$ --~t ~l ~ ~3'~
<br />SF~dD MQR~G?iGE
<br />?Riis '.Vlorkgage is entered into between P.AF 3. JCt~'iVC~^1 arx3 JF "1iy h4. ~IOfadSOi`i, fIusb~`v~1d-~
<br />8Tkt1 31~3Yer -- - ---- -therein °4tortgsga2') and
<br />'~~~ t}~e~ ~ATI~~ SANK 'JF ^~s';YNII ISL.YR']~,__~r3nd 7slutd, tiebTaska _(herein "'vfo_t
<br />-- - - • gages„~
<br />Mnrtgagor ;indebted to Mortgagee in the nrirc:pal .cum of `n 10 • (?C~ • ~ ,evidenced 6y Mortgagor's note
<br />dated:L~ 4 • 1~2-__ ~hareiti "late"i prosiding fox pa}~ments of principal asd interest, wit?t the batanceot the
<br />indebkednecs, if not sooner d, Sue and afa.r'ch 3, 198
<br />pr; payab'.e cxr..__'_~~_
<br />To:eeure the payment oP ewe b;ote, wins interest as pros~ded :.herein, the payment of adl other sums, with intetpsi_
<br />rWdsant~~d by 'stortgageew proi<_et the security of this ilortgab..; and the peetormance of the covenants and agreements df.
<br />ttie !uIo~rtgagor contained herein, Mortgagor dews nemby mortgage znd convey to Mortgngee the felinw~ng described
<br />propec~q Eocated in -~~~ ~ ----_~__ Ctii,r,ty, tiebraslra:
<br />'Phe West C~ae-ti~alr 4i~) o~ I~}ts seven ana ISig#it (r ~: s)
<br />Block Z~y (2) sn staLt3~ Err~tftrl "Island; an-Additran to *ite
<br />Cits~ of ~x~.rtd Is? iutd, 1 C~oLUtty, Nt~irasita.
<br />Together with sit buildings, :m~rovements; fixturs~..tr+rts; atla y~:.pa4aa$raasy<_ !~asternrY4ts:rtgkls,. Pttiritr~rsarrd
<br />appurtenances ioaaked [hereon or in a.•syswse pertaining ehrret0: ;~hd:the rents.issur and preCit,feverslpitsand mmainders
<br />thenrof; i:nctuding, but eat Iimked !o. heating and conltug egUiptttitnt and stw~tperw.aal prraperLyilaaL is:sttached to the
<br />imptorements sa u tea constitute s fixture; al} o! vrhich~snriud`at5g raptacetaenuandaddiurons therrtzr, ishetaeby declued .
<br />to be :part of the real estate serured b}' the i~.en of reels ,-3ortgagrand atfafthe firregoing heing.rnlerredtahetturas the.
<br />'Pmparty",
<br />MrxtperK further ronvenints area . with ~lartga~er, as ftr![aws.
<br />L Payment. To pay the. indebtt+dntss nand tare intere,t thereon as pray+d;^tf ;n thi, Mt>rt, iutd Lhe Nate.
<br />2 Trtfe. Martgagor is the ownerof thr• 1T¢rprrty, has the right and autltrsnty to mnrtaage i:.he Property, and:'
<br />warrants that the0.}ien [orated hereby is a firsx>irid Drier lien oft tier. Prnpertt, rtcapt ae rnav at3irrw•iar be set fa[t1t herYein.
<br />r w 3tl
<br />~cxm F~3e _ a1 3avi, -- - --
<br />!! iYYC Prupert~ i,i Fnbjett w h Y.tpri},`2ge Whr[Yln --. ~.- i _. _..~ .~_ _ ~ F~w[-4..+ A.sskx.iaL.~pn.
<br />Hall
<br />is the lYfort~al+'ec, recwde•1 ~ ~i0. 7 0! the :ttortga~e lt~ecordsof _. _.-- -.----+iattnt~t, ,
<br />C: Other prior Inns ur enaumbtrtacr•c _. _ _ _._ _._. _ _. _..._.~.
<br />- 3, 'Puce, tx To pay-when due xii ta,xea.:peP+ai x..-ws~.tnente and ail o+lier t~?narges apxi[tcY the Property
<br />and, upno wtittra demand by3[art~:•r, to add io tt.rl xp:nerets r~gt;rrrd urdvr tb4 '~orp secured horrbt, :.uch amrwnt as
<br />iTiiP:be9aALffCkRt k.o enaWr the t8orsxagpre ro psy such texts. asu•+sanenf:; or ether ehan~y a=_. they beas~ar due_
<br />4. Ianranee. Y'o kt~p :he i nprnsemevtc :1e>w. ur net eaitex iocsled :sn the real ectaty dcscnbed herein iesuced
<br />a~i[sst damatr iry~Gm aad sut3s abler 1 ia~~GS as }sorcga~~ may ra•Guire_ 'm amr>ixnts and with com psniv--acceptabir to the
<br />~fort~ytex, clad with loss payable to cite ~2artga~r. to rasz• of fry vadrr such ~~iiciea the Mortgagee ,s authonied to
<br />attitwt,; collect : and catatprvadse, to its ditcwRteon, akt claims thezxuodrr at Ks sole option, autlrortved toe}therappiy the
<br />pfnenedaio the mataratirxtof-fete Property or uprxo the indebtcdnr..•s secun~d h:.mbti. but payntants hereundersbill con
<br />_ tinur umil the sutus tmrred Erzrehy err paid in Full.
<br />:t. ~: Ew.tow Feu `I'axea and Inwnnre.~otwithsanding w'aything ca;tatinad in paragra.ptts 3 and ;hereof to the
<br />cWtirup, 3tuityytpr attslL-isaq'Ra the 'lSortgp;ee at the tetm• of paring fete moat h3t~ instal.}ment`'. of pnnciua! and ioterrst,
<br />btsr-twrifthal t~ha ;'ear93' testes; asxe~~enb..hazard iirsuraacr premiums, sod ground rants (if an}'S •.v ttich may attain p
<br />- 'prtafitg-.itnr thi€ Moitpgr afi ac reasaxwhky esf#matedCtotn Urzre to time by Lne'~fert(tagee_'i'hc lmonnts.3n pall shall be
<br />field err the-~~~'.e without intare~k area xpptied to thv trtcrnenk of ilre- ~: tr. me is res ptwk ro which such amounts were
<br />deperyskKi. Phi sums paidtts 35oripesee t^enrsrrder art' p§v_di•[~! its addi€iotraE .vs•CUrif}~ for the indrlrkedrtrax secured ny thts
<br />' 3~[tittp~r -i1}iirf~ni ~raFf pry'to Mc+et~tgee thearatnugi of nny ctet;rieinr_y Yea:vaera the acicsi faxes, us~xsmetixs, irsc ncnre -
<br />P~+b++~.-~toon~d'~nttmdtira-depp&}*shc~reeresdcr~vatts;n~0dagrcafc'erde~mand4srnadrupon.~Tcrt-t.gagorrrqueating
<br />yt~paaeek Gttrnrnt,
<br />R. AeprH,.A'tairgettucYsad C;ss.. "fo prr~tttgtlj• repair, rrskt~tc or rehui}d en;' Guildirt~ or arrtpraecment rtair or
<br />~• aasi t#r k'trrjw,+rt~r> to-Karp [?tom [*~'npea~ in iw'-"3 %enditaanacrd r.na>°. wit8ont west,.. rind €r•n> ;'torn tn~-rt:anic'r cr
<br />tK{fer lii+!w :'mi a?iy xveo+^diaatrd tt~ t[tr i4nn !Ater,{_rpt ;n nuke, ssxCfcr o>- ptrrtx' env ~uisa~:ce lc ercs t, erne to dimin-
<br />Nh,1~,F it$let3r tt~ aylE?e s:.[5~ Yt~rptCiy. try' &n+~ act yr atneyai~an :<} su t: ;<rr.4 tit cnns!1d:' wt. kt ~3t remtirr.;-nents atd I,tw with
<br />rr.6~ct3,tarttrr.4°tin~~.rl',Y. -
<br />.~.
<br />~-
<br />f'
<br />