. shall be taken;by eminent domairt;the Mortgagee, <br />is empowrxd to collect and xeaive all compensatioe which msy be paid for aayproperty:;takea or far`damagas to. property <br />oot taken, and 114ortgaQee shall apply such compensation, at its option, either-to a reduction ofthetndebtednera eec+,tred ' <br />hereby or to xpslrand restore the property so damaged. <br />8. Pedotmance by V1ort{ager_ Mortgagee may, but shall-have ao obligatlon; to du any act vrhich the Mortgagor <br />hm agrdrd but tails to do, and Mortgagee rosy also do any actit daems;necesary to protect thedien hereof. Mortpgor <br />agsteea io xpay, upon demand. any sums so expended by the Mortgagee For theabove paiposes, and auy su~:sa espended <br />by the !Koctgagee shalt lre added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the lien ~ereo~.:~lottgagae <br />sail sat ineurany personal liabilitc because of anything it may door omit to do herrunder: <br />9. Default; .Aa~unent ct Rents. 'ISme is of the esaentx. hereof, end.;-upon. Mortgagor'x default is aag,aoveaact <br />oragreement o[ this Mortgage, including covenan~s to psy waen due the arum secured by this Mattgaie, the MorLYapne shall <br />be entilJed, at ifs sole option and without not:cT, to declare ail soma secured by this Mort~e,to be immediately due a~ <br />payaltN~ andmty commence to>•edosure of this Mortgage by jurltcialproceedinga; and,: Provided'turther,thatupmsnch <br />default the Mortdare, or a receiver appointed by a court, may at its opaoo apd wtthovt regardta the adequacy of the- <br />secwity, enter npm and take pocsesaion of the F4opertyaed cotlaetthe rentt, tssttes sad pmtlts themfmm aqd aPPIY them <br />bat to the cost of adlectioa and operation of the Property and then upon the indebtedness secuiced by this.Mortga~ec; <br />said ants; issues and profits being assigned to the Mortgagee as further security forthe payment of the indebtedness <br />secured hereby. <br />10: `frudar a[ Ptopwty. €f alt or any part of thaYroperty is add of transteeed without the a=p~c`rrritten con- <br />sent of the Mortgagee, map atitssole option; declare altatmts,secured by khis:Mortgage'tobrltnmediately due <br />and payable. <br />11. Fltnre Advances. [pat: request of Mortgagbr; Mortgagee tnay-stake additional gad.future advances to <br />Mlortgagor. Such advances, wish iatetest-tbereort, abaft. he.securr-d by this Mottle wheaevidencedbY Promiuory notes <br />statusg t5at said notes are secured hereby. At na time shall the-ptincipui. amount of the indebtedness secumd by Chit <br />Mortgage, not including sums adranoed EO protectthesecctrity of this Mortgage; exreed the original i3ote. <br />12 ?VfaouaTroviaiau. <br />(a) Any foaebearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not ben waixer theteof_ <br />tb) A}i remedies provided herein are distinct and cumolatise to ally other rightaftarded by Lw or equity,' <br />sad trtay be,ezercisal tx>ncurrentty; independently or successively. <br />(c; The covenants and agreements cantsin,ed herein shall bind. and the rtghta inure to the respective <br />su+ncercas and ~~trs of the 3lortga~or and the Mortgagee. <br />ld) All eovestants aada~rmeats of the IYI4rt;a~or an! jo'vnt.and sC#eral. <br />ie j The h~n~t of :tlze para~apLs of this Marge ate for coaveatattce qty and shah sot be used to inter- <br />pret oe define the: provisions heceoL <br />13. Raiere. ~ pas payment of all sum seemed by this Martgage, Mortgagee shall disdtarge ,this Mortgage and <br />stall execute and deliver a satisfactory rekease therefat. <br />IV WITNESS WfiSREUF, Mortgagor has eaucuted this biort~e on tlse bth ~y of iM,ar~ck 19H ~ <br />/ r <br />Stare o! Nspraala, R a ; ' i~runty ~: <br />Cht this St h day of Marcia 19~s„_., beloee me, life undeaigted, a idotary Public <br />dutycomniacWnedwdgnali[iedfotatid-caonty.peitsottaf}ycmtte Artftur Heed anii Kathlzen A. Geed, <br />_ Husbanii un.i ~'it.• , to me kauano-to be-:he <br />idarrtital peraaata) whose aamets) an subsecihed to rite faregoitgfinsiaument sad acknowledged She eseeirtion thereof <br />~~ their eotuntaryactaitddeed. <br />tZ hand aeM uotaru [ alai. at i; r a n ~. I ss 1~, in eo~y > the <br />>~/is~ (~ <br />- ~' nlt7lArt1' ~ H <br />1t i <br />[fiwce aWn. v. 7rW i.w armed Fw 1aaAa aed II~cerdR) <br />~ m' <br />~ ~ ~ "~ a <br />~~ ~~1 z <br />~ ~ ...~ e <br />~r~~ <br />~., _„ <br />~~ ,- ,~ <br />r-. <br />d~ <br />:~ <br />~ta..~ <br />~"' r` ev <br />~ ~ ~ <br />~W~ ~, <br />,,,. ~, <br />, , ~: <br />,l ~. <br />"`~ <br />~: <br />w <br />