<br />ixnder's-wrrsttemagreetnmt orapplicabk: law. Borrower shat! pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in [he
<br />manner provided:under paragraph 2.heceof.
<br />Any attwuafs disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shads became additional
<br />jndebtedarass c,t B•.:trower secured: by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other Perms of payment, such
<br />amount, shatf hr ~ ayabtevpan notice:fi•.om Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shat hear dnterest:from. the
<br />date of diahurscmcnt at `thecrate'payable from time to time an outstanding principal under the Note unless paytneat of
<br />interest at such race wautd'tie contranr to apptitahte law, in which event such amoums shalt hear interesE at the highest rate
<br />pumisaihL° under appiicalSte Yaw. Notttittg contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense-ar take
<br />atry action hetguader.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender mad' make ar cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,. provided
<br />that Lender sttalLgive Borrower nMice prior to any each inspection specifi,•ing reasonable cause therefor related ro L.ender's
<br />interest in the PTOperty.
<br />A Cowkwrnatiort. The proceeds of an}• awani or claim foe damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />cottdemnatianor other taking of the Property, or part thereof. ar for eanveyanec in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt _i+e paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a rotas taking of the Property, the proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />wiitt the excess. if any, paid to Borraever. In tkse event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise. agree in. writing, there shall tae applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of She proceeds
<br />as. is equaY~ tothat proportion which the amaamE of the sums secured by thisLlortgagc immediately prior to tfie data of
<br />faking bears to the fair market vatae of the PtYrpetty immeddatet}• prier to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid. to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. ar if, after notice by tender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower Fails tc respond to Lender w•iihin Q days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lsctxkr is atrtharzed to collect and apps r the proceeds. at I:endcr's option, either is restoration or repair of ttre
<br />Propertyor to the sums xecure`d h}° this Mortgap~e.
<br />Unttss Ixnder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to prncipaY shaYi not extend
<br />or pastpane the dare dace of the manrh}}• installments referred to in paragraphs 7 and '_ hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such ns#aYltnents.
<br />20. 13orrowerlVat Rekeased. F;xrensian of the time for payment ar maddfication at' amnrtd.zation of the sums secured
<br />bythirMartgage granted fry (.ender tai any successor in interest of Borrower shall net operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liaLvdtity of the original Botrawer and 8arrawer's succ:cssors in interest. Lender shall net he rcgtairetl to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend nmc t'or payment or otherw=dse modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage trv reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrowers suctessars in merest.
<br />11. Forbearaliee AY Lender tipt a Wainer. :1ny fnrlycarancc by tender in exercising ary r. fight or remedy hereunder,. ar
<br />otherwise afforded hg applitatrle law. shall not lx a waiver of or precFude the exercise of any such right ar remedy.
<br />The proccrremeret aftnsuranccar the payment ct taxes ar other liens +?r charges by Icrtder shat! not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acrxterate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Remedies t'utaalatNe .311 romedie4 provided rn able Mortgage arc distinex and cumulative to any other rigfit or
<br />remedy cruder-this Mortgage or afforded by few az equit}•.:end may k+c eserersed concurrentk•, indcpcndentiy or ?ntecssively.
<br />13_ Sa:cea+ers and A~iRns Brand: 3rrknk and Serest Liahiktty; Capiionc. The Covenants and agreements herein
<br />camained'shalY Yymd. and iherights hereunder shalt inure ta, the respectivc .succesa>rs and assigns of I_eniler and $armwer.
<br />xnbgect to the: pravtisiorn of paragraph 17 hereof. Atf covenants and agreements of Borrower shall he ,joint and several.
<br />Tt+e capiior~ and Yteadittgs of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are far convenience only and :r re not to be used to
<br />interpret or dc8ne the pmuisians. hereof,
<br />14. ~lotkt. Except for any nonce required undes applicable law ue tae given fn anattacr manner. fa) any notice to
<br />tlorrtrwer provided far in this Mortgage staail be Gayest h+° mailing such natrce by ccrttfiod mat} addressed to Borrower a2 -
<br />the Prespert}' AridrESS rvr at such cxhes addret•. as Bartrywer may dcsrgnaic b}• notice tit Lender as provided herein, and
<br />EbT any notice to Lentkr shall he giver, by ;,•crtr,flcd n2atL .rtxrrn rtccapt requesieti. tr Lenders address stand fierein or to
<br />such ether address as Y.ender ma}° dcsignatc by ~a~ice t,~ B<ur,raer as err>vdc<i herein. •nny notice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shalt l+c tteesned fa have been given to Aorrower r?r t ender ..hen i;ivPn in sktc manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Clmifuitnt Mteet~e: Co¢ernirgt Laevt Severability~. "Il:is corm of mortgage combines amiform covenants far rmtianal
<br />use and non-arnifottn covenants with timitetl sariaucrnx by jurtsrlicticyn to cansGicue a nn!forrn security instnrment covering
<br />coat property. Then Mortgage shall }>e governed sty the. taw o: `hC ierrsa9actian in which the Property is located. to the
<br />event attar any. pmvisian or ctau+e of this Mortgage ,yr the ?:ore conrticts ,+~ith t,ppiicabSe Iaw, scach conflict zhall not affect
<br />o#tiet Pro+visians of this Mortgage r,r the Nret+e Ulrich can hn ctivEn effect w'ittrrnat tfte nnf4icting pravicion, and to this
<br />rod fhe pravisiarss of the ?r'lortgagc and the °`7ntc rte iectarcd • lye severahk.
<br />t6. Bmraerer*s C.opy, 8arrawet slxaSi lye frtrm+hel , cantotrtteci rap} aY the "vats :rod of tdcis Mortgage ut the time
<br />of execution or altar retcxrdation hereof.
<br />1?. Traasfpt•aI tAe Ptapaty; At~amptian, if aYl or any part off the Property or an bnlerast tt:crein is sold ar Vansferred
<br />Ysy Barrvwer wnhotit Lettttcrx prior wtdtsezr ronsrne, e~c3uding 2x1 the creation of a lien or eneumbrancc sutxrrdinate to
<br />ttti, Mortgage. th} the crcautxr of a. purChasc money sr:turft} incerest fr*r taouaot+otd appkiantcs, ic) a Transfer 6y devise,
<br />descent nr by cpetation at }aw uppn the death rrf a jiaartt Eenant or 611 t?,c .rear. of any tea etrofd inferest mf three years ar Ycxs
<br />snot :onu;inirrg an option~copurcYtase. ls.ndcr may. ar Leader's apchrn, dea~farc af7 the sums secrrr'ed by this Mortgage to ire
<br />invnasdutcicduc and payataze_ Ixnder ,hal} have wai~~ed larch aptrt:n t.1 accelerate if, prier to the' auk or tranaEer, tender
<br />:roe! the: ixncut .o whom#Yte Prapert? is to lac said rr iransferrtd mark agreement in writing drat the credit of such pcnon
<br />is satisfactor}• z„ Ixndst grad drat theintere,a t`a}~shte cn the s+.ms seCUred hY this Mortgage shalt lye at Ruch rate cos !..ender
<br />shaft reqursk. ff t_onder tsar waivied the t`,p#inn 3a) aerarta.rete, provided in tfifis paragraph 77. and df Bey rower i nlCCessor in
<br />inierat hoe exeuirted a wrttert assumption agreamear accepted in writing key Lender. Lender s#radi release Borcoaer from aid
<br />obtigan -m ur.~ic- rho ?.Itmgage and ahe 11atc.
<br />T! t. etydzr c~crc.etes such aptusn to accetstratc. Leader shad! mail Borrower notice of acceleration to accordance with
<br />Taragraph 1 a ncreef. Such notice. shall pro+ide a petits! nl arx 7esc than 3t3 days tram clot date ;he nodca fie mai{ed within
<br />which Bo.: ewer clay- 1'a}- ttu Sums dcc#ared due, t! Borcrswcr .'oily to pay such :;.ums prrrrr fe the expirauUn e,f such triad,
<br />f_rnder rosy. w;th<nu+ further nofrce Cyr cSCrrearndd a~rp Etarrawcr, snrake any rcmedics permitfed ty paragraph lt? heretsf.
<br />~. h'cs, L err-.yes, C'ovtti~,st,,. Bawer anti l_e,xder further cavenanc and agree as ftrllaws:
<br />1S. Acceleral:na: Itamrriirs. Ficeryk..ms pwrided ia.para~rsrpA. i7 hererf, upon. lgorrower's breach uf' any tarenan! or
<br />akkrreas~e~et rzf lbrrower in tAsr ytart#sgte. iaeltudPnR the curenauts in pay wAen dart xny. sums sucnnd by this M1tortRage.
<br />Leader prxrr to areekralioa s}nk1 maiiadticc tro 8arrower ors prrvided in parrtgrapA 14 Mercaf specifying: f iy the breach;
<br />i2) lire actiaa rr~trered to cute uct krroieb; t3l a dote, rnx€. tearstbaa 30. rtays from the date.lhe xrWice is mailed to Borrower,
<br />br wAlr6 .areA brreacb must be cwxd; uad #it that fai:uretacutt sucA AreaeA an orbefbre [date specilkd in the notice
<br />nta,} reuaeti fie tatekrtriton rvF the •:erraes vecaesd br the `•turttt8q¢,. fure+ciosarr b7 j~adircirtl: prtoceeetiag.andsale of alto f'raperty.
<br />1~AC apkttY 59a1Y fWttkKf 4nferra 11arT4KrT „l the rfgkhi t,s...rtir~kttle alter acceteratiun acrd the right to aesserl is the Cora ckrrwre
<br />pe+xe.edda{l lire nuu-wzlueacr ut » delwrtt or xo. ertbrrrietraar-nCBexrtpnrertoateclerat3onatadfarr€trfawx, IE thetxexb
<br />is aryl cored on nr tretorr ttrr date ti~ilirri is rbr rrariae, t~udet ak,l~aders apkina. awy dertare aYFafIbc snttix secured. b}°
<br />:leis Murt>r~r to'ue i;nuuddatrly tar and p.y ubk ss inc~tlt furl#e~r d~ttaand and may forecfrswe.ttr jErrdilmfai prtirceedkt~. i.avtder
<br />:Anil br rai3[i^d tae eul•,ra'a fie naeh prar~reditry af! cxpt•nwex n[ lriteeluzute, irsrlud4nR,. trot nisi tiatiecri try, reacts of drstuareutarg
<br />e:dde»a•a_ 7A1tr71CE§ awl titEe rcp:,r2x.
<br />- 79. tigvrt+w•ea's R.i¢at to lL~rtiAale, 'r;nwrr t;nrrdi'rg tEtt~id-^>'x acr»?;r=n vt t?ic vuntz secured by 'hiy'a4e,rtgagez.
<br />?Rrrro „t ?;sett :tz ve ahe l-iitht r,• h::>r• y .,rT~d ... P^t;+an Fy 1.: ;,[;_r r., ea r.~~Ca rhre Mr+rty;age =fisCaraiir.,3ed ac ally time
<br />