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<br />82-t}u09t`l?. <br />AUJUSTAi3LE RATE.. RIAER t,C5S597-~ <br />(DEEETRR'F.D: PAYHEN'T PROVISIt2NS} <br />TH?S ADJUSTABLE: RATE RIDER'is made this 1Clth dog of A<arch <br />- '~~'= and is incorporated into and,shaLl be deemed to amend aad supplement. <br />ttie Kartgagr, Deed af'Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt (the "Security Instrument"j <br />of the same date given bg Che undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure $orrower's <br />.Adjustable Rate ?doteta Commercial Federal Savings and Loan Association (the <br />"]:ender") of the same: date (the "?dote") and covering the property described in <br />the Security Instrument and <br />iz;;C Suut~. la~ails Grand Isiasid 5et~ras6:v 6S?8'Cl <br />- - (Property Address] <br />T3se Note Contains Provisions Allowing for Changes: in the Interest Rate and the <br />Moathlg Pagseht and far Increases in: the Principal _Amount to be Repaid. <br />AI}DITIQ3iAL C037ENANTS. Ia addition to the covenants and agre~nts made in <br />_ tlae Security Instrument, Borrower and Leader further covenant and agree as <br />- follows: <br />A. NTEREST`RATE AND L~NTBLY FAYHENT CHANGES <br />The. Note provides for an Initial Rate of Interest of «-~'-5 ~. Section 4 of the <br />Note grovdes for changes is the interest rate and the monthly payments as. <br />follbwa: <br />"(A~ ChangtDates <br />$eginaag in "'~? , the rate of interest I will pay may change on the <br />'pst d$g<.of the month of ~'cto'~:s:~r , and on that day every 6th <br />m4oath therea#ter. Each date oa which the rate of interest could change is called <br />a ''Change hate." The amount of my monthly payments will also change an every 5th <br />Change Date:_ This Change Date is also called the.."Payment Change Date." Ng <br />monthly payaeats mag also sometimes change at other times under Section 4 (F) of <br />ths,idote_ <br />CB) The Index <br />Aay changes in the rate of interest will be based on changes in the Index.. <br />The "Index" is the 'PContract interest Rata, Purchase of Previously Occupied <br />Ikoies, tdational Average fns. all Major Types of Leaders" as made available by the <br />Federal Hare Loan $aa-~ Board. <br />If the Index is nq longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index <br />which is. baaed ugon comparable information. The Mote Molder will give me notice <br />of"thi;s choice. <br />T*r_ fiz'st Index figure for this kotc is =5 3~~' '~_ It is called the <br />"Ori.ginai Iia~toit." <br />The vast recently available Index figure. as of the date ~ dogs before <br />each Paysent Change Date and on the date of every other Change Date is called the <br />"Current Indrac.~, <br />(C} Calculation of Changan <br />For each Change Hate, the tdott Haider will determine any change in mg rate <br />of nterest_ The Natee Holder will calculate the amount of the difference, if <br />amp, betve~en the Curzeat Index aad,the 0rigiaal Index. If the Current Index is <br />1~i=hex thou the Original Index, the Note Holder will add the difference to the <br />Initial Rstt of Iaterrat_ If the Current lndtx:is lower than the Original Index, <br />*~tse Notr Holder will tubtrset the difference from the Initial Rate of interest.. <br />'.'he Nate bolder sill t3trn roared the result of ths.s addition ar subtractson to the <br />nearest gae-eightL of one gercentage poat,(0.125~);. Zhi:s rounded amount will be <br />the ner rate of interest I as requized'ta pag, <br />$efote each Payxant Chaatgc :late,. the Nate. Holder. will det+ermiae the new <br />aaaunt of a9 maathlg pay~tat that would be sufficient to repag the outstanding <br />yrtAClpa1 balance in .£uil care the. maturity date: of mg new rate of interest in <br />substantially ea}ual paysaeats. The. result af.this calculation is called the "Full <br />Papstat Asouat,'" and i.L will be the sxew amount of my saanihly payment unless <br />c?toaae tfze amount persrtted 5y Section.4 (I~) below: <br />{A7 $orraver's 1tigIlt to Refer Paymeuc of Certain Amounts: <br />L•• C~aiess Recticm L Cl') astd ~ CG3 Selov :+z 11 aoti ~ermi.t m~ to aia ao, before <br />any Payment ~laaagc Date T aiay choaa~e to have :ay new ~aonthly payment amount <br />.lolled to tT:e a~u&t I have ~Seec paying multip'._eci by the number 1.187x.. h:is <br />aawant is called '°Limited Payment Amount.`' I wi.1 give 'thae5ldote Holder <br />nQ!.ce ( havetho~®en,the Limited papmwnt. Amount at least days <br />~afare ,~a} ~~ayment Change date.. <br />~9.. ~ 6'3 . _. <br />