<br />82--~ ~ (~ 8~'~
<br />Utrtpoe?~ Cov~rraxts. liotrower and Lettder eoveetant and agree as follows:
<br />L t of sad ishretR. Harrower shall promptly pay when due ttte principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtiditess evidenced 6y the Ndtea, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />~ aov Ft#ure Advances sectirxed by this Mongace..
<br />2. FtmiC t4or Taaba sad loweaace. Subjece to appdcable law or to a writaen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />fo t.endta stn ttie day hromhiy installments of prltacipai and interest are payable under the Nate, until the Notc is paid in full,
<br />aattm #Iheiein °Ptrt~'"j egrxat to otto-[wetfth of the yearly taxes and assesstrtenu which r,.aY attain priority over this
<br />Alot#gaga, and gemtad rents on the Ftogerty, if atty. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium ietstatlmeats for hazard itewrattce,
<br />pfus aae•3wefft3t o€ yroarTy premietm installmenu for mortgage insurarire, if any, asi as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tiim to titm: by Leo+der oa t~¢e basis of assessments and biEls and reasonable estimates sheseof.
<br />7Ttt: Fttnds ahail,t~ itefd in an nsttutitrn ill. depasiu or accaunu of which aze insured or guaranteed by a Federal at
<br />state agettey fittciuding Leaflet if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />sastitanae premiumsand ground renu. Lender may not charge for so holding and appsy~ing the Funds, analyT.ing said. account,
<br />or verifying attd compiiia$ said tsssasmenu and hilts, tin€ess Lender pays Borrower interest an the Ftmds and applicable Faw
<br />pesmsts Lendec ao tttakt such. a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />A~forlgage that interest on the Funds shall kre paid zo Borrower, and unless such agreement is [Wade or agpiicahie law
<br />rtxtuires such interest to be paid, Letxfer shall nw be required to pay Bon•ower any intet~ESt or earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />starDl give to Borrower, without charge, an annua€ accounting of the Funds showing credits sad debits to the Funds and. the
<br />pettptrse for which each debit to the Funds was made. 't'he Funds are giedged u additional security for the sums secured
<br />by t}gis Drtortgage_
<br />if true amount of the Funds held try Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtic dates of taxes, asseastitenu, ittsuranee premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount regaair~i to pay said taxes.
<br />assa~snteats. iasutaact premiums and groused renu as they Yafi due, such excess shall be, at &rrroutirs option, either
<br />praAptt7L repaid to Borrower or reedited to 3orrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the a[ttaune of the Funds
<br />held by I.etader shall not rte sufficient is pay taxes, assessmenu, insurance grciniums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lettder any amount tmcesaary to make up ttx deticieru_w" within 3D da}s front the date notice is mailed
<br />try Leader to Borrower re;quatittg payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment is full of all sums secured by this '~fcngage. 1_enater shall promptly refund sa Borrower any Funds
<br />held try t,eatftr. ff undo paragrapfa t ri hereof the Property as said ar the Property as otherwise acquired by [.ender. Lender
<br />shall apply. tw later than imntediateiy prior to the ,ale of the Prcap~etty or its acquisatictW by Lender. any Funds held ley
<br />[.ceder at the time of xppiicatioa as a credit agaaxtst rite stuns secured by [has dortgage,
<br />3. A~aBcatiats trt Unless applicable lea, provides ottecrwise. ;ill payments. tzeeived try Lender under the
<br />Kota and paragraphs € and ' hcrexrf shall tx applacd try l.etidcr rlrst ,n payment of attwunex payable to Lentlet by Bozrower
<br />utsettx p;stagsaptt : herearf, [belt to uitcrest payable oft the ticuc, tltcr. to the pritt,:ipal of the :Vote, and tttcn to interest and.
<br />prieteipri oa aWY Ftuttre Advrntxs.
<br />4. Cirs>Ls7G. L,ktls. Bacrower stsall pay a€€ taxes. aseessmettrs and... ether -charges, fines and cmptw;xeonx atrebutahle to
<br />the Property wttirh may attaig a paiority aver this ;vlo^gage, Brad. irahold payttsetets x groartsd rt nts, it any. in the meaner
<br />pmvided [alder paragrapte 2 tsctetst or. tf acn pasd an stab manrcr, 6y Borrower maitmg payxnena. whtn due. directly to the
<br />pryer ttrereaf. Harrower stirfl grromptty furnish to tender ail rtaatx:cx oe' ~mounu flax ulster ibis paragraph, and in the event
<br />Beurower shalt ettake payttum directly, Btrnowrs shall pav+rriptly tumx~fa to Lrrider rec~atx rvidszxtng sleet payments.
<br />Borrtifwpr shall pretntptly discbargc any lien w}ta~tt ltaa grxsraty~ eruct then R.arngagc, provided. that Boattswer shall trot tse
<br />rettttirdl t4 discharge any sucta lira w long as Borrower shall atgrec in strung to [tee payrnern ref ¢€se sbiigarian xeauted by
<br />suchliea in a manner acceptable ter [.ender. tx shxl9 rW good tank cxsntest suwh late ley, err defend cnforccmcnt of such lien in,
<br />legal ptvicet"zfitrgs whxh operate to prevent the enfottrntcnt +rt the 9?cn asr forfeature of tfte Prtspeny ,ar any pan thereof.
<br />'S, $Iaaat+i lstnsawee. Borrower shall kzxp the ampnrvcntenis nt+w e*ssteng err hcrcaitet eratted art the Pxopeny ensured
<br />agaimt foss by fits. harards ittcluded wittttn the term "catende<i ccwcrage' . and xu~h ocher hazatrds as l,ettdcr may require
<br />sad in streh atttottnts and fur sazch periods as Lcndtr may rt;yutre, pros ided. that Lender sttall eat esquire that tlae amount of
<br />such. coverage exceed that amtwatt of coverage rcgtnred to pay tier sums +xcaared by tltss Morgan.
<br />lie iawrattce cattier pruvittittg the ittsurancx shal€ be .:ftosen ht Banawer stib~sc[ tea approval by Lender, grorided,
<br />that ~h approval shalt not lee imreaaoarbly withltcld. A€! prcmetnns am insurance pnlia;mx slaai6 be paid an the [Wanner
<br />provided attte3et paragraph .', hereof or, if not paid in sttclt tstaanet, fry Borttswti nutkang paytnear, when due. directly to the
<br />iagaraace crrtier.
<br />Ali` inraaea policies aaei reacwaLs ttxtaaf shal€ be in form acxptab€e to Lender and shad include a standard mangagc
<br />cfatsse in favor of attaf in #erm acceptable to ixnekr. tssadar sttatl have the right to hold the pt>licics and retsewa€s thcreaf.
<br />aail $CtrtnwCr str~l prereaptly furnish to f_eatser all renewal nau+xs and ell rerxapts at pain. premium>. In [rte event of lass,
<br />llaiitsw~sr shall glut ptampt rxt;irx ktr [tae insolence carries sad Lent#er. t...cntltcr may make prra(ei of lass if nnz mane prampt€y
<br />~ ~,
<br />t;n~(r Leader anal ~Drrower oC:hersvis,e agtYx in writing. i:..,ttratxe proceeds shall $e applied to restoration err repair of
<br />itse Prapatty r providtxf seat[ rcxtcmtitsn or repair is ex-sanranaicaUy featcible and rlx security of this hSnngage is
<br />ntx ihmtdry impaired. if suet[ restoration or tatpaar is tone ccotwmm:afly fa:asib€c or if the security of this hfdngage would
<br />tae tmpeuned, tt7pe inasttitaoe shrt€ be applied to tlx seams seczered try this lsfongage, witty the excess. itsny, peed
<br />as BorrmNCr. tf the Pavt+erty is rtsara3oxted try tlwrevrwer, or it Ilormwer fails to respaad to Leader within 3ti days from tt:c
<br />dsu,e Darlene is tatailo6 by Lender 20 Norrawer that eix iwsnranct earner trifets to Beetle a a:laim far insurance Ixtufits, tender
<br />a-avtberiaad w collet serf apply the iristPraaCC procre~ds at Letsder's option either to restoration err repair of the Property
<br />.x to lire rectos: aecttiat by this ~.
<br />l;alen Letuier amtHo[mvuer otherwise agree in writitrg. any sucta application of ptvet=ells to prricpal shaft eat extend
<br />~• paupcxae the due date ~ the. ihty installments aefcrred ra tea paragrapfas ! x.-ad Z hereof or change tlae ansount of
<br />tentalltzrrAtts_ tf unaf~ pstgts l8 hereof tlsce Property is aa€urect tsv [..ender, ad right.. title acrd interest of Flormwer
<br />in aril to nap inaitranct paticiea serf. is a~i. to the prtrceeds tfKaeof aesuitiag from damage! to the Propett± prior to tttc sale
<br />or xcquistti~.. shall pass to Lasnekct' to ttss extent of ifre sa>nct secutszl. try this Mongage immediately gnor to such sale or
<br />atagttgsrtion.
<br />i, teerv+asiast anti ':tiialr€a~tee of t'eapaeary; fezaeMolds; C - Platsaed Lail Uevettapaxata Borrower
<br />ahatl laxp r.4c Ptaperty in goodrepair atxf shall trot commit waste err perrrtit impairnvcnt or dexeraoration of the Property
<br />` sad shalt _campiv uitri t#ic pro+;~sioas oaf any lease if this htorigagc is on a leascttoid. if this Mongage as on a unit in a
<br />caeacbtttinautn er a ptanocsf u;a,t devslopmrnt. Borrower shall perform al€ ,:+t Bornswers +rblip}itiotes utstlcr she declara[ian
<br />tar wveaanta creating a ~cvemrng the cotadi2mintim err planned unit tievetapmcatt, the by-taws and repo€atianx of the
<br />condominium or plannexi rrtsit descisyprasettt, grid constitusat doctrmcWts. tf a a:oWdtaminturl or planned ctnit development
<br />¢tder is atecared by $crrower acad. ratcorded tvgethsr with this lvfottgage, ttre covenaarzs and agrcensents rf shah ndcr
<br />-shell tr t:icorporared ,nxo anei shall aaasmd azac4 supplearoat [tae COVerTants and agreements of this 'i+forzgage as if the rider
<br />vratrc a part hereof.
<br />7. rtMuctiaw od l.etsirr's f tf Botaowrr fads So perfexmt rise cxsvenants atsd agreements wntaned in skis
<br />',#ort~c, Orr i; :tny set:~+n or graccetlirzg n CoaameCC4°d h~c±r matetaity affr:x^ts Ltttder's interest fn the Prttpery.
<br />it7Liudirxffi. i>ar[ n..a iitnted to, eSnitrtltt dcrnain, :xnlvtrtiC3. code ~:ni,~rcrtriene_ or arrangements. or gnsceeditags snvotving a
<br />taorafraupt or sfect~desrs, t!tcn lzndc: at Lraaicz'4 ul;t:an, a~z~rn rrtrtx na Bafr'vvier, may eke such appearances. dxshursc sazt:h
<br />Wtrts a.Td '.ale rucss aittun :rk n re~rssar>' .u pro;c.< 1. ~4r:'c.ntcrest. is*c4udng. but axu lsasatarl !o.s€ic#aunentnnt cf
<br />rearZnahk ~itrraatg'"s t's.~. xatder+<rv a*,~ztt th~r Yrcrpzrty 'n ;rs'air~o ~scpair~t. Ef Lrrttfor r~eq~ttir +taartgaga znsurancr :.rs m
<br />::ntlrcicrr..yf nsa;ing aliE !lean: sncur>:s3 tt} slcs 'lfortrage. 13ontnscr shall pay the grcmiatms rcquirtd tr. mallet::in srecia
<br />ityrtTatas::. :>• etle;:c ~,~rrii xz~b t>' as ttsc eccrtuuxmerxr fr~r sari[ i1a#AtrattCe terssa;.aattcx cn acxt~t^datxx with Bar~tsawer's and
<br />