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dNSTiZv`GTIO itS: <br />{~) df rise tiers is maimed ~ a fsrm ar rorporatton, state here that want is a member of the firm ar his <br />o~cuzt capacity in the corparalion. <br />(2j State Item wtetizer ze+-bat ar written contract. d f ze+rieten; attach copy, or lien i.s vofid. <br />tgJ "Prertioes;" "Gonstrurfion," •`.4lttratian," or "t2apais," as the rase may be. I <br />fq} 3~:re snsert correct tr=get desrraption of Iwtd. I <br />f5) Ir the tabor anet material .oars furnished the contractor and not tlse owner direct, state "that; .........:.:..... <br />:eras the contractoa~ on sae`d huiidina and erring for the owner.'° <br />(6; d f .,ore has- been- given; say "said amount is €sartker asridenced by a promissory note; a copy of sadd note <br />bFing hereto at~tachcd and marked `E.x-hibst ::' „ <br />