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<br />.:: <br />8~ ... r~ <br />1{l. Th:u r1v Rtaatgagar avil! keep thcbualdistgs:upon said.:trremises ingood repair, and ^ezercailtt~i! tt.~waste. <br />trtion said lanai, r[or suffer the said premises to tx•ttsed for any unlawful purpose, <br />t t_ Ttrat[ if the premises, or,~ny parrtlfereof;' be condemned under the pawes a€ eminentdamain; or acquired for a public <br />tic, fix clarrages uwardrd, the proceeds for fhe fairing af, or thr consideration far such aequfsitian, to theexten¢ of [he full <br />,,., d, arehereb ~ assi ed h <br />- _ :uveuni yrn~c,icu„c~ ep..~, Via.... -.~ a 't,.:t_a....^.*.asacz..,-zemainin~unpas } gr' yt7ie <br />'tfostgagcx fa the Mortgagee, and sh:Jl he paid~forthwith~ta said Mortgagee to be applied bvihe atteron account cf the r_exr <br />ntat[taing isisrtallments of such indebtednessi;.. , <br />1Z. 't'tac Mortpagar further agrees [hat shautd this mortgage and the note..secured'hereby not be eligible for in- <br />su-ante ~nclcr tt?e hattonal !lousing Act within Sxtg days- from'the:date hereof (wtittanstatemenraf .in} officer <br />of the Der~artrnent of ltousirrc and Urban Devetoprnent or authorized agent. of Lhe Secretary of Housing and t'rhan <br />lleveitrpment dated subsequent to ¢lte, Sixty days:'- ti rte framxhe date o$-this mortgage. destining to insure said <br />rrote ;and this rnartgage, heirtg deemed concfusitoe .proof. of such. inetigibitity), the Mongegee ar holder of the note. <br />may, at its cptian, declare aft sumsseeurredbereby immediately dueand payatzte_ <br />13. Thar if [he 6tartgagor fatsm make tarty paymetrts of money when the same became due. or fails to conform. to and <br />cbntply with a[ty of the conditions ar agfeemeMS cronianed in rhos mortgage, or the note which it secures, then thetntire princi- <br />pat sum and acrnted in*.erest shalt idt once became due and payable, at. the etetaon of the Mottgageez and this mortgage may <br />thereupon Er foreclosed immediately for tttewhate of said money, interest, monihtypayments, costs; ground rents, taxes-.and <br />the cost of ~:xtrnding the ;: bstract of title from the data rf--this loan to the time nf' cammentang such fareciasure coif, anda tea- <br />sonaMe attorney's t'cr, ai! of wttcb shall t+e inctttded inthe decree of Iforeclasure, and the sontraet.embodied in this mortgage <br />and the note ccured her^hy, sttatl: in aiI respectsbe goveitterY, construed and adjudged txy the laws of NeMaska, where: the <br />sameismade.. <br />The covenants frerein:cantained shalF bind; turd 8ie taersef[ts and advantages. shat(nsure to, the respective heirs, executors. <br />administrators, suscessars and assigns of the parties hereto: Wttertevcr used, ttta singular number shaltiitclude the plural: the <br />plura~.rtie singular.. and the ttse of arsy gender shalt be appti[~t.le taa1F genders. <br />7'ht faregoing,condifitms; alt attd singular. tzri^g performed act:ardng to ttteir natural and legit impost, this conveyance <br />shat! be void attd said premises seteased at the expeszse of the Mortgagor, otherwise to he and remain in full farce and effect. <br />I?SI WCI'NESS-~t'MEREt3t=, the ?tRarigagar%s7 ba ve #ncreunta set t_hesr handfsD theday and year first <br />abme written. <br />to presttnccof: <br />~,'~ l S£At. 1 <br />~ SCFIA£FF~2 j S EA t. l <br />/ .' e ~ .' j~-rr !~!.~-t-~ x~u~i~ i SEAL I <br />ksATRICE L. SGI ~ ~f. <br />~SEALl <br />! SEAL 1 <br />,ro ~ar.rsa <br />5~rATZM f7~ !~ESRAStt;ri, <br />.~: <br />ct~~,ftr taz" ffAL.I. <br />t7tttlusr 6t:Pt duyof Mxt:t:c3t ..~.f).t!t 82.heTdremn. <br />a LatGtttSy i?ttb33t: in :aad for +asd County, pctsonalty came <br />Gragar«,~ L. Sct~aeff~r oast 1?:~tr2c~ L. ~fta~e~fer, tfusl~rtd and. t~i.fe <br />^escz~.allN to me irr[a-wtt <br />tone the identic:il prr,orr, ~ttx+as ntmme s ase afhxe~i to the absavaand fore- <br />gpinttinFtrumcn[ as Mvrttra~art.,.ared ::i~.y*- have ;+clcnawtcdged thesaid inswment andthc <br />axt:cutxx[ rtterruF as ix this voluntary act and. deer!, fnr the pur;roses tb,crein rxpaessed: <br />t>te te.,tmnnc wlureo. ! have ~~~rnsunee ~rrmY kmirrl andaY~ixedlay rta3tarid3seal at Grand. Island, t>ZE <br />on tlxday a,nd SaiC ~ast,.,`xnc wrzttca::. .., j <br />~, <br />4 ~~~ 4of_arro' Yuhfr~l <br />T aTF <~f `+EBitn4K.a .s <br />Fiie2 fx record tits iutY'of A. ~. !4 <br />3t a'ck~c k M., and enttrest in \umerica' I rdex.:md <br />rocartkdin-[b<zk a€-'.darigagts,tru <br />[aaK of <br /> Deeds <br />r~ty'-!t?7i8;,TAt #~`3a3;?I <br />