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<br />Mc~R~~GE $2 - e~ ~ (l f3 8 f <br />'this. i,fortgage is entered intzi het~•reen ~NALD F3. DII4kfi'3N; and JA~UELiNE- G. DE~IMAN.-_-- <br />_I~i7~-_~?iS_arid Wife --_---- _ (hernia "Merigagni') and <br />'1,~_'fRrERFF:~'•'D ~ATIi]I'Zwy Bi_A~_CEE'_ C>£iAl~ IBI~lAID, 6rund Is3and; Nebraska therein "Mortgagee"?. <br />~{origagvr is =rdebred to ;Uarig in the pxincipat gum of $ ~~~-~ ,evidenced by ASbctgagoc's note <br />dated _ bS;LT~c l1_S,_l~u_ (hcrecn "f$eN4") p>•oviding for payments of principal and irttemst, with the balance of the <br />udrbtedne.~,ifnotsraonerpaid,duehrsdpayahlebn- ~~~'8, 19$5 <br />To secure ihepaywent of the Note, x+itls interestas ptbvided therein:,. the payment of all other sutms, with mteiest, : <br />advanced h~ i[orYgagee ko protrct the seeisst~~ of: alai`s bEortgage;:arsd the performance of the covenants ane9 agreements o* <br />the '+#ortgagor carUaiced herein., 3fbrtgagor does hereby :mortgage and' rnnvey to ,ldtorigagee Lhe foilow`eR~ decn~nbed <br />prnperc-: icxated in AaS1 .. Couatu, A3ehracka: <br />.106 -- P'as't of the tir~NIlFa pnnd Part of Lot ?and <br />..Part. of S4i~, Se,~tan X1:0-14~, ITa.7:l C:tstinty, ?4ebraska <br />and; <br />#it3 ar~~ - Fart of the ~~, Section 1Fi-10-10, Ball <br />Clt~r, N~raska. <br />Togeiher with ail bu~'dinL,+. ;m~m„asrmen... ;.,-.turn •. ~er€wsa. aiieyx, pa+<sagewayx, easements, rights, pciviieges and <br />appurtdiarxre ttarsted tisereots or-in'arp,atwpet'ra,mstg t#serF•;rx, ieadrlterent~,i~sues.. artatprofits,revetsionaand remisindera <br />thcmxf; in~4tsdear, boa a„e limited tu,~tx!a,ueik wsd +=~nHrciQ euurprAx+asttand suc3t persnnai prnperLy that is,aLtarhed Lotlte <br />impmvemeretx eo ra to cor~r,tute-a Y+xEUr+, , :sli of u ~,:e:='. ina:iudeng reptarrments and addttrons ihemto. is herchy declared <br />_ la txx s part of :f+e rrai estatk! scM^ue+rt4 by thae #trrx a,i ;#u•, 1p¢rrkgage~ ~~d all ~,f the toretttnng bwinR [t°ferked. tolferein ae.EhC".. <br />~~1o'~Rarfucrt.Yrtsrenas>§.»and..a{gxers. wittC ~lixl:'#p~re:.. as fot9ows` <br />P~ P~rgl6ent. "Cb pay'ttte itxds #stedr and Ldaar snsere a r hen~can as pmwcded in Lhi;4 ktnn~age and the tv`ate. <br />$., "'f-"rk1~s. ~Sortgsyoz rs the esarapr aC.ilse:Nro-q•rtp'. iaa+.. the r,ght:andaetLttarity tx> mortgage theProperty, and:. <br />,rsrratsts.tibaL tltr i,vn rreaCx~d hr,.tebY ~ a i°st$t any} yn,.r t:e~n cm itw.• prcxprrts~:, exrepr as asa}• ntherwisebe xet fbrLh herein. - <br />S'? Thr proryr-te ,. , r$tM+s^t Lr, a :ASorisakr ~• •~, ~~ :n . _ . <br />~+,a llarr~~!`='. *~~r~4nll a! Her4~k :.. ..~......_ .. . ~J' .:.. ~_ c,t thrt e~s>tikaSk' S~ecserdao# ._......__..._.._.r_._:~._._.Cou~rty,...: <br />'Jebrasta, whtctt .~itartga~e x~; a i,rar error rtx ttta itrurreatro h+•rattta'. - <br />Ottrer prwr i,znx or encrxmtarAenrra' _........ ........... .:. .. ..__,_._ , . _. _ _ _. _.. , ..~...,..___.___...._._...__.....,...._.._....~._.. <br />~. 'I'txrs..-sxar+neeta '1'o pay vrhvr. Cur at;.rns.e•s, .pacta3 arr!lessnremt, and all other charges :~senst the k'r<:peyrt.y <br />a.~d, upon wr+LiCn demand 1?p ~foctKagre. to adct t!s ~erir pav,ru•nts rrgairep urrd,•r tha No.a so-cirrYi her~•oy, sack amau;.tt ag <br />was be aufCscirnt to enatlJn t:~e ~torrg:gee i» pat such +.~srs. xast~Et17er1Li tr- atitrs charges :~ ! hec t>trome uue•. <br />d_ ~tattrraace. To keeg tns icaflroYe ctteat~. caw w ht•rF~aii_r ;r~:ated o^ the n-ai ,~•la,e desert bed hereon irsumd <br />a>Zairua<iamagr bye f:m xud sacra pin.rr t,~.v ds :a ASOraagre msti~ rr[t~a,m, is arnoonLS and +r..h t,~nxp~t i a ec•cnpt~.hic to the• : - <br />~~otti7jt~, xnQ a;iefi ;ou payab4r t-xihe }furtgagee. ex raise of 1s - :adc•r ~.u h fnifce~ ii e iaTr;f2gageu ;+ aotho~ixed ~kn... <br />'sdprS. cr$3est uadra~mgrz-mae. ,ntis drarr.~tevn. at! ,ewevx_ inear-un ier ~~. ii; s:9fe> oUl.ion, z.utbrr` Su, rn, (>nr apply the <br />;recrceeik+ta Glee rextaratioa of tier Ptttpe[Cy ur ugon the indebcedra•a u°cerc-d herebt~, but pa~ymeoa hemu:;dershait can- - - <br />unrte the turns sc currd !mprebY are paid sn ia!I. <br />5_ ~_i $xrrox For `P~eaand la:wtzaacr.:~oiwichstxrding anc th;rig contarner~ in paragraphs 3 and 4 he:roi tr. the <br />eattbr~y, r4f*itxg~-r sbaSi pay to th. I,Turagagr,• :c± thr c'~xe ?€ ;>t,gin~ ttte m~.rthik~s•rsta,E,~m:+Ft: 3i pneu;ipat and in[ereat, <br />rasr•;?vEt~ft3S cst th+: ~~uaslY L37tes,:ar~exissrsch,, .xazat,l insurance p~reErix:rri':, zi.d ground rents iif :~ayy ushicn racy attain a <br />pr4oeity etx~z ±3tif iG1tN't~jge ail a€ crra+cniibigrc,itmet~svl item ¢:n,r xc, iii*xa b', .he &?artga~re_ Theamouas ao paid star! he <br />hefd by itte Mact~r~• xitbenit [ntwest acrd xpp'd.aai to t. e pa~?aarat ,>} t;te itrms ue rrspaet i~o whim surf, ssmorrntx were <br />ck't~~~Ct,i. Tie a,YAt'. IL'Hd W R4ttil~ge.e tiereun~kes~ are pr+dy++d s i d d3oaal = zuttt: f•xr ,hr ,ante fat+dnrsrt veeured by Lher <br />7~tggt~c.,, ~eri.;7CA'+a ~tii ~y &o'~iAStgagex' the ernount. a. sni 3eh~ez nrw bet;rer a t,Re :,~-;oaf iaxas, s~se. sr.u'r; ts, roucrxnre <br />~wrxtiamxanA a~tiitd rrnr5 sttE. i!la dapalei3s nert-m~dc~r >x-sc:in iUcdi~Yr sf'e~ hemar,d c:. , aA~ ~ai>tsa :A4,~rlgag~r coq w•vtify~+ <br />~,}cstt&t iramot. <br />6. ~L~a1rr, !Yfaanrx~aaee iere3 i?ae. 'Per pnttniea~ sN:paiz.:"'-t : A~ cr r~ha34d am Yu,k C,r~- or I:rtprt,~,~!emar, is v~~rw cak <br />=+a€lrr e7Y<tS[4% PYrP~1pY}; +, i~ its~p S.ft+a F'i-p~ t9 ~~+ ~:;<ea rrxra!it ~r.,re avid spa, r. lx~?[hE?:11 weer :arid tmc %rerrn ran-rhaniFs or <br />:fl~~tk0Mir4~, rtiw, ^kfttE=s+l7^t= ~s.ti6rrA,:~c~,tpc3 i<•ibe li.r~ N~rfsxf_ r,P €+, nt~fio-~. wt#i°f csr ;wcrnit an rsuistnec Ear cxoc, r,i,r ro d<mi~... <br />~xT, u( 1at~e.• .pass e`xti.~ ..+ trsr 7?esprrT.p Yi alt ~~, ,y. ~,. n, s: sra .,~ a•':, ,zttd ; ~ ~eza,~:: r ,II ;x*e7aAts.+ttisns of ~w hxata.' <br />