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4?~,,,~~ tl ~b' (~ ~ ~~ !M'tiEEIER CONSTRUC7lOhl, INC. <br />6~ -7 Gensler Cont=orting <br />~t1 Page 2 of h <br />damage agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as <br />liquidated dagrages that the Contractor will suffer by such defau?.t <br />and not by way or penalty, and shall be deducted as such from the <br />balance due the Sub-Contractor, or in the event such damages <br />exc=eed the sum due or to become due the Sub-Contractor then and in <br />that event the Sub-Contractor shall be liable to the Contractor <br />for such difference. <br />~1: Contractor agrees to pay the Sub-Contractor far the per- <br />formance of his work the sum of tti0 'PFIOtJSFii7D, 'P;3i2EE HU:~D;<EB, <br />_~;~{Ty Two A,"~_~+0/1 r?~'} Dollars i S~ _.~~y,~ <br />~ubje^t to additions and deductions i;>r written changes as may be <br />agreed upon. The Contractor agrees to pay Sub-Contractor such <br />sums based on Sub-Contractor's estimates for partial payments as <br />are approved by the Architect, less retainages in the amounts <br />specified ir. the specifications, or if none be so specified, then <br />in the amount of .1Q;~. Provided, however, Contractor shall be <br />under no obligation to pay Sub-Contractor for any work done_here- <br />under until Contractor has been paid therefor by Owner, and the <br />acceptance of any such work and payment therefor shall not relieve <br />Sub-Contractar from liability for defects in such work which may <br />thereafter be discovered. <br />5. Contractor and Sub-Contractar agree tc be bound by the <br />terms of the contract etween the Owner and the Contractor, the <br />general conditions spc,cir>.1 conditions, thy: plans, drawings and <br />spacificatian:> as far as .applicable to this sub-contract. The Sub- <br />Cantractor also a~;rees_ <br />(a7 To be bou;;d to the Cantr~ictor by `he terms o{ the ca;.- <br />tract L~otw~~.: Ow=ae~r anc3 ;.untra~.tor, and :he general. condi- <br />tions, special conditions, plans, drawings and spec ificat,ons, <br />constituting part: t?:ereof, and to assume toward Contractor <br />all the obligations and responsibilities that Cantractor by <br />those document:> assumes toward the Owner insofar as they are <br />applicable to the ~~:ark to be performed under this Sul,-Contract. <br />ib~ 'Fa submit to the Contractor on or before the 25th of the <br />month estimates far partial payrner.t for 1<abor and materials <br />delivered to the jab site during the preceding month, and if <br />required by Contractar shall submit receipts or other vouchers <br />showincY payment far labor and material to the date of estimate <br />for partial payment. ir, the event Sub-Contractor does not furnish <br />such receipts arxd vouchers, Contractor is authorized to pay said <br />bills directl}= and deduct such sums from the estimate far partial <br />payment. <br />{c) To maintain workmen's Compensation, contractual liability, <br />public inability and such other insurance in such. amounts as ;n<;y <br />be requnred df the Contractor in general conditions and speciat <br />conditions of the Contract between Owner and Contractor, and <br />notw~ā€˛thstandinc~ such insur<-sncP, to indewnify and save harmless <br />the c:ontraetor Tram an,.r zind all claims which may arise frorn <br />Sub-Con:sactor's obligations under this contract; and to provide <br />Contractar with certificates of such insurance, such certificates <br />.J L ,........... .~ ~,. .rpm...." .~~,.~.. ~ y ~x _g^_^.g th l.. <br />agreement, which shall provide at least ten~(10) drays notice to <br />Contractor before cancellation.`1`he Sub-Cantractor shall not <br />commence work or Deliver any ec;uipment ar materials to site until <br />s>uch certificates are furnished Contractor. <br />