<br />7. t'ondemnattan. In the Bsrnt the RropBety, orany part ttaereaf, shal# be taken by eminent dama#n,the Mortgagee
<br />is ernpouernd to tvtiect andtec~ive all compensation wh#6h may hepatd far-anpproperty taken. or for damages to property
<br />rx,t taken, and :tiortnage~ shalt apptpsueh':oompensation, at:its°option,eitherYo~.areduetian>ofthe#ndebtednessseciered
<br />he~mbg nr to renetr and restore tine property sa.-damaged:
<br />R. Fcr[ormrrece by ?Mortgagee. Mortgagee may, but shall have na obligation, to do any act which tha: Mortgagor
<br />hss agieed but lei's to do, and Lortgagee nay also do any act it deems necessary to protect the iietthereof_ Mortgagor.
<br />agrnes to repay, upon demand, an}' surrtt so expended bythe Mortgagee for thesbovr purposes; and any sums so expended
<br />hp Lt>n ~iottgagee shah be added to the indebtednNSS secured.-hereby and bBCOme subpect to.the tier hereof. MortgSgeB
<br />sha#i not incur any personal lisbilit.-beecause a€ anF thing it tnaydoor omitt<> do hereunder.
<br />9. fletault; ~ssigament at R~vnts: TT ne is of tba essence hereof, and upoa Mortgagor's default in any eovettant
<br />n: agttfinent ,t thu Mfl~Y+, irrcludingcovettants tc pay when duo the sums secured by:this Mortgage, the'Mortgagee stoat!
<br />be entitled: at it, sole optionand'srithoutrxatice:, :o declare, atisutns secured by this mortgage ion ce immediately due:and
<br />payable and inay commence.fonndasure of<£his Mortgage by }udiciat proaeedings; and. provided further, ihatuponsuch'
<br />default the 7rlcirtgagec; or a receiver appointed by a court, may at its option and. without-regard to the adequacy-af`the
<br />sccuri~.ty, doter spore aad:tskeposaesston ofthe.l'roperty and ealtect therents, issues and profits therafromandapply them
<br />first t,t the cco-# of twilection atid'uperation of the Property and then upon the indebtedness secured:by this Mortgagee;
<br />said ntnU, issues and profits beingass#ghed to the Mortgagee as furtkaer security Cor the payment of the indebtedness
<br />secured hereby, -
<br />' I0.'Pranstcr-o#:Praperty. ltalloranypanofttaeProperteissotdortnnsferredwittaontiheexpresswrittencon-:
<br />Wert of the !t3c+rtee, Mortgagee map at its .ale aptSan, declare ail sums. secured by this :4iortgage to 6e immediately. due
<br />and psiyabte.
<br />ti. Future Advances.: Upon request of Mortgagor, :tiiortgagee ma}• make additional and future advances to
<br />Mortgagee. Such advances„ with ynterest thereon, sttal# be secured ta}° this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes
<br />statinlr that ha#d recites arB secured:hereby: At no time ehat4 the principal amount of the indebtedness-seetued by this
<br />~Iost~ye,.notinduding~sumsadcanced to protect the secunts> of this ?Mortgage, e:tccad theoriginat Nate.
<br />t$: Miaadlaneo>aa Prcavvtsioras.
<br />ta} Any. farebearance in exercising any sgtat or remedy ,half not #aea waiver thereo#,
<br />ibj ,~Stl'. remed#es: provided herein are discinetand cumulative to any other right. afforded by law or equity,
<br />attdmay ire exercised ,,^anearrendt', indeprndcntir or succtxstvely_
<br />lB> Thee covenants and altreements cantarned hereon shah bind. and the rigttu. inure to, the respective
<br />stttxes+soxn and assigns of ttae+ Mortgagor and il}r hisirtga€~'.
<br />rdy Art covenants and agreements of the ~iiortgagor are form and :evera#.
<br />ie i T7te headings of the paragrap3tr ext this '~'4trrsga~e are Crx ccnn~rnn!nm only and shaf# not ire used to #atrr-
<br />pret':or dBfine theproviaiarts borne[.
<br />t3. ReleaaB. t pore paw+tunt of a!; -sung, >a„tare•d by tha, }tcrrrtagr, i3e,nRagrr xt:.ail drrchaaar this Mortgage and
<br />altalE eic^cute and deliver a uatizfat-tau9• reled cher~•frrr
<br />IA 19iiT"VFa`"R S~tiEitf3CTt.tottgakr,< hay , areutt~rf thi4 4ixert~aec• ,,xe the ESL dot r,S ._. °~3 C21...__._, 19 E32 .
<br />~ i.t3 <<un i). 5tttr't~cxi ~~•_'~ so:m,~:3-
<br />•-- ,
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<br />Lsi~ e3. ~J 4~.i.a~~~t .. {tOrl4Wtl
<br />btate Ut '~Nb[aalta. ._._.,u_ ,:_°,..r.~ .....-..s...... _._..., . _...,.._. .. .... ........t1Un41y 4ti:
<br />Can the, _. 1S't:~T,` ot._.....T~T'Gk1 19.:_,., t>kfuremc,. t#re uadBrsagnBd, a iatary.Pubiic.
<br />d~lvconvnisxicnc~dandoualr.•tediursaidcwursty:7~'zt+utaallt`[~arm,..'°~iI.A~.c~tYi.IJ StL1T'{,+rGOri ~iici Liltt~..$. Stt1Y'p.~~Cttir.
<br />Hu~kuxi ant'. xife to me known to ire the
<br />it5entiC~a1 pe~r..tnts; whose ramr(s3 are su4asa:ritwd in the toregoing my€rntnvnt and acknowledged t;,e execution therBOf
<br />to tx _hs talc} het'_ totuatrn arcasdderct:
<br />4Y#tn~-~s resy Saud nod ,iTxnntd <t~zi ~t ~T~t~- ~'~~~~.~ _ ~n satdcauatyr. ChB
<br />crate afotr'rai+f .
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