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1 <br />82--- t~i.tQ8~" <br />(l D month prior. to fts due dart the annual mortgage insurance premium in arder to provide such holder <br />watlt:f'aands tapay such premium to tht Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuane to the <br />National klausing Act, as araxnded, and applicable RegrzJatiatts thereunder; or <br />______ _ <br />_-. .... . <br />(tk)< kC and so long as said note of evert date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Ihlsatr Development; a anonthly charge (rn Fieu ~f a mortgage insurance premium] which chalk be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (Ijl2) of one-half {l/2) per centum of xhe average outstanding balance <br />due. on tht note computed withoux taking into account delinquencies or prapaymenu; <br />(!*j A ~utri equal- to the ground rents, if any, next due, p!u< the premiums that will next become due and payable an <br />pxi§icies of'fire and other hazard insurance cuverittg the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />a® the tnortgaged property (otd as exrimared br the Mortgagees Sess all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of rnoriths to elapse before one. month prior to the date w}ten such ground rents, premiums, taxes. and <br />asaesaneru will became: delinquent, such sums to be held by *vlottgagee in trust to pay said ground renu; pre- <br />miuctts; taxes and special ass~ssmen u; and <br />(c) Alk payments nrerttioned in the two preceding subsections cal this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secuxtd hereby shakt be added tagethcr. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be patd by she Mortgagar <br />each montkt in a single payment to be applied by lire Mart¢agze to the following items in thz arder set forth' <br />(l1 premium charges ursdtr the cantract of insurance with tl:z Secretary UC Housing and C than Development, <br />or monthky charge jin lieu rI mnngrzge truurance prcmirenr j, as the case maw be; <br />(Ill ground rents, taxes, assessments, firs and other hazard insurance pretniunrs: <br />(lik): interest era the note secured h.•rtiay; and <br />(kV1 artwrtization crt"the prtncigal ~f said note. <br />Any deficitruysn rht: arnaunt of any such aggregate mottthty payment siralJ. unless made gaod by the Mort- <br />gagor prior ua the dot date sal` the taext such payment. c,oetstitute zn event of def au}t under this martgage. The <br />Martgagee may called a "late cktaree'" not tc zscee r i<;ur :cats t4kl sor eazlt dollar fSll of esclt payment more <br />tJtan fifteen { 151 days ir, arrears ro cavzr the zxtta exnnx invoivzd in Jtandlina' delinquent payments. <br />r~ That. it the tt>tal of the g~•ment~ made by t#ar 5lnrtea~or under ti,r o1' paragraph '> preceding shall exceed <br />ikxe apnounL-o( pavaxenti.: actually made by the Sinrtt,aeee for ernund rt°nt5, 1axrs and a .se.meni:~ nr insurance pre- <br />miu~i, a. the cater ma}~ he, such excess. tl the Yelitn is iurrertt, at the aptitm of the Mtxtgapyor, shall be credited by <br />th© 4hlrttgageacou ••ub:uequmt pea}'mesas tFa br made h} tkre Sinctlsthot. nr rnfunded t.n lire tlort~;cgar lf, however„ the <br />mtattthly paymente rnadc ty. tJtt ~langstgor utxler f>; aS paragraph .° preccrltnr shall not lee sufficient to pay grxxrnd <br />eeut,, tatter:. and a ~e~~meerrt.: or in-erranarr prenaium.~. a~ the c .isfr may !r<~. when the tame -h:al l become due and pat'- <br />Sbl,e, thtxn the liortttiap~or shall pa}= ao the= 5fortya. rte an}- amount ntt r s±an, to make up the tie#icienc}•. tat uctasftrre <br />Ute date rshen pactaent of .such ground rnntx. atrxrw. a.~-r•-:ment.< nr in.~urancr gremium~ .~ha11 lx- due. if ad an}. <br />aiaac! ihtr 31nne:ttat =,hafl tender t.a the 31rtrtgapee, in atxarrdancre with the prn.-3-iun~ o; the nose srcurr~l henE'h}', <br />tuck gavmena nE the rnti:r indelstarrtnr.- regre,•*•r£tnyd thE•reh}. the SMrts!altrr ..hall, in rompntins the anutunt of 3ach <br />indebtedne~•. creckit ro the account of tStc 4fnrtgagerr all paymems nxulx under the prrovisicros of ~,~ of Paragraph ,'. <br />heresat tvhich thr'ibrtg~er hasp not. Ixx•ornx• nlrla~atrd to par rr, the `-trc•retur~ o}" HouMin~ .nd Urban k}rvekopment <br />and any bulancr remaining. in tier #und* accumulated antler the pert+£^+ionv of ~ %~~ of paraliraplr '3 henxa#. ff lht>Fr <br />walk im a detault u~tar an; of the pttat~isi+;n~ raf thi- martgarr rr-uiain7; in a public +ale of tsar pet mi ;rs covered <br />ht=xebK. ar it the Sltartga;tw• actptirc~e the properr}' atlarrru4.<• a3tcv default, tbc~ Skart.aa„er .hall apply, at Uar° lime rd <br />tRac coanmenxsemant a# ~xsch procecrdin>rr, ae at the time rJtr gropttriy i:~ a>xhetxtier £trquire~d, t}ar Iralancr thxnt remain- <br />ing in tktx Cutrd=_. aarumu3ateel euader •' t ak pmrr;;raph ' prrr•rdinu, a•+ a rrudia agxrnut the am<tunt of principal I,htrn <br />semai~ntrxg unpaid undo•r satd Wale,, and ;hall prerperic sdiu-t ant payms+nt.w which shalt have h,reu made under tai <br />taf paragrugls ~'>, <br />4. ["hat thr't1t*rttag+>r ,rtdJ test 3;ri~rrrni >rrai. to}, ueetee rates, and c~iSt~er gt,axernme.mai or municipal <br />cs,rr~c., hece<, ;,rr tnapxrsitawans, fsr wlrrth pt+•rixtcm h.r, trot bten made hzramhetcre. and to defat:Jr thexcof the ;tiforti~gte may <br />,_. 'bz :~txt rt, ,;t~`1 ~~~a~ar •==•I ~rrptl. 3.+. . t,§t a+~~;. :'•,cretx.•.at7+;c 140rxgagee. <br />'f ~rr•tt,>rtpaKrrr wi3l way alt taxes -,• htc3t may tw: icvrtu •-,rst the 21.rrt~+apec + antere~t in ,atd etas zstste and imprei+~~r-- <br />•nrnr,..,ntl •+. nth m,,~ t+e3€a~eeu trvrn ttr ~^g:~>e ur the r;ebt securcW tsareh} !bus [easy to tfie extent that each is not grahibit- <br />.:d hr ,,• :,+rd ,+u-> n• rite ~ t -:*1 €har . .v J. ^, . ,:Ke thi. 1t,;an u±uriausi, hua axriudtng any incztme tax. State nr >;tdrral. <br />~, ~+,.,r, ,,_a ~.,~t,. ;! Fitt ttat Ji~_ ~_ I recernr .t,<~N,na=,uch payment u3th the ?tlrmtp-a&as. Upon vttiAadon of [hisundar- <br />, _ ,r ,tit tit _ .., o• +rihr cd hv- .... , ,..~ ~,, re,~r str exi %ringlrunl rr ~ying rht whole or any }x a~tian of theafare- <br />:~su+:ase.. rr spo h ~-nde .v +d sr, r xart dreret pr ~.a;,i;rnz the gay+ntnt b}• tht 'vlostgsgor ar any such taxer, car r! such law <br />:..rzr r crr,ti tea, rn,t ,,n. ;,ctdune so }veld bs tht Mcurgn~.~r .nsi3 be .:rsdized ern ztac mortga24t dtht, the >4for[t;agee MhaJl hate <br />ahr rgh <:„i._ r,inci~ der,' vuritttn notirre to flee „weer ,~i tpc rtCrrt{;1t}itd grtmises., rcgtairinitthe payment of the mtrrigaltr <br />a,.!^t. t! sine m+tr.~c r~ g,.rn ,,.iw.hi •.hal? t>ea~:xartrzd~t. pa .,i~i~ :vnd:~.~t{ectihle at theexpiratianof said Wintry da~~~.. <br />!r. llraa ~turua 4c t:ri i„ p:+ti un, ~a,ern rr ketla anue~";~~antgr++~~rded 1~~rin thas~lcsrtgage. then the Morr~gee .at 4t!r zrg- <br />t>ran- ,r,r~. sa; ,a ~n .mac: dx :m~`.:,nd .~ c xtrenditurrs sa made .nut:. ~ added ltrihr t?x'ine4pal sutra awing an the .,tor r Hate. <br />ciaxa br- c wed t:~rr!~; . +nB h~ t £•ear >.ttcr^,: ut'he tart stt 3orthin',^e said note, uutdpaid_ <br />7_ i-bat 3:r nctetn ~.,rg :. ,rangy}er ., «xs ever to aht P+lort~atre, ro tsc applard toward iht Pagment o3 then +~r..:nd all <br />sa:-n> .rcurrvi F,rr r :~ ~ .c i r •ta:iJ ar~[ e prrformunc-t r>t" ant of iht rc: ms :anti carnfiriuns caf :.hit Moragrtie ar •ne satd <br />no4e. a:E riu rent., r~vrur.z~ ^aJ inc.,mr i - • Jc:, .•ed from tht nxlrt„G~aytacl prectases during, such time ea the mortgag'm indcbttd- <br />xzKS. ~hsiJ rrrnv¢, ~ap-atd: arty tiK ilurt,¢n}e~ ,oaf; P`.rs+C Rawer £oagpcrim any agent at agexsts it may desire far the purgose~of <br />re'pu:nr.~ w,rxi ~ v;?d r,` rrnnvtg nc~ r_rnr .old ~~< i~ee un~e thertnts, tea-enuc. arat iR1:e9mt, audit mey gay' r?kxt: of tih§ti in•.. <br />:ars:ev 'J cx;ans: - :_ re,J*arring <aed prer,ases nail ne~ran -..arumis•-:ens a,nt3 expenses incurrce(in rtxstnfganat tnasara,¢tng: tree <br />-a:ne ami of cn'0.~sirg renta!± thcre!r~<rn: ;e h~iai,~c rcm;,:n ^g. ;f n:, v, to beaSsAJsedtow~nrd iht dfsehartyteaCsaid mxzr[}yagt <br />~nucMtt:nca,. <br />5 Jbar }>e ~nr: sctp :';r ,, ~t~+sznvcmt •„ ,. c.:stinp:.. - r - .,.. _r_cted 11n t.iae rranrrr.~rd grsrper[Y. insured zs mty bz <br />rr'4tsu t;j rr Pfi': ti rrc ll, !r~:c hro ttre lire :9gCti ~Yarnpi i.a•; t ,,.c Lad `.-Cf{9. :+•,:r..?re::and OtYlt ri2lt;B.1¢tCR iii SF1Ch <br />mrnvurtt~ anti far rah Fv,-: u'.J _~ T_v~ '•r -n;ui,ui nr rf,~ ~9 c,:rigaget :nom ~ r,~w nroCnX~ti~. ,ylitn dice. ;_nv Rrtmtum4 Un vuah <br />uxeu r.:ntc per-. r,ir_r, far c:, undrt rt ,r hrch ;,ar a.,, _cr r•crat i,ererr.he.,..c ~a ,,;rae -;~ '1 • _ .-.:, Wed an co~#aparrsc:<ap- <br />twr=vet F7 t'te'rirrrrt;:a~cr the tx,}tnrw ecru rcnev a tiurc - ,t:ai! he ~.- i t ~ :r:c ~tstgngre •ure 4;r:r attr~~Ftedther~o !us <br />va!vlr ctr;.+ra:%, :n t.:a ,,. rd zees _n tC,rr.* acct c.ahlr :n ine 9tur , c. . ; ;,i !<. 4t•xtexk ~ s I' car i^n ntediart nrktict bu <br />psaai t., iht 'vleaa~trte. wtu n:at rr the r. of is + ` n„• ~[.ad4. t,arnrr, r ^c '.i ~,rt ~es!i+r. nr?" c.rch ,r,"rr,mcttCSxztp3nc^ tocfY <br />zcnxe~i ,~•'ti;xrbr .,raitHVrreu seal ~.,c;eJ .<, make t'+ -rant i.:r rh ;-:., c- .. ~cr ar dJor!.~;~.~r< r,ere d o! tx> P3ie 7v[c+rtg~;{,kit <br />:,en3 the 1_r!k,tt;~ }cane.ty. ;end the s;t~ln ar ~, p-.>Lec ' . ec arc: , n ti=err_< °, i_~, ~^r nat+!ic~J by ter Atr~rtg.,~ce ~; na a~ptinrt ri£EYer <br />cu trx•srdactttr^arf ahr:rxict,ar~fov.v herFt,y-sr~ura ,_r:r. tart _rsiot: ~..c,tra .,. - ~: Lx°~.t.1 evtnt,a#t.rreCfa- <br />aH¢' r.E 1`nt rr;c+rl£.gts' ++r a~ cr r .¢. : e[ ..-( :1 ht A:~ [fit ,: ~r,gar;er! r-Jptrrt n .. lir.~;~i~ r _ , ,.• _. ,ca ties<SL`CL'Atd hereby. <br />,i .,~a,, ;u;e :*r5i ,nt. rr,r .,( nc~ it,;atk.:~r.r .r. a..u;:- e , , ,r,,t.,.anre ,here ~r. r= 1 ,r. c ~ v,~; p~tz r ter,: p;+r.:'~.utt ary;rrtntt¢ <br />u . wn{ r+. a~r}siuin,iS ::~+..Latc,ac _.. LSetr t.: r r. ~. ,e`eh~. , , vkr ~~nc ~~. .-,: _.'. a,.J :rt , ..r, r„ hr... ~ =e duff ,•rs~t t?tr+ <br />.,k r.n , <br />>: •~_,i2C. '!2 S1:`t 1S-ra,e•f fc.~ IBC \a. !)-YC ,~ f r.~. ." r ., ~, LI I. ;w CA!~tr,F RAY {end <br />c4s•;ta. ac,h -"m„: =.~J ;,r rni. r,. r....~_.~., <~ ~. ~•. ;•!:u 3;.., :, .... .. :•r. s„ ~ • <br />at,t . <br />tR_. a : sr.. •=:=eic Ntcctnr4+=:, _ ,: het,en: ~ : f ~. ,v,d¢ ., .. n~i,.rrr , r,,„.. ,r=_3 ~::r.~„~>,~ a ., .... , . , r. <br />£' :. %'u .. fib ;..t. .riz .r C. 'xr... ..'rl. y cC~-t .I' (.,.'. n~.', .Y 1..11... ,~ •... ,;I, t .,. . ():~!~~ <br />.vc(~u @. a. .#.'.~1l,".- ..,.a ~~5y r,~: ~.:rt}.n,Y, •: <br />