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<br />8~=pass <br />LJkrt*oaxt Covstainatrs:Horrower and Lender covenantand agree asfotfows: <br />I. PaTtaeat of ~:l!tY.c~al ats~~:-:Ielaeest. Bomawer shall promptly pay when due the principal> of and interest on' the <br />ittdebte~ttess evidenced by the Notepropayment. and,late charges as provided in the.Note; and the principal of and.:interest <br />on any Future .~dvanccs secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Ftris [or Taus ant i>weaKa. Subject-to appticab]e law-or toe written waiver by Lander, Borrower shall .gay <br />to Lender on the day monthly inusltmepzs of pr'vteipaLand interest are payable-under the Note,. until the Note is paid in full; <br />a slim itxrean "Funds' equal ,ta-one-lwetfth> of the yearly taxes and assessttients wtiich. may attain priority over:this <br />bortgage, and ground rents oa ehe L'ropeity, if any, plus one-twelfth: of yearly premium ipstatlments for hazard insurance,. <br />plus one-twelfth of yeartypneatinm-instalfinente for mortgage insurance:. if any,. all as. reasonably estimated initially and from <br />titre- to time by Lender on the-basis of assesseztents and hills anri tasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shalitaeheitf naninstiturion iht; depositsar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed-bva Federal. or <br />state aE.+ency i incituling Lentfer if L:ertder is such an invtitution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes; assessments, <br />insurance premiums rindground rents: Lender cnay°nat charge haidingand applying the Funds, analtizingsaidaceounG <br />or scrit.'ying and campilingsaid assesstrtenis and. bills, unless Lender paps Borrower interest an.the Funds and applicable:law <br />permit.: Leader. to- mate-sttch a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage :iha! interest on the Ftmds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />regetitYS sttch irterest Y8 be paid, Lettder shall nor be requirctl to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oathe Funds. Lender. <br />shall glue ts: Borrower, wftltoua charge; an annual accounting of she Funds showing credits ared debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for.-which:eachdebii to the Funds was made. The Funds. are pledged as additional security for the sums:.secured <br />lry this Mortgage: <br />If thcatnouttt of the Fundstaeid by Lender. together with the future monthly insta{lmenis of Funds payable.prior to <br />the-dttc dates of taxes, assmrneats, itxsurant:e premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />atsessaxnts iwurantx prettvtmes aad grotmd renu ac they fait due, such escess shall lse, at Borrower's option. either <br />promptly repaid'to bormwer or crediter! to Fsorrower nn man:hly instaClments of Funds. 1f clue amount aF the Funds <br />held by Lettder shalt-not be stifftcieatt to pay taxes. assessments. insurance ptxrrtieams and ground rents as they fait due, <br />Botrnwer shrill pay is (_ender any an: sent. necessary to make up tltc deficiency within 3tl daps trom the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to:Horrawer regttesting payment thereof. <br />(Fpoo paymttn in full of all sums secured by this 'r/or[gage, L,arndcr shall promptly refund to $orrower any Funds <br />Lietd by Lender. Ifunderparagrap6ig hereof the properly ~~ sold ur the property is otherwise acquired by Linder, Lender <br />shot apply; rte tatcc tbanititnxd'tately prior to the sate of the Property or trs acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lenderat thczitrx. of application. as a credit against the sum. secured h}° this p,4arzgage. <br />3, Apifeasior ol:Payaa~ala. L3ntess applncatile taw pravrdes otterwse, alt payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs t sad.1. hereof slsai! be apphed by under first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />tttxkrparagrapb 2 hereof, thea2o interest parable on the Neste. then to the. principal of the Note. and then to intercat and <br />principal oa any Future Advantxs. <br />~„ Gkarrpa;YJns. Borrower shall pay nil rases, aaexcments :rnd other charges. fines and impositions attnbulable 4e <br />the FY•operty whicli tray attain apxiority over this'afongage, grad leasehold payments or ground cents, if any, in the rttanner <br />p~tavidcd under paragraph ~ her~f or. if net patd to stecit manner, by Borraw•tr making payment, when' due, directly to zlte <br />payee a',iaetaof: Borrower shalt pmmpt3y furnish to 1_eader all noztces of arnounu due under this paragraph: and in the event <br />8ormarer shalt mate payment directly, Bormwrr shalt promptly rumish to !.ender nzceipts evidencing stx:h payments. <br />Borrower shall' promptlyy discharge any lien which has prrorszy t:+ves th[s '+".orlgage: provtdcd, that Borrower shalt roc .lac <br />requue~d to ditx.har$t any such nett so ksng as Hrrrrowur shaft agree in wrtteg to the payment al the abhgatian secured by <br />stick lieain a mantter'atxeptableto !.ender. or shall in good tai€h Conre.l such lien hy, or defend enforcement of stxh }tea in, <br />kal proceedirtgs whielr optaate to prevent the cnt«rcernent of the i:en or Iotnciture of the. Property ar any parr :thereof. <br />S. kiansr Ittaakawce. Horrcrwer shat# keep the amp;xjvtment. rnru eeisung a+r hereafter erected on the prespeny insured <br />against loss by Rrt:. hazards included. within the term "s^tacnded . •..,-rag•_ .and such other htvards as 3.ender may require <br />atul is stick aznaunts aad bear sucia periods as Ixnder may re4~ ~ r~, , ided, that !.ender shaft net require iha4 the amount of <br />such ~rveraget;tcerd that amour! of coverage ruirex! t<-: ~:. , ~•c ,<ems ~xxurcd by this Mortgage: <br />Tlhe imurattcce carrier providittgxFsc ursurasrce shall `:•c .nesera by FIw•rawt,-r subject trs approval by Lender, providCd. <br />that such. approval shelf ntx be unreasonably withheld. ~*,ll prertrevms an insuranxe pntiries shall tx yard iri the mantter <br />provtdad under paragraph 2 hetecrf or, if noa pars! in stix:h manner. by Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the <br />insutaact carrirr. <br />Afl ftrnet~stcc pdices alto=rctteti`ats ttaereai shat:! trc an corm :ac+xpeab#r to Linder and she#I ieaclude a standard mortgage <br />clause rtx favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. t.endcr alwti Have the riglu to lacald the policies sn+t rcrtrwals thereof; <br />and Borrower shalt prtatupttyfuruiab t(5 Lender a[f setaewai n«iues and act res:eaprs of paid: premiums, Cn the event of 1tss~r. <br />Borrwxt shalt gsv+epttrmpt trotice to the insurance sorrier and Lender. Lender mas' make praat of loss at na[ m::td¢ pre+mptty <br />by Harrower. <br />Ctniess i.cattiet atld-Borrower tatlittwise agssr in writing, insttransc procerdx stall be appltrd tc, resssaration or repair of <br />the Pnspccty Qarna~xt,: provackat sezctu resxoration <rr repair is crvnomtcufly fcaatble and the sceurite alt this .Mortgage ,s <br />tint tbezeby impaired, Ifstu:lr restoratton or repair is neat c4~,-ortamicsliY teasibie or ,[ the-sccvrizy of this tiloregage wr+uld : <br />be tmpatred. tl,: insutanee proceeds shalt be applied fo ette stuns secured tsy this Mortgage, with the excels, if any.. paid: <br />to Borrcnrer. if ttx ~Pmpt:<ts'is ahandcsned l-+y Borrower, or of Borrnwer Salts to respnnd. to finder within 30days fromthe. <br />:late nonce as mailedl5y I,enderxaBorrcawcr tliai tLtc insuratce carreer <:rfLers ra scttte -a. ctatm for instu^ance faenefits,.lendcr <br />;s autJfonted to o'.locr amt apply the instsrartce prcacccds. ai Lender's t~ion either to testvratois er repair of the :property <br />cK to the sums utured by ttaw M~itaRe <br />Y)rilcss 1-crulcr and Borrawe: ottterwrse: agree in .writing, env suthapplic. lion <.>f proceeedsio principal rhaElrtot. extend <br />.r L+artponc the doe cuts of the monthly ir~taliments referred tai io paragraphs t and 2 herenf or change !tie amount of <br />such inatatinxoss. Ff ;ttxberparagtaplt i8:herwfthePmperttr s a~quiredtay L.eitder„aft right; title andinteresto€:Honnwer <br />in alit ro nay irsurvoce paliciicc attd`it and to they:csceedx thextct! tesu3tng from damage to tM: Properly prior to the saee <br />or as:quimnon stead Fr+*s to .Latttierto the: extent of itte sttazs secured by tttis A:fortgage. immedi:itefy prior to suchsale ar <br />.tcgtuution. <br />6. hswrvatira t~ ~t of ~txgaett~v: I:rrtseiolrlta C.otidotstrASioms;-1'lanried L1oit Uevekaptaears, Borrawrs <br />shalt keep the Property is gc!adtepair and::slaallrwtccx'nmit. x~aste or permit impairment or di;teroranonofthe :Property. <br />and shall zompiy with the provrrionn at any ,lease iI tttit:. MLortgage- rs on. a ieaseliok3, tf rh:.+ ;vlorrgage is an. a unit in a <br />condmam,um ~*r rt piatu+td itmt dirvclolunent<.HOrrower shall. perform stf of Btsrnaw~r`s n,ga:iotu. under the <r~.clarat3on <br />or owcnan[s :•.reau:~ nr thtcondoaxtniumoc planned smrtdevefopment, t3ae ~j.tca,+~s attd r.'.4rxlat:o^s of the <br />concksmimum or pianaaf us~t developtnttd, :and conuattmtae documents, Lf a cwzdominium ar f~!znncd ttn;t ne+~t kopment <br />siskr s csccuted by Borrower acrd racet~d:tcvgsrtftst' with thiss+ItnYgage, rite covenants and' agrecmenis of .u~ts rider <br />shalt be rexorpc,rsied snm :asd sheik :uncaci asc? supp3c•t>aen[ vhac<r~~en~rtx sartkt:agYaemants ~' ttu, '.lurigage aa,~ the rEdcr <br />wee a pan Faeroo!'. <br />L ThMeliw of [.eater`s 9e~ewily. R 8orrowet fatl< .u Ir,ri: rtn t8e Co+'enanty <:nd agn'e.n,rn;8 c~rstatamed bn-Chas. <br />1~prte~p~ M it 4ny aCUan _•r FTIXYtdin~ :.. c+~mmCnC<d x'?attCi r1~:rian[s+. 2'tfCC'~' 1Kttclc.r :~ i,'.lCtCSl itT it34: PCOperty, <br />iqe-hiders,. beef riot icatiLed ta, eminent d+xnain~ ~n.otvcrx:y :-c~ft: eni.~rresriclr..: ; ~x .+rrgcmant< ; ,~cerCrin}s ~n.e4ring a <br />t;apirritpt orsteccsittsi. there f.eo.ler st l.on<ter'; pJy'ms1, +ipoi noU~r io ~rrr~•+~e: ^+,e. ;r:arc u:e 3pxaraR~,^e,Y. disburse. such <br />sus aad cue ouch ~ tnn .tc a ^tcessary tc> 7ut+er:~t I_codrr'. .ix re .. -.xh.tu:g., Ixu~ etft ~.mnevi ttr, .ir,btusrrrrnt at <br />¢eaicRtatnLC at tcartxr'a leis and cn±ry a(>Rn the prs>;reri F~ ~.~ trtake :c{+a~x,.. !+ e;+~Y req..;tvnl t?ivrio:a~4 one: caner, ax u <br />rz+na9iEh~i cif making iEsr f:akr, rc~~rcd hp tsars htortkeg>:. d. r:+».~a h.'- .~;,Y~ h+..ytemwr.cs rcgmrcd. Wa nxa nrris a«:cts <br />iaWtarxz an rftJr'st until ~:ir,3; twee a; si:c. rcrl• i. ct ._:zis~a..~; '~~~rr:n At¢s in acrzts~ntancc wtttt Bt*rrowcr's and <br />