<br />~~--vt094'
<br />prise to ~:nhy of a ;.udgtrxni enforcing thss A4origa>;e :t: fat Horrawer pays Lender :xll sums which would be then. due under
<br />this Mattgage, the ;`Tots and notes seturittg F'.,;urt kd.~arrces, if any, hadnoaeceleration oecorred;: (bl:Hormwtr cures..all
<br />breaches of any otiaer covenants nr agreements of Uurro~ecr contained inthis INartgage; tc) Borrower pays ali'reasoaable
<br />exprnses incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenant an.f agreements of ]iarrowercantainedin this Mortgage and`in:
<br />tnfoxciniq Lender's rerr~edics ;,s provided in paragraph 1 R Hereof, ;ncluding, burnot limitedta, reasanabit attorney's tces;:and-
<br />id) Hotrou~er takes suchaction as Lender may reawnabla raqu~re to'assute tha£the 1iereaf'this Mortgage; Leoder's interest:.
<br />'n the piopern~ and Aorrower's obligation tc pay [he suers secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaimd: Upon such
<br />payment andcure h}' Horrowcr, this ?i7drtgage and the ,~$ligat~nnssteuredherebyshall remain in full force and:effcarasif
<br />no aceelarstian bad ,xclnred.
<br />?0. :lesignmcnt of Rents, hppaiYt~att of iltctFver, T.cndcr 3ti Possessive. As additional sccuriay Etereundar. Hariaavcr
<br />hereby asegas to Lender the rents of the Proper£y, provided that Hbrrower sha}F. Prior to acne}eratian under paragraph IS
<br />hereof car abandoturnnt aE the Yraptrtg, have the rightta. ealtett acrd retain such -rents as they(secamedue and payable.
<br />L?pen acui~ation under paragraph l8 tterecef or atiattc}onment of the Praperry, Lender. in person, by agent or:by
<br />iadicalhr appointed tectiver, shalt he entitkdto enter upon. take possession of and manage the Praperty andaatol}ect;tit.
<br />rents of t`te i'ro~m~, including thosepastdut. .~ldrents xxdkcted by Lender or the receiver shall be: applied first to payment
<br />of the cants .if tnanagemenr ,~f tha.Ptopcrty and collectian of remx, including, bue Hat limited tn, ractiver's fees, premiumson
<br />rP'eiver'i Ex~nds and reasanabie attorney's fens, and then to the sums secured by this ?atartgage. I..ender and: the recevtr
<br />shall tx'@abk to account otdv for ihost rents actually received.
<br />EI. &ntrue Adrarns.. Upon request of Htirrawer, Lender. aP Lender's optian prior to release of this Mortgage,. may.
<br />makt Ft¢ure Ads•sruccs to Borrower. Such Future .4dvancts. wuh interest thereon. shad be secured bp,this Mortgage-when
<br />tvideetctd b}' promiAaargnatexstaiing that said Hates are secured hereby. At nn tirne sha11 tht principal amauntafthr
<br />indeb~ness +ecured by ihis Mortgage. noY including sitms adva din accardance herewith tc protect the secxaiiy of this
<br />?ifortgsge, ezetGd the originat atxmutx£ of tbe;`kotc plus.USS~~~ .. . ..........
<br />22. RNttae. Alptm payment of all sums secured by this Atortgagt, i..ender shall discharge this !vfartgage tvithout
<br />charge ua $arrawer:: Bnrrosvec shalt pay all cos.s ai recordation,. is any.
<br />Ctt wtsxBSS WtflxEtsF, Harriswer has executed this ;tiltritu~agc.
<br />r r~t7~tt~e` 5p..~G~ ~,,.~s ~Vi '! C1. Mel n~ .......... . .. -aoK~..r
<br />..~'
<br />... ho~~ hfe s _ . ..... . ............ ~a;,.,~r
<br />$T,ti7E DF. AtF..H.i.., .~~ ~}; .. , , .. ...... C'Jtinty ~5:
<br />Chi this., ...12th ...... ,stay ot... , Mal~t:h ........ 19..~L'.. befort trxe, rise nndarsigned.'.a Notary Public
<br />duly scmttsissiottad aatd qed ter saki cisttnsy„ persoiraliy came.~tt'~Cry. A...:MeiS£n.,. J1,S'kq~lB: pe>"St)n,-
<br />.vi r413 . i~.. , .Hel Sen, &_LGi s elsea,. Htis4and. dr~i .4iife ...... . ......... io trte knowat <o tx ehe
<br />idcntidl ,xtsrnd{s} wlsoae 1~,~gp~~rebref to ileac for.~g+sitng instivttsesat ansi acknawlutgett ilte ex~ecutitns
<br />thereof to be.,t,Fi#:SC.... •. y Stn,'aatt deed.
<br />W'itnessaayhaed t€c:•;.•.,1~'and.Is3and,-Nebraska ..............ln said irounty. t9x
<br />crate Rtorcaaid. IECTARY
<br />! ,,rtss,~l ~ ~ ,
<br />1M[y ft~ntnission expmra: 3 12-~~~ .. / ~ : , : ~ '`r: _ ~.''
<br />. ......
<br />'~'.. ' ~ ' .c.'~!' tto+anr Iublk
<br />c~..ca-.'rtas.ta.#t.,.rr.a FO. Yanb..aneia.atM..t
<br />