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<br />7, Conrl~ntna[.von. In the Brent. the I~S~operiy, trrany. part.thereof; steal! betakenby eminent domain, the Mortgagee <br />i5rm;~uwemd to collect aryd mceire a!t compensation wYaieh >t~Y~. be-paid Por.any property taken or. forthrmages toproperty <br />nuc Ciken, and Aicrtgagee. shalt arply sash compensation, at its.:oprion;+.e'tthet toa.reductionofthe indebtedpessseeured <br />henehS- or to mpair snd restore the atvpcrt}• so dammed: - <br />S. Peitormance by :4tortgegee. Alortgagee rnay, but shad have no abtigation, to do any act which the lortgagor <br />has agreed hot fails to do, and ~for.~gagee may akso do a[ty'arc it deems tseeessary Lo protect the-lien hereof. Mortgagor.: <br />agree= to mpay, aprnt demand, auy =ums w e>;pended by the.$4artgagee for tt[e above purposes, and any surits so espended' <br />try tYe biwtgtegee steyk! be added to the indebtedness <ecuredhembp andbeepmesubjecE tothe.[iea hereot.Mnrtgagee:. <br />shell3at i+xur ant- personai liability kxrati:v. of ~n}•x}ring itmaf do oromit:to-do hereunder. <br />9. 1?efaalt, Assignment: of Rents. TPme is of the essence hereof; and upon Mdrtgagvr's default:in:anQ eovetrant: <br />aragteement o; Phis ~4ortgage,.inclutling cavrnaats co pay when dtse the sums securnd by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee stiall' <br />De enti tled,. st its sore optiaa and-with crttc natim,todeclamalt-surnsrecured byihis Mortgageto be immediately-due~snd:~ <br />payable and may rnmmence toudosure of tltts Mortgage by judiciak proceedings: and, prowlded further, that upon sueh <br />defa:~:t the Fiori~a®ec, of a [•etrivez.appointed by a.eouri, may at its. option. and witktoutregaxd to theadequacy of the~- <br />securi±y. enwr upon apd take:possessiono+.the property andcollecttt[erents.tcs[resand profits therefrom artdappty them-. <br />?'est co t,te cast. of c~ection atsd:operatiore s>f'the:Propertc and then upon. the indebtedness securedbytbis Mortgagee; <br />said ants, Issues andpr[afits wing assi~xed to tt[e S[arrtgagee as further security for the payment of Ehendebtedness <br />secured hereby.- <br />10. Tratuter of Property. if all or any part of the Property is sold or transferred without the express written con-. <br />Kent..of tha A:orlgagce; ?Notiee may at is sole option, drefate all sums secured by this Mtrrtgage to be immediateiy due <br />i6d caY e',11e. <br />13. k=uwre ~ttvaAl~4a. 4;poea request of Mfortgagor, 4tortgagee may make additional and future:: advances: to <br />h~eirtgagee. Sash advai[etx, w5th interest thereon.. shalt be secured by this McsrtgaRe when evidenced by promssory notes <br />stxtirg that s:ud ntsres are sacared hareby:4t na time >![aid the principal. amount of the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mor'.zage, not tndtrdtngsuvt advanced to pmtret the :cecurtty r3f ttris Aforrgage, r+xeeed the original Note.. <br />t2.: ~tlaatlnraua Prot<siotcs: <br />- (ai~ any-forebearrmee in exercising-any right or remedy sksak! not be a waiaer tlsereof. <br />{b) remedies provided :herein am dist3net and cumukatve u. any other right. affarded by taw nr equity, <br />sad may he'rxercised ronertrnntky. indrtpendtntly <sr sucet:;svaky. <br />ICl 77fe covetu[nis and agireamentc cankaint^d herein shad bind, and the rights Inure to, the respective <br />sueeessots and. assigns of tt[r lttongagorand [he atongagec. <br />idpAllrovttsaostc and agreentenu: of the 'etorlgagcx air mint and uvrrat. <br />fe) '['l~ta;hc>~•np1: of. the panagtapbs of""-thin tfoneage are fort•nnven[enae o[akv and shalt ntat be: usedtointer-. <br />prtet os tl~fine the pmrisions henaf- <br />1'. 2elettaa. t"ptx[ payment of alk sums snrord by ihil 4lnrxnatti°. 4iortgagee s-rail discharge this Mortgage add <br />shall P~rrup~ xrd delivcraaatssfaetory relertse-then~fnr- <br />!'v W[T?Vt }A°tfEAEC!#~`; MrsrtRaltsu hax exet`atrt! this !.4tsrtgage c{n tun. £3th_ day : i __~~?"~h _...__. , 19. ~Z.. <br />q, _.. Mt ~ s,~ <br />'[k7'i:LIC ) ~'Cr~7wt.L1 _., notro,ovr- <br />„4 <br />..._ ~. <br />e[".kC` ~ CEE'..t~3f0 C. I~tYritilb: aorcawer:. <br />State of tiel)raf[ia::..w..~...........- y~._.._.. _._ . ~,-_. . , .-._.. tmanta' tsz <br />lyn rlitc _..~.-~' 'dap rri_.,_..__ Y'C~1.._.-._. ._, 2!~ 4~- .. be&,re me,theundersign¢d..a ~otaryc Public <br />date carnncicairrnrd sna otu[t[fred !'or eatd'couut~. Pkraxmafiy tame _~'}n33d TJ i~[dLF12T_allt~„ 7tk£17.S1G~G.~ <br />[)r:.~cxtlan, Rtr"sband_ told H'ia~ ____ _ _ ¢o me known to be;the: <br />identir~E y;enxmi»1 w-htxe s[ametst are att~crrlxdto:tbc* forr~oinginstrrrme+.t andadkoowledged Lhe..~rcecut6irntt[ereof... <br />to iH ._ _ h1s .mod 47er voluNaty act'~ind dei~it; <br />iVitnes., m_s~ hand, and nasiina3 :prat:2t G~'aFtd ~'~ .. . _ in Bald countq, the <br />date air~=aid . ~. <br />r <br />~. ! <br />a ~ ~ ,~ <br />My{'vnun~~sian espnc: ~ ~ f' ~ ~.~ ~.`"~ ,Fi `} <br />7 ~ ~ie_~~a,ALIw -:kA-S -vpt:r~yy 1 d ~ .'•.-. NbLRty FStb[rC. <br />~,.. ~.":^.; R`r ::r~~ u~ how r3. :"~i3~ - <br />\ .__ ._, ......_-._. _...._..,._.-. ... ~...,-_ i~trs['.~- SS+~ii~v rr,ir ;..aoi tYasarvec[: €ar Leni[.~rsub [trv;mttistf .,_......_..._._. ._.......-_....~. <br />~ ^~ <br />~- ~ l ~ <br />yy ~ Q <br />.i <br />,~ <br />W ~ ~. <br /> <br />' W <br />~ <br /> ~ <br />.. ~i~ <br />G <br />~~ <br />1~~ ~R3~ ~.~ S"" <br />Y. dL1 ~ ~~ ~ . .. <br />r„y <br /> ~ ~ <br />r >.. <br />~ ~. <br />C <br /> <br /> <br />:, i%,. O <br />r.1~Ja~7~~?I N <br />Y~ <br />Z; <br />W <br /># - <br />~"`,... <br />`~~~ 't ti <br />T~: <br />