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'+.: Condenzrutinn. In the: etient the Pronen': , o: sn> psrttlterrofr shal4 tie taken by eminent domain the Nloxtgagee <br />isempowpr«d [o callectaad reecive atl compens.tuon ~.vhichmay tiepaidforany F?'open}' eaken ar fordamages toproperty <br />not.aice+;, and~:tfortg~ageeshallapplY su-,~. con.peusatiu~.. at itc option, ettherW.a;eduction of ttieindebtednesssecuretl~ <br />hereby ar to repair and restoreihe pmpertY w damaged. <br />9. Performance by Dfortgagee. 3ortgagee tna~o, but sl.all have no ob[igatlon, to da any act which the Mortgagor <br />ha: agreer3 but fails to do. and '_yfarrgYgee cnay also do any ar, it deems necessary to protect the lien-2rereof:Mortgagor <br />.agrees +.a repaQ~, upon demand., env snms so expended by the 3Roatgagee'for the alcove pnrpt~es, aadany'sains so expended <br />by tue tilortgagee shall be added to the {n&^bu lnrsc secured hereby and'berome sabjecG to ttts Iien iteaeoP, tvlortgagee <br />shat! not incur arty pzrsonta[ liability tmcause ~P anything it ma}~ db or omitto,do hereunder: <br />~. I2e[ault; Ascigament of Rents. Time a of tre essence hereof, and upon hiaTkgagor"s-dafsuftia anY rovenant <br />or agreen:.ent af'this Mortgage, including cocenanLS co pay tivhen dtie tAesums secured b~ this Mortgage; the Mortgagee shall <br />he entitled, at it5.soit'. option and uithcut nour<; [c declareailsatnssecured tap tbr. MdrtQage to 6e-:immediately due artd <br />pavat>3e :+nd mac. commrnce ioredosure of ihi:: Mortgage-., by judicialproeeedings: and,.pmvidedittrLher,~tbat upon such <br />default tJ~r tifortPagee, or a receive. appointed. b}' a wart, u'itlnoutregaed ta'the adequxy of the <br />security, enCer upon and take passession of the Prohrrtyand coliectthe rents, issues andprofifs therefmmand app:y them <br />ftrst to Cie cost cf collection and operation of the Property asd: then. upon'thesndebtednessseeuredby,this Mortgagee; <br />said rent>, issues-and pm fits being assigaed to- the Mortgagee as fuRher security for the .payment-bf the-. indebtedness <br />secured heretic. .. - ... <br />I~?. 14ander of 'Prapeety_ If alE or any parr of i3te Property is saki or transfetxed without the express writLerr coa» <br />entaCtlw\4artgager.MOrtgageemayants-soVeoption,declaraaltxuaassecured.irethisbSurtgBgetobeimmedistelydua.:- - <br />and payaalr. <br />2l. t`utum Adfartcea dfpan requestr>€ Mortgagor, l4iortgager may make addttioaak and futare adYattces ttx <br />Morrpa{ee. ~ru7 adsanees, with intertxt thereon, shat! besrcured by this$oMgagewhenevielencedhypromissory notes... <br />.eating ttixt said notes are secured hercbv.-At no time shall the princspa4 amount of the iodebtednesa secured by this <br />lforrgage. not inctadtug:suansadvan~d to protecttlse security of ihts':tSor[gage, extre+ithe original Note. <br />ix. MircrflageousPruviaions: <br />(s I Aar for+eRaeasaacr in exercising any right or nemrdy shaltnot be a waiver thereof: <br />(by ~fl remedies provided: brrein am dfsrinct and cumulative to aaY other rightafforded by aaw or egnty, <br />and may be exercised =°aneurrently, independenth~ orsucceessively. <br />{r1 1'he covenants and ggm+inents contained herein shall- bind. tmd- the eights inure to, the respective <br />sacceiadxs and arsigrffi of the':tioregagar arM the htori:gagre. <br />id! ~!I rovenantsand:agreenxents ut the :4tartgagor are;pint and several. <br />(e t ; !te beadfngs of the paragrayhs of this Mortgage are tar caavenience cmtY and shal3 not be nsed to inter- <br />.. peel nr define the ptovuions tiereof. <br />l:i Rr#ease_ Upon paymrrtt of all ;tttmx sa~curcd by tole :~tartgage, ~tortgagrr shall discharge this Mortgage and <br />.shat! exrryrteaml delfverit sattsfactorv~: release therrfar. <br />~ Wi"f2tff N'EiER~t3F. Misrtgagur has rxc~ca#xd tbr4 Nortga{v~ on the $tYl; day of . ~Sa,I'Ch__4, i9 ~z _ <br />`~~$ .. a~..r <br />-. ifif~ •J SO ..__....._._.~..._...~ Boseower <br />+'" ; ^~• <br />a „__ , _.._ _„_ .~._..._ <br />~~:.. .. .T~hnsnn mtro,.~- <br />SrarP of Neb[~1ca, .- _~_~~t~'`i_..__._.__.._ ~_... __ ..~.,_.__ . __..4;oua.~ sat <br />f7n This .__'~tl? .,_,_..._ day of ..,~..,.._.v._.;_~. 2:9~,_, fxTorat mr, the undersigned, a Notary Public. <br />du1Y Yxnmttsronad:xndaualii'teclibr~dcounrt~_.i~rsanai4ycame:. ~,.Y_~ rJOht7y~n,_aIId .~c3an 'L .;onn~an~ <br />f~tl:3tl8I2d at2d 1V1?B__- -- __,i. to me knowr. to he th:• <br />_._._.____ .....__.~-..._-~...~__.._....~..r~ <br />identical person{sl vvba+ve namelsi err sutrsctbed to the fnrrgatttg:matrurnent and aaknrrwiedgrd the executiyn thereof <br />to be _ i71S atxl r~r -- soluntarv nCt and deed. <br />Wfin~s m~ 6and and notaiiat s!~rl at.___ GZiiSId IS3aud in seed coapty, the <br />riatr a;cxesaid , -_ ......._ _.._,_.__._ _ .._ .~ ~..._. N......____ <br />qty Gom;nisvion expires: <br />•. ApbaY r+3r+tic <br />~~ '-e <br />~+.,_ <br />`~ iy Dnst li<'ic... l'n:: I..u.< Far °,...e'uSrt. aJUC Hc^esr~Cr) ---^~--~-r <br />i .,~ <br />~~ ~ ~,'~ <br />~. Y <br />,~ f ~. ~'~ l:L.. <br />W <br />_ L".t <br />~~~ i <br />~. ti ~ .~ <br />y ~ 1,3 `tea <br />w <br />t y~ 4~ w ~1' <br />.~ ;,~ <br />>sr, <br />