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<br />$2r° ~1Ud~~4 <br />;: kIURTGAGE: <br />` ~ IStisMortgage isentcrert into between Arthur Beed and, Kathleen A. Beed, Husband and Wife , <br />each in his and her ow.1 righ[ and as spouse of the other (hereto"Mortgagor")and ~ <br />' F_•re Points Bank <br />-- --- ~ {heroin "Mortgagee"). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to lgortgagee in the principal sum oP $ tt3,gnn , evidenced by Mortgagor's ¢ote <br />datri,~': P4ar~ h 9 , 1 `78 2 (hereto "1~fate" <br />providing forpayments of printKPat and Interest, with the balance of the <br />iniicbtedness, rf riot sooryer paid, dnc and }~yabte an_ March 1? , 19$> <br />'fb secue the pavement oY:the Note, arith Interest as provided theEeia, the" payment of all other sums, with interest; <br />adweced by Moetgsgg<e to ?rotect the security oP thinMortgage, and the performance of the covenanks"and ~gmments of <br />the F3ortxagor contained herein, Mortgag!oi' does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the Cotiowittg tleaeritied <br />property located in tia31, ~C•ouaty. Nebraska.: <br />t.o~_ ?.per<=ny-rte (2T~ in the Virgo Fourth Subdicisian in *_he S3illage of <br />:lda, Ha?.I" Caunx:y, 2veb'ga'ska, being a tract of land ir. the Southeast Quarter <br />04 the ~aactrwest Quarter 45E$SW~) aced a past of the Southwest Quarter aE the <br />So.~thwast Quarter (SWkSWeyT a;t ir. Sectzon Five €-), Township Ten{id) IQorth, <br />range ten {lft) West of the 6th P.M. <br />7~cther wish dl buttdiags, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements. tights, privileges and <br />appuMenaeces touted tiremoto: ur is aayvrise pertaining thereto, and the renu isttues and profits: rrversioas and remainders <br />thet of; iriduding, but aot t%mited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal Property that h attached tp the <br />improarmenta so as to caastdtute a fixture, all of wteieh, includieig replacements and additions thereto, is: hereby declaped <br />Ur br a part of the real estate aetyn!d b7+ the lien of this Martgnge and altaf thefasegoi¢R being referred b:. hereto asthe <br /><.~,~,,, <br />Mortpgor fetrtbtr t~tttroamta and agrees, wiUi Mortgagee, as foliaws: <br />1. Tay®eat~ To pay. Site earkbtadt7teess aad fbe interest ttrerro¢ as provided in this Mortgage aad the Note: <br />2. Tftic. 4lort~or is tinr:ownec of the Pruperry, has the right: wad authority to mortgage the Property, snd <br />aramnets ttut the lice cttrated hereby is a Erik and pri<u lien an the Property. except as taay otherwise be set forth br[ein. <br />Tits Property is: subject to a Morkgte@r wherrm _ °-, - -. ~__ ~,~ ~.. _ ___ <br />is the Mortpgrr, worded at Hook.:,_.._.._..v._. , PxPe....~..._,.._._._ of the Mori.~age-itet:ards aP_..._.~ County,: <br />Nebraat<a, trhich Mottgatpc to a Eira pr+tir to tilt teen emoted heeriay. <br />C ether p%ioriiem or e~ ...___.___. ,___._._...._..._...__,_,-_._~.._--- _____ .. <br />3. Ttotea, Aaaasaaoea4 Ta pry wAen due al! tzx<»„ ~peciai a.,essncents and Ali other e:itarges against: the Property <br />and, upon writtsn demand by Mcxtiatlee, to add te, the payments required under fire 'v ate secriredhomby, suc*i amaunt'as <br />mvy be wfficient to ernbie the ktott;agee fo pay such taxes, ssacs+nunts;or other charges as they oecnmedur.. <br />inaesknu_ Ta keep th. ~ iraprorerrrenu na~r or hereafter touted or:. the real estate described hettetn tibuted <br />apk>oat daeagrby lire aced loth aiber'tarlydt as Mart;Agee auy require.. in amc:an L: gird wit``i companies acceptableta~the , <br />1l~M/agae, urtd rrrtt ioaa payable to the Mortgagee. In cast a[ foss under such pditoes Ehe Mortgagee fs a-tharized a <br />adjaat,eu8ect andcoctptotoar, en its discretion. all claims thrmunder a[ ;ts wle option, nuthorlaedtoeitherapplytttc <br />ptoeeeda to the [etforafle+n of the Property o< upon Chs. itulebtedoess sxcumd hemby, taut payments hereugder sbaU-con= <br />. tiwe ankh sAe wan ssratmd hereby arc Paid in foil. <br />5, C7 Eaerora Far Tana and ls~.~~~+. Itiotwithstanding anything contained to paragraph; i a:tt# -i hereof to the <br />aaattaxy, TMottp{eyrshalt pay Yo the Martga{ax ai the Eire of payi~ ihr ~manthly inslaltmeni3 of principal ar=d interest, <br />aeo-•twvtflh of ihr yearly torero, assewanr¢ts, bawd insura¢cr premiums, and ground rents 4if any) which may attai¢ a <br />prlaeity t?>is 1!!otl~a((!~; aft as reasatubly estimated frarn Limr to time by ttxr Mortgagee. The amounU so paid shalt rx <br />held lkg tMtr Mortgagee witA!wt ia[erest ~dappiied to the gaymrnt nt the items in respect to wh3ah such amrtunLS were, <br />depasiitti..'Yt4e snnu paid to idartgagae. bexevader are oiedged as additloaa3 security (or itw indebtedness secured by ibis <br />, ~~aii pay to Mortp~rr the aarount of any deficiency between the actual pixel, a~essmenu, ittauraat:F <br />.....,pssnnPaera, aoitieoca7 re~aaa and tiw ~+rtros}ts berwtirtder arithin li7 days aft~rdemmd is rnad.=. upan'.fc<rtgagpr re~aes#Eag. <br />paytteea8- thereof. <br />$..Itlipale. l~i~Yntta~ws aYd l!ae. '1'a pnxapify repair_ trstar*r or reburld azy bitil tlin~,: or irni7la7le~meatS."nowgr <br />ttekeait+r tKr thw PraprttY: Ea keep ihr N.trptrtyir. 4<xsd condition rind repair, vriU+aut waste, :rkxd..`rer Pzbrr4:.:taeclsatkic'a'ur <br />crtAev. Nsmr iSatrxyxaxsfy sutxxdiortt.,rd to ihr Ices isrrra:; !n45 to ~.aicr, suffer rxr prmut writ- naic~n<~ to t~€ss,arar to dtmu- <br />ur rc'aPair :tHt rikrt aR L~ i'fvAatty tra ~n5: ~t cr cmaxiso-;rn to scE; and. to o:~*nr~3' wet7. gtlfl~a'-VWiremeNfa of aaw nviFtc. <br />Fexpres t:s test t4etwxty. : <br />