<br />~~"=s1~1fJ~~`?
<br />I.undcr's written agreceaearorappiicable Iaw. Borrower shalt: pay the. amount of all mortgage instuance premiums in the.
<br />maooer provided urxkt' patagnph '- hereof:
<br />Anr~ atttounts disbursal by Lender. pursuant: to thin: paragraph 7, with interest ihereoo; shall become-adtlitiontd
<br />,,,,u.!.,~.. ~ .,r a..rr.,w~.r ceenred hvahia Mortgage: UnlessHtarrovrer and Lender agree to other terms of pag`ment. such
<br />amounts shad be payable :upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof- and shag' bear inurest Pram the
<br />elan of ttisbursemcnt at rhea rate psya6de from tune to tirxte: on outstandingprincipal. udder the Note unless payzrtent of
<br />interest sa suci! eau wtmHl be cottrary to applicable lace, in whicltevent such amounts shall: bear itrterest at the highest rate
<br />permiastlak undzrapplica:,;c law. Nothitrg..crnrtainedin thisparagraph 7 shall require Lender. to incur any expet~e~ortake
<br />any action hcrecuder:
<br />g. Is+*eetia~. Laadtr may tttake or salon 4G be made reasonable entrees upon and inspecdions of the Property, pcavided
<br />.that L.crader shall'. gdve Borrower ncKice-prior to any such .inspection specifying. teasaaabie cause therefor related. to Lander°s
<br />interest ir. the Prvptxty.
<br />4, Coetieiteatlsw. The pew of any sward or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />cor~rtinatitrtt ~ other takierg of the Prtaperty, ar part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are-hereby assigned:
<br />and-shall be paid da Letaler.
<br />Sn nhe event of a-total taking. of the Property, dhe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured lay this Mortgage.
<br />wiiltthe extxn; if eery, paid to Bprtawer. In the event of a partial taking a€ the Propety. unless Harrower and Lender
<br />vthervresc agm in writing; there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mort-[rage such proportion of the pmceods
<br />ss icegitil ro:thatproportion which the amaum o[ the sums secured by this Mortgage imnxdiately prior to the date:.of
<br />taking bears to the fair market: valtu of the property tmtnediatcly prior to the daze of taking. with. she balance of the proceeds.
<br />paid;xn Borrtwer:
<br />Tf the Presperty is abattdotred lay 8nrraaer. ar if, after notice lay Leneter to Borrower that the candemrtor offers to make
<br />an awed or:settle a daim-far damages. Hotst•wer faits to respond to lender within ?0 days after the date such notice is
<br />esavkd..lsnder is ar>th~ined to collee:t atbl a:apky the ptYxroeds. at Isruier's option, either m restorstioa or repair of 4he
<br />Property or:to the sums secured tsy thin Mortgage.
<br />Unleses Lender and Harrower sxfirrwise agree m writing, any such application of proceeds to principal stroll oar estend
<br />or poatpane the den dart of the treontlrly itssta[Itexnrs referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />xrach itrttailmetets.
<br />li, iweprrer islet Adaaai. F~trnsiotr of the time far payment or moatificaxion of amartizatian of the earns sec[rred
<br />by this irfartgage granted Iry Ixnt~r to am saaccesrsar in interest of Harrower shall not operate to release.. in any manner,
<br />the liability. of tht original Sorroawer and Borrowers successors in interest. Lender shall not: be required to comnterrct:
<br />prntxedliaga against Inch strtxe>an+r nr refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify artaortiTataon of the sutra
<br />settrred by this A#ortgtt~ by rtxsott of any demand made by the original Harrower sad Borrowers snccessor^r in interest.
<br />Y71. - F~Yweatze My teti/es 2tfet t Wafver. Any forixarance by i_ender is exercising anp right. or retntdy hercrtndee: or
<br />ttdlfettrvsra![txided hyapplicabk:.faw, sltal6 toot tx a waiver +af or precltnf+e the ccercise of any such right or remedy-.
<br />'[be pttxnrartem of itrwrancs or the ,payment of taxes aror other 9iens car charges by Lender sfiail not 6e a waiver of Lender's
<br />ristrt eo'aid:~srate the iostturidy of else indebtedtaess secured lay tteic Morrgage~
<br />12. CattarirM-e. Ai} t'emartica prm'idcd in tltic iVfattgage arc distimt 'arrd cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedprrtder. this-Motrtpage ar aftort~d by taw or cquit}•, end may he ecerctseat concurrently. indepetrden[Ey oc successively.
<br />l~, a~i. Anipts ttio~ lout atti Ses'trai l.ia6iltyt Cstrtiam, The eovenantt and agreetnents heroin
<br />cotnaitr+ed shall land, oral the rsghts herertrtder chalk inure to. The: respeczivc streceesors and assigns of Lertdu and. Borrower.
<br />subjxt to the provisitfns a# paragraph. I i lureaf. All covenants and agreetnents of 8orrawec shall lac ioinz and several..
<br />Tl+e capsions and headityts of the pua$rnphs of this :Mcangage arc fns amvenictsce only and are not to he used to
<br />interpret rte` eklltee the provisions bereol.
<br />hM. NMice. Except-for any notice required under apptitable law tax lee givrn in atrathor manner, fal any notice to
<br />Hott'cwtrcr provided for in this- MtMg«ge shall be glum ley nuil9ng xta:h polies by eerti$cd mail addressed eo Borrower at
<br />the Prrtperty +~tidtcas er at sraclt otl+er address as Borttawer may desagnate by notice to lender as pmvitded herein, and
<br />llal angr nWice to Lcntkr shall lee glum 3ry a:ertif~d mail, .return reccipz rcgtreatad, to i.ender'r address stattetl luren err to
<br />such lather auldretsr as Lender spay deesignate by notice to Borrower as prav+ded 1+etc+n. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Mongnge shadf be dtxtrrod to have bern given to Borrrtwcr tar l,endrs uhen given in the meaner designated herein.
<br />t;S- tlttffaswe R~% Caaxrorts-q beset SevetttblMty. This farm of mortgage cambioes uniform covcnarrrs far nananai
<br />use and attar-ntnfearm covenatns with limited vanatsons lay ;arisdictirnt to constina[e a untform secur!ty inakrument ctrvering
<br />tcal:tarapeiYy. 'f3Yia Mortgage shall LUe gtxverncd by the law a€ she iur~ctierion in wlrieh the Property is [fixated. In the
<br />evert that any pttxvisionar clans of xhis',eiarrgage or the h:atc canffiicts writ![ art,ti:abk law. stxl:.cmHic! stall nrn atface
<br />.adltsr a:ite,aeear~z of this Mettgau cn the '+lt!te avh+ch can iae giaron etfei:t without tfse conRictiag provision.. and to this
<br />aatd ihr prnvisitons of the h+lartg~ grad t'tre ~eate arc tfcciared to= tx ~.
<br />ii. lM+~w~!hrGo~ Boraoaatr shad he furnished a conformed copy ctr she Nou and of this Mortgage az the tithe
<br />rf exe,.utiext u: after rrceardatiote htxeof.
<br />l7. Tsawfar al tM: TrapMy; Ar~Nw+- 1[ all err ally pare of the Property or an intent therein ~s sold or transferred
<br />P;; 9^n ~•a~~r .~.°iifutttt l:en+.kr'4 prior written coxnent. excluding. tar the creauost of a lien ar strctttabrante sulxard'anale to
<br />this \fanpdpe. ,$a} trrecrcax,o!s of a pttrcbtuemcweey scctsrity inureat.for household appleanees, fct a transfer lay daYiae.
<br />Aiirtmt ar hY operation at law ttptaat ttMe .ieattl+ taf a ~tsint ttoant ear idl the grant of any ieaaefrokl irnttteat of three Yr-acs ter less
<br />not :.otuainirrs an option eo pustiiaat. l~erdeq may; at Lexrder°s oprtion, declare all she artists securest try this Mortgage to be
<br />,ttinletlistely due and payable. l csxlu sfr> !°ave wytived elects option eta acetlerau if. prior to rho sale or ttaoafer. I:rnder
<br />and the person =.a whom the Prtaprsty Fs to Its, n~aki. or transferred taaach agreement in writing that the credit of such. pe:tsan
<br />is aatiafaw-u7n to under and that t?re iatcrs~t Payable on the sums saaurat. lay this Mortgage sl~ttail-bc st arrch: eau aa: Lxndar
<br />+.haid rcgoest. tf t.r_nder has waved ttsevsptitbrt ter accr,9erate provtdett ~in this....parag}aPt! i7, attd if Hatrasvers aetaxsaar n
<br />ituetest hu exruted a wTitttnt. assternplnMa agt+oeaunt. accep[ediit wriiingby I.enttex, Gender shall release Harrower from: all
<br />c~trliptivent utsder ibis Mortgage and the t`leru.
<br />1[ l.srrdttr exercises sut3a optran to aestaekrate. Lettd~te shalt mail Borrower notice of accelerauon in accordance with
<br />paragraph i•s tteneof_ Such natrar +ha.'t pros'tde a period eaf trot, leas shoo 3~ days .`tom the date tau ntnict: is mailed within
<br />wdrisir Borrower may pay are s:ttrsa de tared ~.:c;. t f Sorrmver fails to pay scaclt ~rrtrra prior to the axpinxian: o: such periead.
<br />(axrder may, wit:rotn fa!rtber oat;.-c or demand an Norro~Yrr'. =»vakt ally rttnediet ptrtrti::ed lay paragraph IA hereof.
<br />tiers-l}xtt=o!r+r ~oveVae:rs ared Letider'fittrthes~ coxenantarrd ogles aalollosrs:
<br />11. AccaiwtMhst ttts~ P-acel't s /twl'~ti' it l~sea~a~tb t'7 ° t~raw )torse~wet's 6reacM of eery ctrr+nwt or
<br />tt~wwewt Rf lieerrw+.ar f! tMu Mrtrttgtay. iec'tt~f ~ tmvetasM to py:whest the tv. awrs-.aeeued...by ttrls tlfasfgate,-
<br />t..r.r plat b a~,o.+.rrr..r.r twei wsAks w BNirr.twer as prorlaletl le' p+ragragir 1d heretlt ~ tt1 the.;hlewcln
<br />i22 ter atfk;:x nyi~ w cue iwda breati~ l3) : •wlr. wqt k>K tllar 39 ~ trees the Attu the eeBce ix tiled to Dnrm~we*, .
<br />try sAtielt s~eh tworh >awti else cwrait asd tdl shat {sitars to care eueM beseech a or taetrarr the date s'ecliid in the warticc
<br />..f as~fl is acesbsia u! t>.e was rrarat M this Mr~c fratetesrre M ;aAicis+ rywasediwt sad stele of the Propeeiy;
<br />.~ tttllkr ~~ {~~ btiwtw )~rrMw ed the r1Rht do rtwslate niter acr:<raeion awl! td'•e regltt to asatrt fw lire tarmdasteste
<br />~w.wtlht{ Cite wa.eanestace of a Iebsit ar swy ether cleFes~t of lessee+er m ttccettratiaw and ftatettoarwe. ~ the kiesch
<br />is secs cstrei ew a let~re tlw fOa'~ its Itue twtice, Ltu4r aM l.eaAer'x a*riow may dtttarc aM d the setae +esuel by
<br />tA! itisitigttBr tw b isa~s4faaah thx awl ttw!~ a.ittaater tun-x derwari ate! snap fwractawR br jetlkist i~'~Ml: fxtwiar
<br />srrttY'De a~isd M ewYeet is sttcM rtoceadtttR aM expeteua eF frarecioastre, iwci+uYwL- bat u+`r tic to e4w1!<':tA-daeettt~'
<br />tdiewes..airswesa sell title repw'ae.
<br />If. lesrstsatra 1ti$Ial M Rtitsttttan tio,yritl:5tstadarsd Lcnder~ :c~~ratt,~rs :i r-,r .urns aerur~wd..hv this Mortgage.
<br />Acrxrawer ,cult leave ttiae 'ig3et rn hxmc eny .^-rAsrs~satt~`- !aegurs by' frtr~r iaetrzAtrrx than _Ltartgage diseortrYntred as an9' tutu
<br />