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82--i~~~D63° <br />Subdivision, the Subdividers hereby consent and agree with the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, that they will install or provide at their <br />expense the following improvements: <br />1. Streets, The Subdividers agree to waive the right to <br />abject to any paving or repaving of Fourth Street adjacent to the <br />proposed subdivision. <br />Z. Water. The Subdividers agree to connect all structures <br />in the subdivision to the existing available water mains upon payment <br />of required connection fees. <br />3. Sanitary Sewer. The Subdividers agree to petition for <br />the construction of sanitary sewer service to serve all lots in the <br />subdivision prior to requesting any occupancy permit for any structure <br />in said subdivision, and agree to connect such structures to the <br />City's sanitary sewer, In the alternative, the Subdividers may con- <br />strexct a sanitary sewer in accordance with plans and specifications <br />approved by the City's Director of Public Works and subject to the <br />City's inspection. <br />4. Drainage. The Subdividers agree to provide on-site <br />detention of sufficient capacity to contain storm water glow <br />equivalent to a ten year storm; such plan for storm :cater detention <br />to be approved by the city's Director of Public Works prior to the <br />issuance of an occupancy permit for any structure within said sub- <br />division. Zt is further agreed that storage for wash water from <br />business operations shall be provided within the subdivision. and <br />that such wash water shall not be permitted to drain to public right- <br />of-way. <br />5. Warranty. The undersigned owners, as Subdividers, warrant <br />that they are the owners in fee simple of the land described and <br />proposed to be ?mown as Brodsky Industrial Empire Subdivision, and <br />that an abstract of title will be submitted for examination, if <br />~cessary, upion request of thG City of Crand Island. <br />5, This agreement shall run with tine land and shall be <br />binding, upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their <br />successors, assigns, heirs, devisees, and legatees. Where tine <br /> <br />