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_ _ __ _ _ ._ <br />-A-,P6 @.CttA~AC°9 ~t Efit ~ "~.f ~j ~ ~ ~ wut?man anm xe;ton w Wnlf. Wilton. Ne 68403 <br />V Lien c7airs,rd try: .-..._.. Felaruazy- 19 ... .... ....... ..........79--$~ <br />' -_~-:.~..~.._CQTSS'tFgl~t3oi~---. _ ..-._.......-...°---•-_-°_-._... tlgainsl:...,..$Ll~.r;3!.'.4...$Tik.~~.~ ..........................._.......-... ~I <br />2 ~ Went Cottage, Grand Island, Ne Zg2c~ Sp, Locustr Grand Islands Ne <br />.~-..~.~ _- _..~- _ s <br />it - -- <br />_~ <br />i °--------'-° --------------°------------------°------ ----- - <br />__~.._.__ ....._,... _~ ...._- _____-____......._______________ ____ _..__-_ ....__._-_-_.-.. _._______~.____ .._._____-____f _____ ______ _ <br />__°_~_________ _..~._--------------------------------- r t- <br />t t i <br />____._____-.--3-----,~ - ------------- - -------------- -.._-------------------------- ----- ---.----- --~ -- ---- ~--------- <br />i <br />~ ~ <br />~ _ ~_ <br />~- <br />--------------+._-----~------------------------------------------ -- -.----_.._------ --------- -------------~------x--------- --------- <br />~ ~-__~ -- _ ------------- ------- ------------ -------- --- ---~---- --t--------- <br />t <br />i ~ ' <br />' I <br />1 <br />j i <br />-- - r_- <br />'debraska <br />! State of.._.-_.'........ _..._._.___.. p <br />ass. <br />:3a31 }) <br />..._.......__ ._-..._..-.._..__. Caunt <br />~„ _eWayne_,Smi~n__as--,~wn~~-:~~...~...&._~_..G.QSI.s:kx3lc.ti.~.u... .-----°°--....-..., being fern <br />,4 tu. ____-- ----- <br />j dady stt»m, on his oath says tieat the fareyoing itrmi:rd aceaunt ;,i work, tabar, akill_..... .. ... - ............................. <br />ttAOtrriaLt, arad impratrmrnts is trot aced earrret titad same :rcrc dare and pxrfvrmed and furnished by the undersiytud , <br />fartleesaid..-...,.. ~u£.$v..a~~u~fe -._. _._. _- ______.- _.. _.-_.. _._..-- _.....--•--........_.__._._. <br />audtr ar .......~rztten. ._.... .. _-....... contract....h7.1.~t~_.t'1.k1~~.L:~_.~.QA'1S~~iJ.e.t3.C2Zt.,--_II].t:.........._......... <br />jar d{te'., .. .....,Ct?.?'~SC~:u~.~~.4s1...... .- _._ . _.._........~,r r7 . _t~t~.1.k.J.a._G9A.,'lt~.._......---~- '' <br />...~.icts~rl.... _.. _._ __ ... _ _ ___ _ _ ___ __ __ _._..__.__ ___ __ ._._ ...... _ ................................ <br />on the fallowing lot., frrrr or tarred of tawt, ,~ .. Parr ~f ~dorthaest ~uarter__--~vUr Lnwest.•,Quarte~ <br />Southwest ~uaztez 27-1.1 c3 _"rtsc,~l,~_aneo,u~_.Trac.ts-.. <br />That std the Same said rvntract tzvs .wade asad labar and rnatarials furnished ants delivarrd thrreandrr ..... ......... <br />Kenneth T•:no*c and l3arlyn Knox... zeros Cite owner of said premises' <br />_.... . <br />That the does of the first ttrm jurni.;hsd aw3 drixrrr.d .cbs... -~t4Der 16 x981 ..,........ and the <br />. ... .. ......r __.. .._~ .... .. <br />lase of dlte last item zAra.s.... -.... fJCtober 2i~ ..1.9$1.. . <br />."Y~iaat farrther slates t3uxt raid labor was prrfartnrd an, and materials were furnished for, deldnered aP, and usad in <br />3c:id bwdditug or premises on stud batcssrrn the ddtcs sprrin-rd. <br />AIAat flu griees charged tlaerrfar are fair and raasoaabdr, and that there is now due on said accou»t Pbe sum of <br />_.-$2 r 3b2 . a0 -... ° ---.._.._-.Dolktrs, that said" <br />5---& 5 Cons`ruetion r <br />......_.. ..-..,_. _ . ....... .. ..._ ............. .._ scums a lion on ahr said prrmeres for tke lull amount of <br />_ f g.. _..~. -._ ....................... y 9 <br />said azcot+at, to-writ: The sutra v ~.r.-~.~T2 88 ether with interest therewe at tke la al rate, <br />' fraftt , af_.__...... _.. _._...__...._.._._.. ...,. rp..._. atnd farther a~iant says nat. <br />~ .: <br />? N07AiiY «~£!..trrr~..,C...,..,d5~a~~._.. _-.....- _ _ ... <br />~~' n ~!,(y ' J Subscribed in nxy presence and suarn to befvrr me then....-. I9th <br />urueea day of ..-..February'.. rye <br />gVi ~ ~ <br />1 ~ <br />G - _ <br />t•/~ '~- .... ~'~ . £c° trstr;,.~^taratss} ..... Votary Pab14c. <br />''^" 5l'A.TS"; Ur....... .. .....:..... .... _...... ..... ... _...! Entasrd an namwric~l. ixutex :ua;t tiie:Y.; 'or r[x:~:xsl <br />. `e'e,,. in tlxe Register aai Yhv:ds {)t}icFe at :coast t`.atxnty Ykee <br />,yt}. , t.,... -.,., .. _..~ , .......> st.......,,_.... . _ .a"s3ccicnxsd,....,,_.rrunut.>s *~4., <br />Fiy. - t_~paty <br />