~2--C3 t3 (19 Q
<br />^c sut~ ; cued b~ this I~ee -f Tnnt -h P tiv^nttn :: unimpaired,. upon suchpaymem and cure by. Harrower, th > Geed otS
<br />rust ant _hc abr,vatiens s~ti-rat! !~•rFbv shat rrme n 6n fat] force and ~ffeetas_if noaceeteraron had oelyrrcij.
<br />r 2l1 ~s~nment of .irnl5 ~lppoinimeni uF Reccx~er; f.¢nder in.:Piuc .. ,A.S additicxnaf secuiitti herd ~U~-.r B rr iw r
<br />{f. ~erc6y issgns ro L~i~dcr the r[.n > of tai Pmpcrtl ~rnckded that Borrcwcr chaff, pritrr toacceleratiop and ~ par rtph [k
<br />?xcroa[ ~. aL+~.rdonrrccnt o; ih~ ~rofu^rty- bast [hr r. ~tat0 culfr.gt and lc[am ~ttgh rents 3S they become dvc ^ p eF,tl re.
<br />Ga+nacceleretz~ n unto +ragcaFn ld b~_reaf ~~i ahandr}nmCnt. aC the Propertp; Finder, in person nv uc r ar n>~
<br />udicial ;appointed n.rcivcr ~ be cm; cu .n en [:r upon, take possesscon of and manage tau Progeny and ~al ~f a [he
<br />reun .-f the Frcpen} ireiudmgl`r r~~e put due, A!1 rents collreted h!° Lender or the rccervnssttat! be app! cd first aimcm
<br />of th.- gusts cf management or he Pro!xryy asld cnlteg#ion at rerts, xncludisrg,. but not limited-Cn,. recetoer'a fees. f. emiurns
<br />an rcc.e;~er's brind~ ar-xd reasenab!e attGrne}~s Eec;, and then to the sums: secured by this.FJeed aF. Tcwt.. L::nuci .toff the.
<br />rereivershafi t~ tiab2e to etc aunt ^h~ #, r those rents actuatly received.
<br />Zi_ Future .4dwnces. L~pcn rettcest a€Burrower„ Lender" at7~endersaption, prior totult recunveysnce of the Property
<br />W fncscee to Borr+~wer, n>ay make Future Advances to Burrower. Stn:h Future Advances, with interest- [hereon. ~hz;l !>L
<br />5ecurea yp cFS Deed of Ta+sr ..•heaevidenoed-by promiss#t:y notes stating that.5aid netes:are sceuredhcreby,.:l[ n<. fir mall
<br />the prin+ spa: amount of the indfhtednes^s sexrat9ed by ihs Oe.;d of "Cris[, not inGtudzng sums advanced in accordane.~ L~r^Ni[F.
<br />'o l~rnu,.t. the xc my cf ih,s F3eed of Trust, exceed [heoriginal:.amuunt of t3te.Nute plus. LS $ _ _.... G .....
<br />~~ Recanre}rnce. ~'pon papztznt of alt sums seetucd by this E}ecd uF "Ernst. Lendarshutl regtust Tru tcc [ rceunvey
<br />the Prol[er;}~ aad shalt s#trrender thus IIred of Trus[- and elf notes ovidencing indebtedness secu[•ed;tay thss Deed ct "Crust=
<br />io Trustee Tru;re • ::bait rccotzvey tlin Pnaperty without warranty and without gharge to the person or persons legal#~~.
<br />~~nci[lcd there#a. Such person grFnersons shat} gay ail casts of recordation, if any.
<br />i3. Sabatilmc Try~srce_ Lender at Lende{s apuan- may from time Ya ume remove Trustee an8 app+n[ t a[ccessor
<br />tnx~wec to any Trus-ter~appaanted laere~msder.by an insbrttmernt regarded m the oaunty in which this Reed of '1 ntsi y re~•orded.
<br />W;thcot .:vnveyxn.-.c of the..l';otaerYy,. the. sugcrssor trustee shall succeed tea elf the tittc, power and duties conferred. u~itair
<br />S?tt Trustee hereto and by ~ppltcsbie`taw.
<br />Ia. Arpamst for ~iotices. Harrower regue :s that copies of the notice of default and notice of sate he sent to .Borrower's
<br />addr~ whiS.h is the F'ruperty Address.
<br />IAt wT7N)M.55WHEREf1F, $OiEOU"Cr ttaS l'S[eCitteC~tI?h.rd o4 "Tl'tist.
<br />i `+
<br />a 4
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<br />$7.tTE t1F i~lE.$lKA$KA.::... ~,8 Y-1 . ........... . ... .. ... .. , ... ~d7tint}'.55:
<br />Qn this ., ., .f-CC°w"......day oF.....t~arck , .... i9. :', 4eforc me. the undersigned. a Nutarv^ P#sbtic
<br />daft romr[tst:xortexl and qualifYed tar *;attt aetantu. p<rsanalfa came Fa~xw C Ggazt. anti ..... . .... ...... .
<br />. " . , ...... " ......., trx me known to bethe
<br />.. , t" c =. ~ L z,~~€t... ~ t%~t'~r1~. rzgi5l. 7,v L; r; . _ .. .... .
<br />icfrnrrzl pcrson(s3 whore nxmr(s1 err sulascri6rri tit the. fors cnmF; ;nstrument and aekntawlydgrd the c[eCUiitan
<br />:hrtca~f to be .. t,he':`.t:.. , vatvnzars act. and. decd.
<br />W'itn ~ . , ~'a 3T'. ..3.G~ z3fi G= ............ . .........xn said CuttittV.~ the
<br />dattafor ~turt*titasswt'r•aaea..ra».s~a
<br />tklauEttvw#Elt t j
<br />' w cw..A FSia..wM, y.. tpiA~ f`
<br />;~~ i ,~ ~~ry p~,a,,e
<br />RfE.QF?E.sF- 1~~~ ~~cf~~~1~~~vA~e:~
<br />:.se uxader5igttce ix th.. taa'~ez iri tnr an+c , ... .:ri~i .?~ s~Y I}e=_:' ez "Trus?. Seid note or orates.. zcsgether
<br />.with at, rntsrr ittdebtrcEttess ~eet+r#xF by that Fkoi +af ; r,:, t, !..tsr #xren tdan full. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />vtid Hate r?r n4tcs and this I)ccti ca# Trati;, w~ c'..+r r ~l~!i•.tre:? hrrrkrv, and: if) srconvey, without warranty, alt zhr
<br />estate new Reid by 3au uncFrr this fleet! :,i Trust cEa enr ~xr;r~r, cat perstttts.legnify entitled zhereta.
<br />I?ate:..............:...,.:",,..... ... .. ........................".................
<br />- tSifK4 8V'+w+ rh+Y y,+wtewserwe for iesre6[r sv+4 !auca~rct~i
<br /> ~~
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