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<br />~- WHEELER C4~NSTIi•.UCTVO~N. INC. <br />~~, ~i E1 !1 ~ ~ fir s~ Genera! CantrACting <br />iJ t1 V ~.°. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />kd} To pzomptly pay when dine for all labor and materials <br />used and required in completing this contract, and to <br />save Contractor harmless from any claim, lien, judgment, <br />courtlcasts and expenses incurred on account of_Sub-Contract- <br />or's failure to comply the terms of this contract <br />XSGX}'i3:`.LC{:C . }[~{~I1G'6.5~?~3GX}~0CX-L~id:~:'~"SxktX2CXriXX:. <br />3,XYGCY~~3dC~CiCM~CJ~CDd]~02S~7~PZI"LYE]CxJXK~.'r:~'{?:39}i}S~}{0tiI{3C?3ECXX X}L'i, <br />~{j .U~}7?~h~CS~'C1'~~~CI{?~k~i.F~~~C. }a-tYS~{W. n{737~{~{7~2L3-0~}{~+~'XX~. <br />CDG~S'(.tiT~(!?C3YIX'S~{?L~S~~IL}~h^•7~,C?~x{~•3S~S~iC}~{~55~}S}~[0fPdl~f.'['1T}~' K'i:tiit <br />.~`.. .'aY1~C?S~G~'~IX%u~7Ch`ZS`}F}E~~~`tk1X;~rili:~.(~.l"t~?QLS/ YX.{ k X i..{:{ k <br />*.itik'~~1~'~Q$}.x~~..,1:~'~`'~."~}'~}rn~ itj~a':°+{x}Lti:1s~~'~'.}u~~{.?:.:. }:.}.1': ~:. Y :~ <br />7. Sub-Contractor agrees to defend and indemnify Contractor <br />against, and sane him harmless from any and all claims, suits or <br />liability, contractual in nature, and; or any and all. claims, suits <br />or liability for injuries to property, injuries to persons, includ- <br />ing death, and from any other claims, suits or liability on account <br />of ar related to, any agreement, act or ommission, or alleged agree- <br />went, act or ommission of the Sub-Contractor or any of his officers, <br />agents, employees or servants, arising from and relatednto the Sub- <br />Cbntractor.'s obligations and/or performance of this contract. Sub- <br />Contzactor shall be liable to Contractor for all expenses, including, <br />but not limited to, the salaries and costs of the Contractor's officers; <br />agents, employees and servants; court costs; and attorney's fees and <br />expenses, incurred by Contractor in .annection s.ith any such claims <br />suits or liability; and/or in connection with any claim by Contract- <br />or against Sub-Contractor arising out of the provisions of this sub- <br />paragraph_ <br />8. Sub-Contractor agrees, in performance of this contract, <br />to observe and comply (1) o-rith the Occupational Safety and Health <br />Act of 1970, as amended, and with the standards and rules issued <br />thereunder and ( 2) with other foderal., state and 1.~:,csl laws , <br />ordinances and regulations issued thereunder with respect to <br />occupational safety and health. s"ub-Contractor agrees to indemnify <br />and hold Contractor harmless for, of and from any lass Contractor <br />may sustain by reason of Sub-Contractor's failure to comply with <br />said laws, rules and regulations in connection with the perform- <br />once of said contract. <br />9. :4ISCEI,LAL3EOC3S PRQVISIOATS: <br />(a) The Sub-Contractor snail be responsible for receiving, <br />unloading and storing of his own material. <br />ib) The Sub-Contractor shall be responsible to perform <br />daily clean-up to prevent any accumulation. of discarded mate-.rials. <br />Ke will a~,~so°be responsible to take precautions to prevent any <br />damage to the existing building and property. :-Ie will also take <br />ail. necessary precautions to prevent accidents and fires. <br />(c) The Sub-Contractor shall provide payroll reports as <br />required by specifications, three copies required unless otherwise <br />specified. _ . <br />w (d) The Sub-Contractor shall not assign this contract nor <br />•- - ~-sub-.contract any of the work hereunder without the prior written <br />consent o€ the Contractor. <br />Ce) The Sub-Contractor, at his own cost and expense, shall <br />apply £or and obtain all necessary permits and conform strictly <br />to the laws and ordinances in force in the locality where ~;se work <br />i being performed. <br />( <br />