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i <br />SAID B4QR'PGAGE ~2 ~ 13 li ~'~ 3 <br />'[his Man:gage is entered irka betwcett.- ~II,C,I~'1i't1 D, :Fly. aYYd Lli~t] S, ~S'I'IJROEO?3, <br />HUG''>'oa~d tared k ~ .a __ _.__ (herein "ERortgagor") .and- . <br />(~r'4I~ Ait1T?C><tiRl. 3. OF GRe1ND ISLF11II3, ~:t'sild Island, ~eba~tska herein"Mortgagee„). <br />;,Mrtgagor is indebted co T~fortga$ee. in the. ptinclpal sum of ~ 10.00[1.00 _ ;evidenced by Mortgagor's~rrote <br />~4ar-ch 1, 1982 <br />dated __ _ . _- ___ (herein "Yore") Qenviding for paymenLS af'princi¢al and interest, with. the balahce of the <br />„cl.-~bxdcc:c, :fir r~~aid; eerie an+~-~!+uan~,?~~~.. 30~ 1982:. <br />?'asecutr the paement of t4ae N:ote,.with enterest:as _pzuvided: thera~irc,. the payment.of ale other sums;. with interest, <br />adeana~d -by :sfortgagee ur pcwect the securitv:ofthis Morcgage> and the per€ormance of LGie trovetuints and agxeements:nf <br />.~ ~4crrt(tagor ~roniaired nerecn. Mortgagor does- hemby mortgage and: convey to 4ortgagee the foUoweng described <br />propeti~l toeated n;~'h~.17' ______~--C;ounty, Nebraska: ~.. <br />..Lot 3, Sly 2, Fireside Estates, Second S~bd,~,zsion, <br />Ha11 Otstmt?; , *Iel :s`aslert , <br />To~ethrr aeith.ali 6iti}diiRgs, isatprtevemetitr, katures, xtzee:s, adleys.4sas~sai+,rways, rasrmrnu, rights,.priviteges and <br />appnrtrsaam lorated thereon or in anyv+exe peetaansng tYtereto, and the rrnla ~.uc and protits,reversionsand:rnraaittdets <br />them~f; +ae4t-ding, tsar not i:ntiurd to, heatirtg -and t.avtina x•yuspmcab and such prnonal property that is attached to the. <br />taprotrnnentsi su as to rxrtsstttttun a ftxiuer: al4 erf which, usriuditse repiacrtnrnL'x and xddtaons ttsereto, is hereby declared. <br />to be rr.Par[4uf thtt ltal estate secured by the lien ref this. i9art~ae..• ahd all nF the focegauy; fxinrt retemd to herein. as the <br />,~~~., <br />Pitriher coaivettanta and a;reies, ,a~ith h4ortgagrr., a~ -"eaiictwr: <br />t: prysexeint Tn pay the Fodrttiedne+a: and iht~ inuyn•.t r,taesrrvets as G+rvvadrxt m ihw htort~ge and the Notx. <br />2. 1`itla: k7rrt*aQssrin tlae owtsar sef thc° Prcxpert}. ha> Usr ngttt andauihurit~- to mortgage the Property,mttd <br />vla3ttitfS LhaC.ih: iiva vxrated ht`relrb s3 a fe~`t aril prier imn 6nlhr 4'rnpeHy'< e^x~w•pl a+~ mad otteerrrlsr be r~i forthharetat. <br />i :'tlrc t're~p,•rty 4xsui:jee tva mvt~aKC „att.,r _ _. .. __._..-_.~. <br />...~,,.. at -rrls.yf Ctxttuty, <br />i5 i.'1elStorty~Rl'1•, n~>YZi@5 [1C iffMilk....~_....., r~,r c# t `1' -.»,,. -- ___. - _,.__._,--.--~ <br />tiietu'itlta, which !~14oriAal{e vs 8 lien prnxr to tree tern crratrd trrvrit}~. <br />C; (khrr grur liens of rtseumbrannaa: _, _, ___ _ .....~..m__`__.~ <br />3. ~'a;.es, :Ase~eesruants. 1'o pay wtrcit ~~. apt ta+..-...pPrizi a~~-~•va~+c•arts at#deii rrther chargea againstthe ProperL}r <br />and. vpvn xnttrn d~snat:d b~ !.4oriaslvr. xo sdd so che- poi n;en a n-qu:Fed seder the Ywytx .e cur~dbe:~eby, ssuh amannbas <br />may lje su4fisient Yo .~nmblr Ust 'Siort~^r.~rr to pati sir ti E3~ s, x~-*~~aarnU a:rrcrt~er charges a~- theq~ beevine dark. <br />4..Iawzance. "i'a kx~ry rise L•:aprauetn~aos e~+~ :~r Gaga^a[ter .ni-atrd nrt t!~e sPnl t~sta L<r deti~{FYyed ce+n ~itsitred: <br />aigxinst aiaana(irby ~rn and Such vibF~: harsrcLa xs 4itTrtEa+~tw ,nay n~yu~re. 'n amcriEn4: and wir,r cornpanie• ae~r~puble to the. <br />tixtgRlte~'. and wiz_k k~ ~e-able u~ the .Rlcrrtl;a~n~~. in caw ni Ic*. tea:b:•r •-nch pnttra a, [br Mortfi,~4~ ~s aLthonzed tv. <br />ad~r4 cEiifrti and cVTOpto~ux. it iGu dintc+~te en, a t c?arm ihvr.~iiaca r at its 1 t2ptdt':,, att(.{fors. a ..:c6rr ap~ty lira.. <br />proctmds iv tt~F re6YOtai1(-T1 of ttte fmfieri s- i,r tipez.5 cur nde bic8ne -.rcurv•. tree °:ev, bztt.lsaay meat 'c. ra~nder tihhil con- <br />- t3nue un4i! ttre xunrisecured hereby zrn paid eat :ufl- <br />5. ~ ~. 8cerow flat Trees anal tmcutancr ;mt°.~i: s:xdin;; a ~y therg <v,rtt~.i,:ed in par~ra plu ~ acre -t hereof to life <br />cYr,7trsr)'.. :iiortgagcrr hail pak' xo ti1r, ~torsgae~v- ..i.~hc !in:.~ v. per ~. ,; the srloe <hly ~:~. i.v~lr?xints. o[ pnnc~p~i and as to=est. <br />arse-traclfttc of ihr ycarkg uacr„ a~niafxnnt~, hazard i~•,rua:~tr ;;rrma nx~..n~i ~;<aund n°ns,~ i!C a. y; vaiau.h mas; attaer_ a <br />4mority a'ier :his :ttoti~Yc, aii as tca~scaati!}~ c-;iineat H:1 fir:~rest;m~_ t =¢:r by ;;nog 3Strrlgaq +~. "T'i;e atnt:un 4s so pasd shall be <br />heb6 tsyr ~r?4k>tsgagt~r wilii 4xut +ntrrr~7! e?st1 xpplwd te, the yac anir:i ~ tE:~ I1ee s us r_~ptK•r in which sash uenoun;:i wer+• . <br />d+~peated< ~' smtub ,paid 5q '>4tx71'Y.Ca#1*'r "??n~undrr an• pa ~ _d ~, rsftlirr.i:~al sas~u ~-' lbr tYr c.debiedtze°a+ w•rarrd 'sy rhos <br />2dcrR~~C~,;44r.eix9s~tr+•rhali pay to,~t.nrt{kalK~' u!a .etrsxrs:rse t~r anti- tk571i~6rptQj ?'a=cs. ~ .,.,- s-cru :. tore,: »sa~;scntinva, rnz,~rmnch <br />peem~atu aNd~LC*u7Kt rNn45 aa7d thf 3rywoitz ~rKUtas".«°t' it .rh ".' !-.Y`r sfa _~r Urnln;,et s wads :~¢oai 11i,>rti!u~i~r ri~quesxelg <br />pa}~exret. thnres~f. <br />S. 4t~.ur, Riatninsrala~^,e •nd IRw!. Tts i'nte+nptis t,e .r. ,~, c.,au, rvr r.•t3u Iti ; tt tniin~s ;:r err Wrs..,:.;c a r~ rar>" <,r <br />±~rra; err x ~>x $'rspa~rsw c>.arul> tlar 3YO~ ,rrs =;s a;cKxd r.~7icar>n 'a :"5r~;r, .~,.~... e~. ~.-~.~~ - are tr. ~ -rv.n :n it ,. s nr <br />>.ethcr tis: n+K ok3>t~rse~ v a..xtr-!k+aRC t, t_ izar 1 .~:+ tssni'~~f, n~~i co s,aaFa. is StN.E ar yr...cP.'a+t ar,} ,~c~?rtc.• ~s+.. !t~ t : <9trra!n- <br />sit e>s ;'ranti: '~s ~xiu~ u _r~ ;rs..3;u rtg !w se .6 s', e-r~ ...~saa .t,aa; ~.~! t~~ -r,a?y' -a rr~ air r,, ~. e ce. ~at^ ,e :a xf ~:vth <br />n-tp.ct ; Px, ~;xYva <br />